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  1. Roland Kirk at the Vanguard. I flipped at at all the instruments he was playing, and some together. I had a table right in front of the bandstand.
  2. May 5th I will be playing one of my favorite Cal Tjader albums "Heat" with Carmen Mcrae. When she sings the track "Love" I will thinking about your wonderful dad and all the great music he has done.
  3. Sorry I wanted to post the above on on "clear mission statement"
  4. Why is everybody so uptight here.? There is nothing wrong here. We are having fun.......descent is cool. I suggest we all listen to Brad Mehidau playing "Anything Goes". Get your groove on jaaazz people. Leave the thread the way it is. ANYTHING GOES!!!!!!!!!
  5. Sarah - "The Island" - from album "How Long Has This Been Going On" Bird - "Just Friends" - From album - "Bird With Strings"
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