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Everything posted by jostber

  1. Roland Kirk - Domino
  2. Pee Wee Russell & Oliver Nelson - Spirit Of '67
  3. The clasic "Unity" album by Sun Ra is available at eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/SUN-RA-ARKESTRA-UNITY-HORO-RE-2-LP-SET-SEALED-/270979956396?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item3f17a9feac Got it myself a couple of months ago.
  4. Nice stuff. Jazz is a religion of the good sort. Just like Discordianism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discordianism
  5. Fuckbook will crush Facebook it seems.
  6. These fine folks might extend an invitation for you to visit their nice home:
  7. A great set. Have not compared it to the others you mention, but there's a lot of wonderful music here.
  8. A nice summer day after lots and lots of rain. Then a cold beer and some music before the weekend is coming soon.
  9. Thanks. I would study the manuals thouroughly first and the circuit diagrams to get to know the unit. Then define the problem you experience and write it down(no power, little bass, no treble and likewise). Then post your issue on diyaudio and the Organ forum defining what the issue is as specifically as possible. After getting some clues you can search on YouTube to see if there are any videos that are relevant to your problem, like changing a resistor, tubes and stuff. Getting a multimeter will be useful to measure and troubleshoot. There are videos on YouTube on how to use the multimeter for troubleshooting audio components. Some precautions to take before starting: Never work on the unit while it is connected. Be careful to never touch power supplies and capacitors. Let the unit be switched off for at least 6 hours before working on circuit boards and such. If there is no power in the unit take it to a professional technician to get it worked out.
  10. A whole lotta information on the A100 here: http://theatreorgans.com/hammond/faq/a-100/a-100.html This forum might help you out: http://www.organforum.com/forums/forum.php The Leslie 251 service manual is here: http://www.captain-foldback.com/Leslie_sub/leslie_manuals.htm
  11. These fellas know a lot about building and repairing audio stuff: http://www.diyaudio.com/
  12. Facebook Addiction Disorder: http://sickfacebook.com/350million-people-suffering-facebook-addiction-disorder-fad/ Advantages of not using FB: http://sickfacebook.com/6-advantages-of-not-using-facebook/
  13. Sounds like a great musical happening.
  14. Both these are classic albums. Especially "Something Else" is wonderful.
  15. Roland Kirk - Domino (Vinyl) Roland Kirk & Jack McDuff - Kirks Work (AKA Funk Underneath) (Vinyl) Nat Adderley - Little New York Midtown Music (Vinyl)
  16. Thanks for the recommendation for this album, gotta check out this!
  17. I'm in total disagreement on Lewis. Love his early bop playing, find everything after mid-50s rather prissy and soporific. I think his later solo piano work like Evolution Vol.1 and Vol.2 is some of the best he ever did.
  18. I would suggest Pee Wee Russell, John Lewis and Martial Solal.
  19. All vinyls: Pee Wee Russell & Oliver Nelson - Spirit Of 67 Esther Phillips - Capricorn Princess Sonny Red - Images Ginger Baker - Air Force 2
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