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Everything posted by P.L.M

  1. Son of my ass you're the most stupid fucker of this board. The man takes himself for a GREAT HISTORIAN. Poor of us. Poor Dummy.
  2. It was war time in ARGENTINA at the time. A civil war. Bring GERMANY for a counter exemple is a littlle harsh in this context. When NAZIS goes to "hunt" their people (jews, gypsis, communiste, gay and who ever try to resit to their ideology, it wasn't war either. This "hunt" begins six years before that the second world war started. Don't get exactly what you try to say here, but EUROPE is not a counter example for anythyng, friend. AMERICA'S either, I 'm afraid I've some good ARGENTINIANS friends who are not interested by soccers but by music, art, ltterature and who share EXACTLY my idea in life in general ans in politics in particular who are among the best people I have ever know. You can had some CHILLIAN TOO among these friends. A really silly post.
  3. I agreed completely. And I don't agreed with COUW about his analyse of the Argentinian team. Because the problem that MEXICO and GERMANY put on, was completely different and the ARGENTINIAN played completely differently against both team. Here, what they have front was a strong and physicall if unsubtle team fit to fight and owning no more than one or two good technicians behind and two good forwards. Argentinian should have kept the ball ON THE GROUND during all the match and try to go IN PERCUSSION WAVE into the GERMAN defense. They could do it with TELLEZ, but not with CRESPO and surely not with CRUZ. So, they should had MESSIE and even SAVIOLA in the team. Playing on the ground, closed to each other with lot of movements in front of RIQUELME, offering lot of different solutions for him to use the ball (what they have done against SERBIA) was THE solution. But no, they play with players too far from each others and throw the ball in the air nearly all the time. Trying to fight PHYSICALLY this GERMAN team + bad coaching = qualification of a the GERMAN who doesn't have a tiny parcel of genius (BALLACK is very disappointing since the start of the tournement). Enough to win aniway. Bye bye ARGENTINA, you was the WORLD CHAMPION of the qualification round and you're nowhere now.
  4. Not so surprisingly, by the way. when you know and feel a bit about football, you could smell it floating in the air. Don't be. They want you to suffer for all the stoooooopid things you have write on them. It never works that way, so let's hope for the reverse: HENRY delivering some caviars to ZIDANE. And by the way you was, not long ago, so terribly ANGRY by the fact that ZIDANE was on the team, if I remember well? Changing your mind, suddenly? And, please don't watch the match. You will bring bad luck to your so-called FAVORITE TEAM! Let us tell you the story later. It will work better that way. ALLEZ LES BLEUS !!!!!!!!!!! (but without your pathetic support, please).
  5. HENRY was central to the french tactic, yesterday. He created that night some of the best "red herring" (another terms to call it) that I've seen in football match since a long time. By the way he plays, he mesmerized the entire Spanish defense and particularly, PUYO and make the night of the spanish defenser a pure nightmare. Two terrible example of what I'm spaeking. The passed from VIEIRA to RIBERY for the equalizer (same schema, than the qualifiying goal score by the Barça against Milano) was only possible because PUYOL has seen that HENRY was by far in outside position and, him, PUYOL, was ABSOLUTELY shure to tackle VIEIRA with success, if if the french try to dribbled him. But he and his mates didn't see (or really care) for RIBERY comming in their back. PUYOL has never recovered after that. On the second goal, he makes a ftoul because, obsessed by HENRY he DIDN'T LOOK FOR THE BALL but try to make an obstruction against the french that he hits in the chest with his elbow). To obtain this fault was the rason that HENRY was going right to his back. If PUYOL has tried to play the ball, HENRY would have hurt him in the back and the referee would have give the free kick to PUYOL. As simple as that. But the the worst was to come to the poor PUYOL. On the free kick BECAUSE, surely, he is still upset by the fault that he has done (and maybe because HENRY was in his back), he tries tu cut the ball short but it was HIM who was TOO short. Unable to hit the ball properly he had only TOUCH it by the back of his head to give it the few yards that the ball needed to be REALLY DANGEROUS. After that the ball has been touch by another spanish certainly surpriwse by the trajectory gives suddenly to the ball, it arrives to VIEIRA, the tallest players on the field. You know the end of the story. BUT the DRAMA of PUYOL continued. The match was already winning by FRANCE, but anyway, who knows? When ZIDANE receives the ball on the nearly final counter-attack, who was triying to stop him? PUYOL the sole spanish who could do it. Two possibilities for ZIDANE who COULD NOT GIVE THE BALL to his two partners because he wasn't sure if they was onside. Going on the left side and try to win his DUEL by running quicker than PUYOL. But ZIDANE can't do this anymore. Or taking PUYOL by THE INSIDE. What was only possible if PUYOL, try to tackled ZIDANE. The French waited few very short seconds to judge the situation and when he sees PUYOL going for the tackle, he made his "driblbe" to the inside who put PUYOL on his ass and, after positionning him right in front of the goal, shootd to crucified CASILLAS before than another defensor tackle him. A piece of clever defence should have been to push ZIDANE as far as possible on the OUTSIDE without attacking him, just to stand on his feet to shut him the road to the goal by his sole PRESENCE. Then when AND ONLY WHEN it would have been impossible for ZIDANE to shoot, trying to tackle him good. If you want to see a constently good defending from strart to end in this match look at the performance of WILLY SAGNOL. Perfect from start to the end. And, by the way, the FRENCH team has deserve his win, sorry to the spanish member of the board. I suppose no one of you will be surprised if i tell you that I'm particularly happy with this situation. Sorry again for the lecture.
  6. FRANCE 2/ TOGO 0. It could have been FRANCE 8/ TOGO 1 They have so many possibilities to score. France reach the last 16 with a match against SPAIN where they are going to be the underdog. I suppose everybody will put his money of SPAIN, what's the best thing for FRANCE. There's something that you should know about this curious game (that you call by this terrible word SOCCER) : than the best teams of the qualifying Groups are RARELY the WORLD CHAMPION of the tournament (only BRAZIL in 1970 succeded to be the best time from start to finish). In 1982 ITALY, before winning the title, could'nt beat any of its oponant (three draws and a miracle happen, they qualified with three points for the next level as the second team of that group. I think than never before and never after a future WORLD CHAMPION qualified with so little points). Before beating HUNGARY 3-2 in the 1954 final, GERMANY had been previously beaten by the HUNGARYAN in the qualification 8-3. Before loosing against GERMANY in 1974, HOLLAND was taken for unbeatable. Who though that ARGENTINA could win in 1986 before MARADONNA starts his show in the secound round? Who ever imagine thant URUGUAY could beat BRAZIL in BRAZIL in 1950? And so on and on. I don't think than FRANCE will go very far but they have seen the light in front of the TOGO (and improve match after match). Let's hope (from my point of view, at last) that they continued in this way (something that I believe in deeply, because I've never been worried about the team even if the first match against SWITZERLAND was closed to disaster and the second against COREA a huge disappoinment). Sorry for the elimination of USA who could have win against ITALY and GHANA (the bad refeering is worst than ever in this tournament). And sorry also for the lecture!
  7. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

  8. One of the greatest composer ever. Certainly the most important of the second half of the last century with XENAKIS, FELDMAN, CAGE, CARTER, SCELSI, GRISEY and the young STOCKHAUSEN. He had such a beautifull and noble face!
  9. Fine band, indeed. I've CERBERUS on LP (and on JAPO from 1980). LEIMGRUBER (mostly on tenor) is amazing on this one.
  10. So, RACHEL, explain us why it's a ban substance by the rules of the UCI if it's not a "performance enhacing" substance?
  11. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    I find his solo on SKETCH absolutely blank. Like most of his records, by the way, or the records he has been involved in To my ear, a poor man version of PAUL BLEY. RUSS LOSSING, on hatOLOGY who is in the same lineage, sound much more interesting to me, even if they both are in a very common (because the three-quarter of the WHITE pianists on the planet, today, play in such manner) post BILL EVANS/ KEITH JARRETT esthetic.
  12. No. He just admited that he was on dope. Cry a good bit. Get suspended and come-back like a heros, winning one last red and white jersey for his last tour. In the contrary, Armstrong has been find "positif" not by the "proper authority" but by a newspaper. But it's just the same to me. ARMSTRONG was on dope. Because lot of people has testified, that he has been control positif "officially" once (but he has a note from a "doctor" that he could take the medecine) and, simply, because ALL WINNERS of "Le Tour de France" was MORE OR LESS on DOPE (COPI, ANQUETIL, HINAULT, LEMOND, the poor PANTANI and many, many more). NO ONE can win such a race only by eating "white bread" and drinking "clear water". Everybody knows that, particularly all those who run the race. The sole fact that ARMSTRONG has been associated to the evil "doctor" FERRARI is the only real proove that we needed to know. Of course, he has seen the good doctor for "nutritional" advise. Like all the soccer team of JUVENTUS DE TURIN during the nineties. And many others soccer players or racer or... name it.
  13. I know too personnally LANCE. And he has told me, when we were smoking some pot, one day (I think it was during a day of rest on the tour 2002, not sure exactly when, we was so high this day), that if they call him "bionic man" it was for a reason. We laugh a lot (but I think the grass was the main reason of these laughs). Ha, ha LANCE, ugly bastard, you kill me every time (if I may say) with your cynism (but, only the victory count, the rest is litterature - like all these dirty french, uses to say).
  14. J.A.W has a "non RVG" version of "MAIDEN VOYAGE" to sell on this board for month, now. It's a japanese remastering of a good quality.
  15. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    HESSION is mostly known for his association with SIMON H. FELL in different trio publish mostly by FELL 's label, BRUCE'S FINGERS. - HESSION/ WILKINSON/ FELL: FOOM! FOOM! - HESSION/ WHARF/ FELL: IMPROVABILILLY - SOMETHING ELSE (BECK/ FELL/ HESSION): START MOVING EARBUDS All on the BF label. All excellent, particularly the first and the third.
  16. Same here. First CD was ART PEPPER WITH WARNE MARSH (CONTEMPORARY, FRENCH PRESSING BY CARRERE) A "pure" AAD that I still have. Bought because it was the first edition of the complete (10 takes with three alternates) session from whom only four titles have been previously published on the LP, THE WAY IT WAS (that I Still have, also). That was around 1989.
  17. Yes, isn't it? It remembers us a time were, at last ONE US president has taste and knowledge.
  18. This is really old moon. Wonder in which (jazz) planet you're all living my straigth ahead jazz fans.
  19. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    I thought the same of Bennink till I heard him on Chat Room - a duo with Simon Nabatov on Leo. Bennink can still play wonderfully. To hear HAN BENNINK on record and to hear him live is two different things. On record, when he is not in a "clownish" envirronement (like with CHADBOURNE, by example) he surely can play. Live, I'm afraid that it is a lost cause. It seems that he is not able to refrain his exhibitionnism anymore. Most of the concerts where he is involved that I've seen, turn to be a mess quickly, like a promising duo with COR FULHER few years ago who ended as a disaster.
  20. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    I think that he is still in activity. Most recent record of ALI I had is a DIW "called LIVE AT TONIC" and recorded in 2001 with LOUIE BELOGENIS and WILBER MORRIS. A good record where ALI plays with his usual skill.
  21. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    MILFORD GRAVES ? Sure, but he doesn't play much, lately. MAcCALL is dead, alas, and CYRILLE has disappoint me too often lately. There are lot of drummer that I like but who belongs, IMO, to history like SUNNY MURRAY or HAN BENNINK (the clownish side of the dutch is completely hiding, nowadays, the incredible talent of the drummer). I could name lot of others, like MAX ROACH or ROY HAYNES but that's no news to no one and it's not the purpose of this list. What's yours?
  22. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

  23. Perfectly right but there's a problem here, as he is, before all, a script writer (!?)
  24. I have both too. And I'm afraid you're right. You can hear it clearly when you listen to the CD throught earphones.
  25. Can't agree more on every aspect (the subject is old moon). And it gets very funny when you know PARIS. The description the writer is doing of the travel that the caracter plays by HANKS in the movie does when he goes from Le Sacré-Coeur to the LOUVRES is absolutely hilarious. Seems than BROWN has never visited PARIS or LE LOUVRES before he writes the book. For the rest, like the famous list of the "protectors" (from this absurd "prieuré de Sion") of the secret tomb of Marie Magdalena, who is suppose to start with LEONARDO DA VINCI and going to... COCTEAU, it was a hoax made up by three people in the fifties, one of them claiming that he was from the direct lineage of CHRIST and, because the CHRIST's daughter was married to the first of the MEROVINGIEN king, the true heir of the throne of France. I won't tell you the whole story, you just have to do a little GOOGLE to find it in all its details and in every possible langage.
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