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    Guildford, Surrey, UK.

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  1. I just posted the following on the Jazzwestcoast mailing list:- Apparently it happened last Tuesday. ironically Martin was preparing to go to the funeral of Harry Klein, but felt unwell after taking a shower. They called an ambulance, which arrived within ten miutes. They took him to hospital and worked on him for some time, but his heart was too weak and he did not survive the procedure. The consultant happened to be a jazz fan and knew Martin from his days at Ronnie Scott's. Martin's wife Tessa said that she could not fault the attention he had, but it proved to be in vain. A larger than life character in every way, Martin would frequently ring me, and was always good for an hour on the phone. If my wife answered the phone he'd say "Is Mike in, it's Martin Drew. My wife would laugh and say "It couldn't be anyone else", with his deep bass voice. Many condolences to his widow Tessa, and all his family. He leaves a large hole on the London jazz scene. RIP Martin. Mike
  2. Don't know if this has been mentioned, but local Vancouver club owner and fine aldo saxophone player Cory Weeds has a new weekly radio programme on Co-Op Radio Vancouver 102.7. 11am Vancouver time (GMT minus 8 hours). Listen on-line, it's worth it. Recordings of Canadian jazz players and interviews. www.coopradio.org
  3. Just download some software called CDEX, rip the CD tracks, then you can do what you want with them. http://cdexos.sourceforge.net/
  4. I can still hum the entire Wardell solo.
  5. Absolutely, no contest. One of my all-time favourites. Two versions of the live recording available too, one of them with 3 minutes chopped out, originally to fit a 78 record. Most of Wardell's second solo missing, so beware.
  6. Bloody hell! I was at school with Ginger (Pete) Baker. Is he still on this planet? Only just, I imagine.
  7. Yes, good Swedish mono radio recording.
  8. Do these devices include a mic input? I do recording of live gigs and would like a replacement for my minidisc recorder.
  9. Here's a fuzzy picture of Pete from the 1985 Nice jazz festival.
  10. Alan Barnes live pub gig
  11. Steve Kaldestad of Canada
  12. Thanks for that information. I'm considering a few days in Copenhagen next summer.
  13. Check out tonight's Jazz on 3 concert by the great Howard Riley, solo concert.
  14. Bought yesterday (Cheapo-Cheapo records in Rupert Street, Soho) £4 each:- Benny Carter Quartet, w.Jimmy Rowles,Leroy Vinnegar Cyrus Chestnut "You Are my Sunshine" Clare Fischer "Just Me" Benny Green Trio "Naturally" Tony Kinsey Quartet "Live at the Ealing Jazz Festival" Duke Pearson Sextet "Sweet Honey Bee" w.Freddie Hubbard,James Spaulding Steps Ahead w.Mike Brecker, Elaine Elias
  15. Soundtrack of "The Right Stuff" is still pretty amazing.
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