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paul secor

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Everything posted by paul secor

  1. A very fine guitarist - RIP.
  2. Based on these stories, I wonder how he treated his sidemen.
  3. I was going to write, all Texans are brothers, but I know there are at least a few that you disassociate yourself from. And I should have written that, based on Dave James' quotes, he comes off as a poor version of Don Meredith.
  4. I meant dumb like someone who's possibly trying to be funny, but ain't succeeding - just judging from the quotes that Dave James provided. You seem protective of him. Is he a relative of yours?
  5. I'm not a big Tommy Flanagan fan, but I like that one.
  6. I respect anyone who has the patience (and sometimes technical ability) to deal with tubed equipment. I have neither (though I did have a tubed preamp in my system for a number of years with no problems). Anyway, happy listening, Stefan. Enjoy the music!
  7. I never heard him - no interest in football these days - but, from what you posted, he sounds like a dumb version of Don Meredith.
  8. Looks like you're on a Horace kick these days, John. A good thing.
  9. Two beauties - and two of my all time favorites. You must have had a great listening day.
  10. I couldn't find that image in the Withers book, but there are other photos, evidently from the same show - the WDIA Revue - which picture Ray Charles, Rufus Thomas, Elvis, Jimmy Reed, Muddy Waters, and Howlin' Wolf. The woman pictured was evidently an employee of radio station WDIA.
  11. A delight. I was turned on to this one by Jeff, who's a longtime Wodehouse fan.
  12. That's one of the good things about this place. You can get reminders of recordings you've ignored for a while.
  13. That one seems to be getting a few spins here lately.
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