David you are so right. The BNBB's was the best place, and I am also sorry it's gone.
It makes me even more sad to see what the hell is going on there now.
I see no chance it ever returns to anything close to what it was.
Everybody seems to be in a funk.
I'm staying away from the political threads only because I am still somewhat in a state if shock.
That ain't gonna' last.
People seem to be very sensitive and confused about loyalty to boards and where they best fit in.
So I feel getting into someones shit over over politics could make them decide, "well this place is not for me', and try another.
The group is kind of splintered now among three places.
In the end this will all work out, some will find a permanent home, others will keep cruising between, and some may just disappear.
That is a sad thought, but I think in the end the core will remain close. This will pass my friends.
Now I suggest you all lobby Dan (GHF) to bring those damn Aric threads over here.
A good laugh is always welcome, no?