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Everything posted by casanovas347

  1. http://www.pacocasanovas.ch/d-move.mp3 have fun.....ok, i'm a horrible organ player....... i can play just a few chords, but well....hmmm, well......
  2. a dream come true.....one of my biggest influence on geetar has visiting switzerland tonight ......i vent and saw PAT MARTINO playing live! YEEEEEHAAAWW! Not a front row seat, but anyway....i was there! Pat needed a warmup in the beginning of the show, on the first two tracks were a bit behind the beat, but after a while...well he was awesome! I was in heaven for two hours. Drummer was ok, rock solid, bass player was too quiet (as always), piano was too loud and the player was a bit boring, well it's damn hard to play an interesting solo playing alongside with Pat. Overall, the sound engineer messed it all up, too much muddy lows and low-mids, well to much highs on the piano it would me much better when Pat join forces with an organist (Joey?) in my opinion..... i made some picts for ya (comin' soon) best wishes & take care Paco
  3. http://www.pacocasanovas.ch http://www.pacocasanovas.ch/swinginghouba.mp3 all the best & greeetz Paco
  4. something like that smooth sound? http://www.pacocasanovas.ch/somethinglikethat-smooth.mp3 no...i DONT like Kenny G....but nice try! i guess i have to try the nose-flute now!
  5. I agree with that! Heck, become the world's first jazz-alpenhornist! lol on that too....there is already an artist in germany doing jazz with alpenhorn....really crazy stuff! http://www.mikesvoboda.de/pict_download/pr...hor-therapy.jpg
  6. LOL....nose-flute would be my choise then..... mmh, just for my case: any drumming guitarists in here? btw. great avatar jim. is this your wurli? red looks so supa funkee!
  7. Paco goes drums! read more (sorry german only, maybe Google-translation does the job for ya) http://www.pacocasanovas.ch/demos.html (MP3s of my first drumtracks inside!) Guitar...of corse, i'm not selling my beloved guitars! No way greeetz Paco
  8. Ted used Fender Super Twin Reverbs in 1977, 180Watts per unit.......everything louder than everything else
  9. http://www.markstivers.com/Cartoons/Stiver...s%20breasts.gif
  10. Nah.. not correct, but close! 2.) has to be 567.92 reading?
  11. @ Joe: i guess its gonna be March until i can send you some cool thing cause i'm relocate right now, found a new job five months ago but 150miles away (by train)....now 17hours a day NOT at home, almost no time ... .....i'll be back soon! but i have two things on hand: http://www.pacocasanovas.ch/daybreak.mp3 its a jam-track over one of my ideas for a song (its just a demo-take 40bars looped) and....my drummer-skills are super-tiny, sorry bout those crappy fill-ins.....anyway http://www.pacocasanovas.ch/sm42.mp3 (demo of an intro!) i guess you know this one.....that would be a cool track for our intercotinental geetar-show.....i'll finish it (make it a little faster), promise! Sorry....but sometimes i wish i had 34hours a day! all the best & until soon! Paco
  12. Great idea!!!! .... i'll work out something.......send it to you soon! Thank you very much! all the best & greetz Paco
  13. i know its a shitty website...i'll do a better one.... anyway some little organ, clavinet & drums idea.... here: http://www.pacocasanovas.ch/vintagekeys.mp3
  14. http://www.radiogramstudios.com/ have fun.....its damn good stuff! Listen to "God Confused us CD1 & CD2"
  15. Marian's Jazzroom - Bern / Switzerland or in my new town (i'm moving in two months) http://www.birdseye.ch/ Birdseye Jazz Club - Basel / Switzerland would be great if you'll find some time someday
  16. mmh.....and what is the point? I listen to music and sometimes i catch their stories....sometimes not...and sometimes it put me into some special mood.....its this worth to analize whats going on on that point....i guess not! Trane tells the story in another way than Miles, but i like 'em both cause it sounded like to different stories to me! .....i like those spontaneous moments in life and music!
  17. Damn....Organissimo rocks!!!! Wooohooo!!!! Thanks a lot! You guys are the best!!!! much love greeetz Paco
  18. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=19...51&q=Shawn+Lane
  19. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...909941&q=Guitar
  20. paco's flying geetar circus is back in town... http://www.pacocasanovas.ch
  21. i'm REALLY impressed by his new record, i was not a fan before but now......i guess i would join his audience if i comes to my town! I knew that he can play guitar nicely! But this is the real deal...it sounds like the real deal! I'm with Jim, i dosent matter for me what going on behind the scenes....it sounds great in the front and i LOVE the album! 1+++
  22. (j/k) hihihi
  23. -_- http://www.senszycia.pl/
  24. take the blue-version.....more medium, light tension..... seriously....NO Gripmaster! ...i'm practicing not that much....i know, shame shame....about 1/2 - 1h per day....
  25. What i'm thinking while playing? 1. "What the heck i'm doing here on stage? What kind of stick with strings i'm holding here and why......." or 2. "where is my organissimo-cd?" 3 1/4.....best: i'm thinking of "not to thinking anything about thinking".... i don't play jazz...so don't take it too serious
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