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paul secor

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Everything posted by paul secor

  1. Full agreement here.
  2. I'm surprised (but happily so) that they're doing this, given how long it took the previous Hank Mobley set to sell out.
  3. Kazuo Ishiguro; Nocturnes A big disappointment
  4. That's been the case for 30 years or so.
  5. Yeah - we listened to the same music in different formats. Actually, I listened to this yesterday morning before I saw your post. Great minds ….
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Not up to the sensual level of your image, but I thought about Paul Blackburn's poem, "Listening to Sonny Rollins at the Five Spot": THERE WILL be many other nights like be standing here with someone, some one someone some-one some some some some some some one there will be other songs a-nother fall, another ­ spring, but there will never be a-noth, noth anoth noth anoth-er noth-er noth-er Other lips that I may kiss, but they won’t thrill me like thrill me like like yours used to dream a million dreams but how can they come when there never be a-noth ­ And not the Vanguard or the Five Spot, but:
  8. Chuck said it best: "Why the opposition? If you don't like it, leave it alone." Trolls are best ignored.
  9. I hope you are too.
  10. Some really good Snooky Pryor - amazing that it was recorded in the 1990s.
  11. I wonder if or when the International Phonograph recording will be released.
  12. You could always move to a third world country and give the people your records and CDs.
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