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Everything posted by catesta

  1. Hmm., how would you classify these two? https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-brooklyn-lawyers-molotov-released-bail-20200602-35zande5jvfypid6b5jnkjdoem-story.html
  2. The DC Mayor asked for National Guard presence. I get you point, but in many places, peaceful turns the other way after dark and especially after the pass of curfew times. Looting,vandalism, arson, throwing rocks/bricks/water bottles/small explosives and getting in people's faces all provokes a response. The cooler heads thing works both ways.
  3. Shoot it down? Are you fucking kidding me?
  4. This is comical on so many levels. Who said the guy with a plastic bag over his head was a cyclist? The white dude intentionally brakes the window while "protesting" police brutality of blacks and ends up getting his head kicked in by a black NBA player over a broken vehicle window. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it, but I do find the circumstances a bit laughable. The NBA player refers to him as "one of these little motherfucking white boys" and then says it's not about hatred or race (and I get that, he was emotional over the broken glass), it's a problem with "the motherfucking system". Which system is that, JR? The funniest thing is the the handlers (or are they just fans?) asking TMZ to respect the privacy of the situation. That is the best. Then...., JR goes on to make his own video that incriminates him. Not that anything will happen, beyond just some money changing hands, and maybe not even that.
  5. Fair enough. It may have come off that way but I didn't mean to imply it was one way or the other.
  6. “If I’m an owner of a company, I don’t ask my employees in a downtime due to the virus to bear the cost. I pay them their salaries. That’s what every business owner does. You don’t socialize their employees. Really?
  7. Maybe in a perfect setting with proper fit and maintaining 6'+ away from each other, with non-cloth masks, but how often does that happen? Most don't fit well, or the nose is exposed. I've seen people with the best intentions still lower their masks to talk. Faces still get touched, eyes are still exposed and yes, best case scenario is, if you cough or sneeze you have blocked some of the larger droplets. The same masks are being worn over and over again. Just like with reusable grocery bags (which are now not welcome in most stores now), how many are washable and how many are washing them? Most are disposable and meant for single use, although maybe you can stretch that for a few days, but still. I've seen people wearing masks while driving in their cars with the windows up. Seems rather stupid to me, and yes, it could potentially be dangerous. Why can't we challenge opinions and some of the science? Why has the become so taboo that we are citing the 2nd amendment and comparing differing opinions to yelling fire in a movie theater? Do any of you remember the warnings about the overuse of hand sanitizers and it killing off good bacteria and effecting the ability of our hands to heal properly? What happened to that science? I wonder, If the CDC was to say in a week that masks are no longer necessary or won't help, how many of you would stop wearing one? I do not believe Covid-19 is a hoax but that does not mean I have to believe and support a one-way thought process that forces us to be afraid of going outside without a mask. I found this article and the follow up interview to be a very reasonable piece of information on the whole mask thing and what works and doesn't. https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2020/04/commentary-masks-all-covid-19-not-based-sound-data https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/mask-respirators/cloth-masks-are-useless-against-covid-19
  8. Thanks for the laughs. RIP
  9. Do any of you actually give nasty looks to those that are not wearing masks?
  10. Damn, I miss the NFL personalities of that era. Remember Buoniconti’s Miller Lite spots? ”hey, I know you!”
  11. https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/woman-who-sparked-fight-over-mask-that-led-to-guards-shooting-death-arraigned-on-murder-charges Pretty fucked up.
  12. It is funny, but that shit isn't real.
  13. I remember the talk early on implying this was going to be another....,wait for it....., "baby boom" thing, but I don't see that playing out. I do wonder though how much amateur porn is being created, intentionally or unintentionally.
  14. Different scenario, but Fauci sent mixed signals when asked about online hookups that lead to face to face meetings. "If you're looking for a friend, sit in a room and put a mask on, and you know, chat a bit. If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that's your choice regarding a risk."
  15. I've only been to a Shula's once. Not the best and certainly not the worst steak I've ever had. It was hard not to love the Dolphins as a kid in the early 70s. RIP Coach.
  16. Guns, what the fuck? I'm sure many will choose to stay home and that is the choice. I have no choice on the everyday risk, my business provides what is considered critical/essential services. If I don't do it, a competitor takes it and I'm left with nothing. At 53, I do not have it in me to start all over considering what level of energy and effort it took to get here.
  17. I've actually given in to watching the re-runs being broadcast on MLB and others. I'll have to DVR some of those games, it might hit the spot.
  18. One could make the argument agencies at all levels did the the best they could with what was known early on and reports from a multitude of sources including the World Health Organization. I'd invite you to go back to quotes coming out of the NYC administration until just around the middle of March. Same with the NY state administration, although maybe a little earlier in March. In fact, let's be real, how much did anybody know or do in those first "squandered" months? China was not being very forthcoming with information, that we know. There was an article in the Atlantic in which Epidemiologists said the China travel restrictions certainly helped California, but the delay in doing the same with Europe likely hurt New York. There was a lot of negative talk about those travel restrictions, but in fact it was the right thing to do. We see the data, challenge the data, praise the data, fear the data, data gets revised, up, down, up again...., and every day we hear there is so much we have to learn, heat kills it, heat doesn't kill it, masks, no masks, only certain kinds of masks. That is is science, no? Meanwhile,for you and others, it is the response out of this administration, that is mind boggling to you. For me, it's all fucking mind boggling! With the exception of a couple of days which was related to network issues, I haven't worked from home since this started. I'm not afraid to go out, yes, maybe I am a moron, but we have to trust most people will do the right thing when they return to work and open their businesses. I've done what I can to protect my family, employees and myself and will continue to do so. Next step for me would be to close down and I can't do it. My days are ridiculously long now because people don't answer phones, respond to emails, meetings are scheduled around bullshit and everything moves so fucking slow. That's my personal problem with the current way things are going. I'm just flat out tired, so is my wife and the people around me. So, if social distancing needs to continue, by all means keep that tape on the floor, don't cough in people's faces, and don't forget to wash your hands but allow restaurants, bars, retail, barber shops, etc., the opportunity to chose and prove they can phase in, slowly and responsibly. Forcing the doors to remain closed is just fucking wrong.
  19. I started doing wings on the grill around 2005 when I found Steven Raichlen's "buff-a-que" wings recipe. It's the only way I make them now. I have kind of modified it some but the basic method is the same. You can also do on a gas grill with homemade smoker pouches. I prefer to marinate 24 hours but I'd be willing to try the dry rub method in the video. https://barbecuebible.com/recipe/buffa-que-wings/
  20. A cousin on my mother's side in an executive producer of both series. I just started watching the amazon one.
  21. Shit dude, we obviously don't see it the same way. I'm not defending boomers, plenty of them do suck, but I most definitely feel the same about digitals. The percentage of good to bad is likely the same. What exactly have they figured out? Working from home? Being content playing video games? Virtual happy hours? Big fucking deal to all of that. Its the same number of them crying for gyms to open, barber shops, makeup stores, bars, etc.etc, as with any generation. If anything, the old pre-boomer crowd is probably fairing the best. I get my haircut by a 25 year old female, she just wants to make money and aside from some social media following she has (due to her physical appearance) there no other income. They haven't figured out how to cut hair digitally yet. Anyways her and the whole crowd seem to be doing nothing besides complaining like the rest of us about what is closed and whether or not they have toilet paper. My daughter and stepson included in that. On a side note, back to hunting and meeting farmers and such. I went in with a group of buds several years ago on a ranch in northern Arizona (10%) and an AG enterprise in Buckeye AZ (10%). It wasn't about making a ton of cash with a small percentage, although it will prove to be a sound investment. My friend that set it up farms/ranches for a living and does it well, he presented the opportunity and operates the shit, but I'll have no trouble getting meat and some veggies.
  22. What the fuck is it with you and the boomer shots? Do you honestly believe the digital generation is not of the mind-set of everything now?
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