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About JazzZealot

  • Birthday 03/06/1955

Contact Methods

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  • Location
    Austin, TX

JazzZealot's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Just sent a PM ...
  2. Yes. FYI ... I have not yet received the CD's, but look forward to it and will forward as soon as I get them! JZ I received the CD's in the Saturday mail and forwarded to Saxophone__Vagina this morning. JZ
  3. Yes. FYI ... I have not yet received the CD's, but look forward to it and will forward as soon as I get them! JZ
  4. OK, I'm game! I just sent an email. How do you play BFT? JZ
  5. I can tell this discussion area will help empty my pockets! I just ordered this. Thanks for the tip. JZ
  6. Hey everyone!! I'm finally here. Thanks for the hardy welcome!! I really look forward to expanding my jazz horizons through discussions with all of you. I hope to be more consistent, but have kind of a wacky job where I commute from Austin, TX to Denver, CO every Monday and back on Thursday. I can get real busy with this schedule, but I usually pop back when things cool off. So -- how can I get my hands on a recording of Organissimo? JZ
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