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Everything posted by catesta

  1. I'm still a little miffed. Your take on Cashman and his role? Not that I expect it will happen, but maybe it's time for Cashman to go. Of course, my opinion could be changed if he is able to get Trevor Bauer.
  2. Of course, Van Halen the band and Eddie in particular influenced and continue to influence countless bands and musicians. My comment though was directed at a poster saying "Or maybe it's because I don't like metal. But I always found the overblown credit he got very exaggerated." If someone thinks Van Halen was playing metal, they are confused, as is the person that says credit given to Eddie was overblown and very exaggerated.
  3. What is your definition of showiest? EVH showier than Hendrix?
  4. VH didn't play metal.
  5. Thanks for posting that D, I had never seen it before and enjoyed it. Popular Mechanics is running the piece Eddie did for them back in 2015. It's an interesting read. Eddie Van Halen, the legendary guitarist and leader of the pioneering metal band Van Halen, passed away on October 6, 2020 at age 65, after battling cancer. Widely considered to be the greatest guitarist of his generation—and maybe of all time—it isn't a stretch to say the rock god influenced every modern player who came after him. Van Halen's wildly inventive innovations, including tapping, or the act of playing the guitar using both left and right hands on the neck, redefined what musicians could do with the instrument—and what rock and roll music could sound like. Van Halen even patented some of his game-changing techniques. Van Halen wrote this piece for Popular Mechanics in 2015, discussing his patents, rebuilding his guitars and amps, and searching for his signature sound. To honor him, Pop Mech is reprinting the article in its entirety. May he rest in peace. https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/a15615/how-eddie-van-halen-hacks-a-guitar/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  6. Yeah, but on the bright side, Cole will be ready for....., oh.., never mind.
  7. What?
  8. Hagar buried that shit in recent years and hoped to have a relationship with both VH brothers. Based on some interviews I heard, he had some communication with Ed but I don't think they ever re-established a true friendship. Still, both Sammy and Michael have shown nothing but respect and class on his passing.
  9. Eddie often talked about being influenced by Clapton and Hendrix and went on to say while learning he would play everything Clapton did note for note. What made him great was that he didn't bring that with him to VH and was an original. He was capable of of going in many different directions and showcased that throughout his career and ended up being the one that so many rock, metal and guitarists in general cited as an influence.
  10. I've always been fan and always will be. Lots of drama over the years, no doubt, some of it pertaining to Hagar and Michael Anthony showed a lack of class by Eddie at times, but in the end it was all about the music and Ed's magical shredding ability. RIP sir, you're in the books.
  11. That's great. I have the original manual for the Fisher but the others were lost back in the day. My father liked to tell the story of when he picked up the JBL speakers and I still have pictures of the original set up from when I was a kid. I'm looking forward to getting it all back in shape.
  12. Followed up with new metal out of Canada...
  13. Healthy and at the very least, the bats are alive going into the series.
  14. Much appreciated. I'm hoping to get this done soon. When I have the Fisher back, restore the Thorens and JBLs I will have my father's complete system back in place.
  15. Game 2 was a roller coaster. Rays will be a different story but I'm optimistic right now.
  16. I've experienced a couple of minor delays (business related) with FedEx but that has been limited to FedEx Freight and understandable. A supplier shipped 3 pallets of herbicide from Salem Oregon to Garden City LI. This supplier always uses FedEx Freight and the terminal always gives us a 1 day heads up so we can arrange offloading at a rail yard. This last time the delivery was scheduled to arrive on the 22nd but didn't make it until the 24th. Tracking was accurate though, so we knew of the delay and my people still got the phone call the day before.
  17. Equipment not in use: Thorens TD124 MKII (needs work) Fisher 400 Tube Receiver (Being restored) JBL C36 Speakers w/original legs. (Cabinets are in great condition, but will be having these restored) Teac 3340 S Reel to Reel (still works fine, I just don't use it) Current set up: Audioengine B1 Bluetooth Receiver NAD 316BEE Integrated Amp NAD C515BEE CD Player Ascend Acoustics Sierra 2 Speakers Bellari VP130 Phone Preamp U-Turn Audio Orbit Special Turntable I've been researching a new cd player, which makes me want new speakers and that will probably lead to a new amp, so most of the current will become secondary.
  18. I have the identical Thorens (although it's still original and needs work), what did you have STS do to it?
  19. Right. And lot of these companies are collaborating with one another or have involved universities and the NIAID. Pfizer is working with BioNTech, Aztra Zeneca with Oxford, Eli Lilly is developing preventative therapies along with Amgen. It's quite possible there will be some hit and miss with early versions but it's highly unlikely it will not be safe.
  20. So I guess we are in agreement. The medical community believes the FDA will get this right, and those saying they will only trust what comes out of Europe and Canada are being irrational.
  21. https://www.precisionvaccinations.com/fda-issued-emergency-authorization-hydroxychloroquine-treatment-covid-19-patients-usa I can see based on what was being said at the time how Hahn did something so crazy as to call for distribution. The FDA, EUA, HC and all of science are sometimes wrong and sometimes right. That is the history of medical science, isn't it? And that shit still goes on today. https://www.wsj.com/articles/you-can-trust-the-fdas-vaccine-process-11600633351 Fauci has total faith in FDA process. https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/hospitals/fauci-why-americans-can-trust-approval-process-for-a-potential-covid-vaccine
  22. So, I'm guilty of not saying the head of the Baltimore post office is just plain postmaster? Seems like a lot of back and forth over a simple comment, plus I thought I cleared up any confusion with my follow up post to the original, but I guess it was too late as the word police had already started an investigation. I am at least partially vindicated though, because at first you said I read incorrectly AND skipped a word, now it's either I read incorrectly or skipped a step, so my position has improved and I thank you. Oh, and thanks for also pointing out that we can only have meaningful dialogue if you don't throw all decent rules of language, logic, and rhetoric out the window. This will now allow me to discount 75+% of what is being said on the news, talk shows, in print, out in public and by many politicians.
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