Well, I can tell you that I was able to hit Gary with another, highly obscure item in his brother's discography
and when I found out that he was also lacking all of Charles' Mainstream Records appearances, I hooked him up with our own Bill Fenohr and got him covered in that regard, too.
Gary is still around, but now with a complete collection of Charles's music, thanks to the overwhelming generosity and kindness of two stellar individuals in Dan Gould and Bill Fenohr. There have been a number of family gatherings during which the newly acquired music made its debut to everyone's delight.
Dan, some material is scheduled to be moved out of our storage unit over the upcoming July 4th holiday. That will make a way for me to get at the 2 or 3 gospel albums we did of Charles. Since I don't have the equipment to transfer from vinyl to electronic media, I will ship it to you in hopes that you can perform the magic. Has your address changed? gary@kynard.com