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  1. Somehow missed this news until now. Pre-ordered immediately. Excited for this one!
  2. Received my set a few days ago and experienced a personal first — booklet #0001! I know I ordered later than others, so it's just further validation that they send them out in random order these days. The music is of course terrific and the sound, as others have said, is very good. Glad to have it.
  3. My replacement was "delivered" yesterday, but arrived in the form of a torn and empty envelope. Wrote to MusiconCD and they immediately sent another one. Great service — a rarity these days.
  4. I had the same issue. Rather than return the set to the vendor, I reached out to Music on CD directly via their website. They responded quickly and offered to send a corrected disc, so they must be aware of the problem. Fingers crossed.
  5. I managed to grab this after seeing your post. It arrived today packaged well and in really nice condition. Thank you for the heads up!
  6. Hopefully some of these will show up at BMG/yourmusic.
  7. You need to order at least 5 CDs to get the free shipping. Box sets apply toward free shipping, but are not part of the 66% off promotion. So most of the best deals are on multi-disc sets that aren't classified as box sets. They do have some good standard prices on box sets, however, that become even better with free shipping. I ordered Dave Brubeck's 5 disc "For All Time Set" and got it shipped for just $17.99. Shop around the site. There are bargains.
  8. What you need is some additional therapy. Check out the zweitausendeins thread. Oh believe me, I've seen it. I feel a bit like H.I. McDonough driving by convenience stores that weren't on the way home.
  9. And another order for me, as well. Final tally is +/- 120 cds, plus the Coltrane and Evans. Help.
  10. Damn, you spent some coin.
  11. My order arrived at my house this morning. Coltrane and Evans boxes, plus another 70 or so single CDs, all very well packaged. This really was a terrific deal. Can't wait to start digging into all this great music!
  12. Bump to let y'all know the OJC sale is back – $6.99 a pop, plus shipping. (Concords and some Verve group stuff also discounted.)
  13. Running low: Ray Brown - "Some of My Best Friends Are… The Trumpet Players".
  14. Just got a message that the Dolphy "Illinois Concert" is running low.
  15. I just got Mobley 4846/7500, and the set was released in 1998, so I don't think it's in immediate danger of going OOP. (In case anyone who wants it is broke from the holidays and panicking.)
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