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Everything posted by catesta

  1. A long life coupled with long active career. He was lucky. RIP
  2. I won't disagree but I do believe it is situation specific. If a person can be productive and accomplish their tasks in this manner, proceed. It doesn't work for me and I'm okay with that. It's also been a source of frustration conducting business these last few months when dealing with people and firms that would not normally be working from home but are doing so now. Not everybody is cut out for it.
  3. Some seem to think the mask is a magic shield and is effective even when worn on the chin. It never needs to be cleaned or disposed of and perspiration is not a problem. Here is some good news. There is no evidence that the protests/demonstrations have caused any spikes. National Bureau of Economic Research: "Our findings suggest that any direct decrease in social distancing among the subset of the population participating in the protests is more than offset by increasing social distancing behavior among others who may choose to shelter-at-home and circumvent public places while the protests are underway," the report reads. "There are other possible explanations for our findings as well, such as avoiding travel outside the home due to additional traffic congestion or street closures, or due to lack of available activities from businesses closures near protest sites" So,.....you stay home if I go out and all is good.
  4. Well, I'm happy to see they will be back on the field but the downtime obviously gave MLB too much time to think stupid.
  5. What, none have been vandalized?
  6. What is bizarre about the mentioning of museums?
  7. I watched an interview last night with a young woman from Venezuela. Her words..... "I don't think they're seeing past what's going to happen next because they're thinking these are just symbols of oppression," she noted. "But, I had a lot of friends [who] told me, 'Oh, it's just the Confederate statues.' And, I said, 'No, it's not going to be just the Confederate statues. Just wait and see.' This is a slippery slope." "Founding Fathers are going to be attacked. Religious symbols are going to be attacked. And next, probably, museums." she predicted. "I mean, anything can be attacked if you just let it happen. If you just let the first ones come down, then [there are] no limits to what's next." "It's an attempt to change the identity of the country. That's my opinion. And, that's what they did to us," she said. "Of course, it was different. At that point, they already had taken the government. But, at this point, they're trying to change the national identity and they're trying to destroy the system. And, if they get to the government, they'll do it. They certainly will do it." So, is this a white vs. black thing, or is it about the police?
  8. I have a nephew that is ILWU in CA, he works the mechanical side of things and seems to be doing well. I don't really hate unions, but I do have problems with some. Do you still work in private sector?
  9. I know, but I think the millennial kids don't have the sense to wash their hands, so they suck too.
  10. The old guy was wrong, but I see one of the Walmart employees (Left side) that walked over was also not wearing a mask.
  11. Eliminate the unions! That's an idea I can get behind, but you stopped at government as if the UAW, teamsters, AFL-CIO and others have no clout/power or pensions.
  12. I said Marshall overreacted to the overreaction, and I still think he did. At least they calmed down while he continues on... "So from what I can tell after I signed off last night all the city police unions claimed that a local shake shack had tried assassinate cops with poisoned shakes. Press ran with it. Don Jr got in on it. And now this morning it turns out the whole thing was fake."
  13. He obviously got caught up in the vindictive cry baby atmosphere of Silicon Valley.
  14. I agree. The cops got sick and bleach or some kind of sanitizer was the cause, there is the story. Marshall overreacted to the overreaction.
  15. Geez, I don't know, do you think they teach mailing spiders and roaches at the academy? To me it sounds like some stupid-ass Silicon Valley tech world management bullshit, which it is.
  16. This is the rub I first started with (Steven Raichlen) for ribs. Obviously scaled back unless you're going to store it and I have modified some. 1 cup sea salt 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup sweet paprika 1/2 to 1 cup coarsely ground or cracked black peppercorns 3 tablespoons granulated garlic powder 3 tablespoons granulated onion powder 1 tablespoon celery seed His Memphis rub is also a good one. 2 tablespoons paprika 1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 1/2 teaspoons celery salt 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon cumin 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  17. The internet is now saying this woman is 59 y/o Lena Hernandez, a former social worker that may be living on the street. A family friend who is a Professor at CSU Fullerton says she has had mental problems for years. I also read that the internet misidentified the woman originally as a Vicky Wible, who has two daughters in Torrance PD. Some people have spoken up to set the record straight, but it's still out there and this is how shit can get real out of hand.
  18. Yep, in Portsmouth VA. Fucking people kept on hammering and pulling, obviously without being aware and what fell landed on the man's head.
  19. No, I actually just put "roughly" in the search and then clicked the news tab. Seems professional journalists and high school kids both use the word.
  20. Okay, just focus on electric. The motor scooter picture she used has an exhaust pipe.
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