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Cliff Englewood

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  1. You really think so?, whatever, it takes one to know one and all that.
  2. I don't need to start my own Forum, there are plenty of others out there that I also enjoy spending time on, and I never said it was "sooooooo unfair", I merely pointed out that it was odd that you would get your panties in a bunch over me saying I don't like Chuck Nessa, who I believe refered to me as a dick or a shit or something like that in a post a while back, and can you believe he actually did that without even getting to know me first, how about them apples, eh. I never feel the need to report such behaviour because I'm almost a big boy now, but mainly because I don't really give a fuck what he thinks. But I do tend to get more annoyed by double standards from someone like yourself. If you really felt that what I said was so bad you could have just PM'd me and told me to delete it, or do what you usually do with a certin other person's posts and edit them yourself, but you didn't, you chose to make a scene and pick a fight over something very minor, making it seem like I had beaten the shit out of Ralph Wiggum in the school playground, when all I had done was maybe give someone who has done more than his fair share of mild internet bullying a bit of his own poison. BTW, I take it he's still alive after the ordeal of finding out that not everyone likes him??? I think most of my posts in this thread were related to the re-issue of "Bitches Brew" before your "panties in a bunch" moment. If you consider asking you to ban me for doing something a lot less offensive than some of the bullshit your heroes get up to on here a cheap shot, go for it, it's a free world as they say. I'd say it's more pointing out that you probably have double standards as to what you think is acceptable behaviour on the Forum. If the same rules don't apply to everyone, you should make that clear from the start. Also, you PM'm me before on another incident and told me if I got out of line again you'd ban me, so if I'm out of line again, by all means ban me, they're your rules after all and, perhaps more importantly, your interpertation of your rules. This place isn't the biggest thing in my life either y'know. Honestly, I can't express how much of a shit I wouldn't give if I couldn't post on here anymore and I'm 100% sure it would be just the same if I didn't. I don't think I have anything to apologize for and I feel neither wounded nor spurned. I simply find it odd that such a self styled good guy as yourself has such a problem with me saying I don't like a person, who I feel comes across as a cranky dick most of the time and who has shown himself to be more than capable of prejudging people, when at the same time, you seem to have no problem with his behaviour, or that of your other buddies, to both myself and others. Just seems a little odd to me. If you want to continue this, do what you should have done in the first place and use the PM function.
  3. Maybe next time you're rushing to defend someone oh masked stranger, remember to bring along your sense of humour. It doesn't make your point at all, it just means you have even less of a sense of humour when you're being self righteous. Or maybe it means it wasn't very funny. I've read a lot worse things on here, some of the directed at me, yet strangly they didn't seem to bother you at all, kinda makes my point, doesn't it? Or maybe it means that I don't see every single post on here. I have other things to do. If you think a comment is out of line, please report it. Thanks for finally admitting that, I was almost becoming a little paranoid there, and seeing as my opinionated and curmudgeonly behaviour is so abhorrent to you and probably the community at large, maybe you should just man up and ban me? Go on, it will make you feel much better. Or maybe I should forget about trying to find some common ground with you and not worry about it. Again, I have other things to do. I really don't lose sleep over what you think of me or Chuck. I do know that you're completely wrong about him (as others have already attested to) but that evidently means nothing to you because you've already decided he's an asshole. Your loss. Any more cheap shots? Yawn, I'm getting very bored with your pious bullshit now. Instead of posting that kind of nonsense and digging yourself a deeper hole, why not put the time into adding a new Forum rule, something along the lines of your buddies can act like arseholes from time to time, but hey that's just "them", they're "characters" etc, etc, and that they can post whatever they like, but everyone else needs to behave just in case the Owner happens to read something he doesn't agree with every once in a while??? Something like that. With regard to cheap shots, I didn't think anything I posted above was really a cheap shot, maybe if I said something like "why don't you grow a pair of balls and go fuck yourself?", now that to me would be a cheap shot.
  4. Maybe next time you're rushing to defend someone oh masked stranger, remember to bring along your sense of humour. It doesn't make your point at all, it just means you have even less of a sense of humour when you're being self righteous. I've read a lot worse things on here, some of the directed at me, yet strangly they didn't seem to bother you at all, kinda makes my point, doesn't it? Thanks for finally admitting that, I was almost becoming a little paranoid there, and seeing as my opinionated and curmudgeonly behaviour is so abhorrent to you and probably the community at large, maybe you should just man up and ban me? Go on, it will make you feel much better.
  5. Sorry, but I just saw this, watch it to the end, he's not even sure how many matches Liverpool have lost this season!!!??? Roy Hodgson unsure how Liverpool lost against Everton
  6. Same here, I played it once and went "meh", and I don't think playing it again will get anything more than a "meh". They should have just left them as they were rather than tarting them up, silly idea.
  7. After that performance today, I would say that the need about 20 new players and a new manager. Yes, even I'm pissed off with Hodgson now, he didn't put out a very brave team selection today and it showed when they played, waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy to deep. Today made it offical for me, it's a crisis, if they can't get going for the Merseyside Derby there is no hope. Everton totally out fought, out thought and out played Liverpool, they actually looked like a team and a team that had a plan, where as Liverpool were just clueless from the get go. I don't mind if they play well and lose, especially in a Derby, but that was just pathetic. Considering what went on all last week they should have been more up for it, but no, same shit, different day. And worse still, Roy Hodgson: 'No crisis' at Liverpool despite loss to Everton in derby, if you don't think that your worst start to a season since 1953 is a crisis then what is, they could have been mid-table with a win but they're second from bottom now and as they say the Table doesn't lie.
  8. It's not exactly what you're looking for but the session was released on this compilation, might be easier to find??? Complete Quintet And Sextet Sessions 1956-1957
  9. So just how different are the mono and stereo versions of the electic stuff, is it a different mix or is it more punch, what are we talking here? :unsure:
  10. Is this a joke, too? I thought it was so obviously a joke that an emoticon would have ruined it. You can't honestly think that I believed the AEC stuff makes money can you, I mean no one is that dumb, but then maybe you're one of the 20% on Americans who think Obama is a Muslim? Funny how we can make sweeping judgments about each other from pixels on a computer screen, isn't it? It is funny how we can make sweeping judgments about each other from pixels on a computer screen, you've done it to me before and you're doing it to me now with posts like that. Do you know what else is funny, how certin people seem to pick and choose who and what they get upset about on this board and then get on their high horse and have a bit of a whine. It's also funny the kind of behaviour these people seem to be able to not only tolerate and accept, but completely turn a blind eye too, very funny indeed. I objected to what Chuck said because he says that kind of thing fairly regularly, do a search if you don't believe me and also because if you have no interest in the current re-re-reissue of a particular album, why start commenting in the thread? Other than being a pretentious ass, there is no reason. But now I realise my mistake, I see now that occasionally recording and re-issuing avant garde jazz over the years is basically God's work, Chuck is a Saint, an innocent and fragile one at that, one who does no wrong, one that cannot be critised, ever, fucking butter wouldn't melt in his fucking mouth. Charity workers? Nurses? Soldiers? Those kinds of people make me sick, it's poor, defenceless part-time avant garde jazz producers, they're society’s real heroes. I also forgot that I'm the only one on here "hiding behind an alias", when I joined I saw people had funny jazz related names so I picked one I though was amusing, big fucking deal. Now back to "Bitches Brew".
  11. My often incorrect memory is that he's literally only in one shot of "Gimme Shelter". Lets face it, he didn't exactly do a lot to draw attention to himself while he was on stage anyway, he just stood there and played bass.
  12. Well it's good to hear he's not just milking the cash cow that is AEC. Now back to "Bitches Brew".
  13. Eh, I don't get it, unless a post got deleted or something, why would he waste his time calling me?
  14. Yes!!! Finally... New England Sports Ventures completes takeover of Liverpool :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:
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