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Everything posted by catesta

  1. I loved The Wild Wild West and Baa Baa Black Sheep. RIP
  2. Then again, sometimes people are just dopes.
  3. Agree, this Go Fund Me, like the one for KB, is a bit off and inconsistent. Why is Mr. Cobb listed as the organizer instead of his daughter? Where is wife Eleana? I'm curious what kind of response you or the Jazz Foundation get.
  4. Yep. He was also perhaps the last of a generation that lived their life with class, courtesy and an ability to separate politics from everyday life and friendships. He wrote a touching tribute about Nancy Reagan when she passed a few years back that really showed what type of man he was. RIP
  5. I wonder though. How much influence would the producer and or Larkins have had on the finished product. Did someone specifically arrange for the higher level of dorky?
  6. Yep, live Ella is pretty special.
  7. Sheeeeeit, Dusty has some years on Buck.
  8. The points made that Houston needed to go "old school" made sense so, this is that, but I really expected Showalter would be the pick.
  9. Too bad they didn't crop out Ms. Thunberg. Unfortunate, but I doubt it was intentional and has since been changed. "It is the worst thing I have ever seen in my life.” Hmm.....
  10. I had to explain the concept of a dry Martini to a waitress a couple of weekends ago. Shameful
  11. His performance in Life of Brian is definitely one of my favorites. Thanks for the laughs! R.I.P.
  12. I have to agree with you. This one always makes me smile.
  13. True, but talk about slowing the game down to a fucking crawl and MLB is only interested in speeding shit up. Can you imagine? Team A sees Team B just signaled batter to lay off, because Team A pitcher is about to throw a shit ball. Team A has to regroup which could mean a meeting at the mound. Meeting over, Team A sees Team B just signaled batter, a fast ball is coming. Team A has to regroup which could mean another meeting on the mound and or a bunch of other signals and so on and so on, vice versa and all that shit. Fuck, just the suspicion alone would be nerve racking. Nah, if you're going to to do it, leave the higher technology out of it. That actually takes some imagination.
  14. Moving Pictures in an excellent album, all of it. if you've not watched it, there is "classic albums" documentary about how 2112 and Moving Pictures are the two defining albums. I found it very interesting, especially the input from Terry Brown.
  15. I would not be surprised if Astros stick with Espada or a name a new manager after Hinch suspension is up.
  16. SiriusXM channel 27 (Deep Tracks) is temporarily a Rush tribute channel until 1/15/20. They're also doing a 2 hour special with David Fricke tonight at 9pm ET.
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