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  1. I just put one of the albums from that collection on ebay. Its George Van Eps MOno recordsing from 1949 on Jump Records. Check it out. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...E:IT&ih=001
  2. You're right. Dean martin is NOT jazz. A few of his albums slipped into the collection. But as they say, different strokes for different folkes!
  3. I have a select collection of jazz albums that I would consdier selling. Virtually all great jazz artists on older labels. Most are from the 50’s and early 60’s, some earlier. I started to make a list but I am not a collector, I don’t know how to rate them, and I haven’t played them. I'm in delray Beach, and I would like to sell them as a set. Any interest?
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