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Everything posted by P.L.M

  1. What a stupid and raciste post. Why IT? she's not a human being anymore? DTMX you are just a stupid moron, to say the least and your "humour" smells like your feet.
  2. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    P.L.M., my friend, I went banana long time ago - nothing new here, Messrs. Rivers and Braxton have nothing to do with it. Regarding Braxton, I have been invariably disppointed by his recent releases (duos with Cyrille, solo on Parallactic, etc.), culminating with horrendous 23 Standards set. I feel that the man ran out of ideas, and to a large extent of his (once-brilliant) technique - his sound is flat and not particualrly under control (IMO). Just listen to one of his earlier solo records back-to-back with any of his recent works - it is self-evident. I also was never a fan of Braxton-the-composer - his compositions sound to me extremely formal, dry and forced. Regarding Rivers, I tend to appreciate his compositions much more than his playing (it was interesting to read that Joe Henderson had the same opinion). His sound I find too dry for my taste with not enough depth, and I just cannot appreciate his improvisations - to me he sounds like he is always preparing to break loose but still holds himself back with solos never reaching a climax. I normally cannot keep myself interested listening to Rivers solos. Vista is excellent, though, so I might revisit some of the earlier Rivers CDs I have not listened to for years. Don't have time for the moment but will answer as soon as possible. Of course, I disagree with you on everything.
  3. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    RIVERS is one of the very great. I think than our friend AA goes much banana this late - He gives up on BRAXTON!? A(h)A(h).
  4. Great Broadcasting, my king!
  5. In a non-idiomatic way, I like the version from BERNARD HAITINK on EMI. The sound is of superior quality and the singers, ANNE SOFIE VON OTTER & JOHN TOMLINSON, are, of course, first rate. As I said, non-idiomatic (even if the narrator, SANDOR ELES, is Hungarian) but beautifully sing and well play by the BERLINER PHILARMONIKER.
  7. I hear it too. But, to put it better, I really don't know if what I hear was the product of his addiction or of his alcoholism. By the way, DEX is the only musician that have SEEN in concert but no HEARD. He was (in the middle of the afternoon) to drank to play. He was sitting on a chair during the entire performance and didn't blow a single note (it was around 1975 or something like that). Aniway I like some of his records, particularly "Our Man In Paris", "Doin'Allright" and "Go" (in this order).
  8. Sad news. On of the few who reinvented his instrument. RIP Mr BAILEY.
  9. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    Well, hope it's nothing morethan that. But, anyway... Happy Winter Solstice to you all!
  10. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    Seems than the HAT HUT/ ART/ HatOLGY site has vanished. When you clink on the link you get instead in a site who sells "domaine name" and tells you that the name HAT HUT as ended the 16 of this month. WTF?
  11. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    You're right on the target my friend. I've chat with PARKER last sunday after an amazing concert of the SCHLIPPENBACH/ PARKER/ LOVENS TRIO. We spoke about his label and, among other stuff, he told me than this babies will be print as PSI records in the comming two years. Seems than ALL his music currently out of print will be on PSI sooner or later (except, of course, the stuff that is own by BAILEY as it seems than the two are not going to make friend again). The two records will come also with a restored sound. So keep the money that you wanted to spend on the CHRONOSCOPE, for the future PSI (if it's not already to late).
  12. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    Sorry to quote myself (he-he)
  13. I don't get yours either. I don't speak enough good english to get the "jovial" part of your post, to say the truth. I've nothing against you in particular. What suprise me (and I don't accuse you to be part of that as I don't have read back what and who was writing it and don't intend to dot it), was the way that the FRENCH team was denied to be in this, obviously, speculative first hat (and in which they will be because their performance the last ten years and their place in the FIFA rank.) So I've ask what ENGLAND and SPAIN has done to be a better choice than the "bleu" during the same period. And the answer was, what, one or two quater of final? This no "contempt" to this team from my part (I like ENGLAND and SPAIN where part of my family live), just looking at the fact. And, aniway if I'll support a team during the next WC my football taste are more in favor of teams and players from BRAZIL and HOLLAND because this two country had an continued to have the most creative football of this last forty years (sorry to go so far in the past for some of you, but I'm enough old for remember that.)
  14. Ridicule, BROWNIE and BRAD. ZIDANE is ZIDANE... Just a bit longer to get the machine to go on. And if he goes to GERMANY, it will not be only one of the star of the team as usual, but a star of the WHOLE show, if the team is able to go on. Have you seen the goal that he has score this week-end? Indeed, the maestro is back. What's puzzling me, BROWNIE, is the agresse way you're speaking about ZIDANE. What your problem with him? He refuses to let you take his photos, or what? Don't get it. And BARTHEZ is far to be out of the race even if BRAD has decided so. I'd like to know why he thinks that's a "good ridance" that BARTHEZ is gone (and gone where?). And for the record, he was a much better player in 2000 AND 2002 than in 1998. Get your fact right, please. If you try to find where I feel that there is "contempt" from some of you, people, to other teams or players than yours, this another good example. Funny how suddenly you get all over a young player who has proove nothing yet. Only that he has talent, okay. But he is not the only one. To make him the new star of French football is a bit premature, to say the least (and it's also very much french). GOVOU, MERIEM and the older of the brothers CHEYROU have been also promote as the "rising star of the french football" when they start (and it was not so long ago). I'm still waiting. And by the way, you didn't answer to my question: which are the names who could take the place of ZIDANE and do better than him? Well, enough football for now. See you in June/July 2006 where words on a bulletin borad will be of no help to any teams, for shure.
  15. The problem of SPAIN it's that they usually don't go further than... quaterfinal. That the US team has reach the quater, yes that was impressive but... it's never a guarantee that you will confirm such a performance four years later. So, I've nothing againt AUSTRALIA or USA but it seems to me that their supporters are very quick to scream victory and dismiss other teams in the most despicable way when they have yet EVERYTHING to proove as a team (quater of final in WC is hardly a performance who puts you up with the greatest team, ever, don't you think?) As ENGLAND is concerning, it's (sometimes) a great team with a serious potential. Still they have to WIN something too proove it, forty years after their sole great performance in WC ever (plus the semis in 1990). Great luck from the FRENCH that you're not their coach. ZIDANE has, for me, no equal in FRANCE and in most part of the (football) world, today like yesterday. You're really FRENCH, I must say. Very quick to burn the former idol. I'd like to know with which player(s) you'd like to replace ZIDANE. Gime some names, please.
  16. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    Okay for the Madonna's too. My daughter (13 years old since last week) will be delighted and thinking that I get some sanity at last. But I didn't know that you listen to that stuff yourself. Maybe you kept it for brothers, neviews or girlfriends, what'll explain the all things.
  17. France has win the WC in 1998 and the European Championship in 2000. They WILL BE in the FIRST HAT. They have also qualified directly (meaning that they WIN their qualifiying pool). What is not what Spain has done. Plus Spain has no record in WC. England has a good team but always short memory. Before every competition, they put themselves in the favorite but we are still waiting that they win something since 1966. I think that our dear american/australian soccer's fan see their respective teams much bigger that they really are. I think also than France could wash up clean both of them with or without ZIDANE and the older players any day, really. And BROWNIE, don't be so pessimistic, you look like very French on this matter (nothing work in France, the football team is bad, the trainer is terrible etc.) Everytime I go to Paris (coming from Brussel), the same eternal song starts with the first driver from the first taxi that I take. All the other countries around (particularly Belgium) has always a good laugh about. I don't know what the French team will do, but I can explain to you all what the Belgium team won't do.
  18. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    You may have ear it with MICHAEL MOORE in the "Jewels & Binoculars" band. I like the two previous FINN. I don't know that one. Don't throw it in the can. Better send it my way.
  19. P.L.M

    Funny Rat

    My first Parker LP. Just wonderful. Even better than that.
  20. Depends what you've eaten before.
  21. I don't see where the tragedy's here. Long time now than the "Celeste" plays boring & brutal football, alas. They win the World Cup for the first time the first time they play the World Cup. That was 75 years ago and the second time 55 years ago. Man for some, it's more than a life time. If this is a tragedy, well the fact that Hungary, the world best team in the fifties (of the last century), didn't qualified can be count also as a tragedy. So, welcome to the Aussie even if it will be tough for them to make there way anywhere
  22. Heard from a friend of HILL, that the man suffer from a lang cancer. Seems the sickness is well fight until now. Don't know more. I'm also a fan of NEFERTITI that I've got on vinyl too. What's the quality of the remastering on these CDs?
  23. Can't Agree more. A total disappointement. Best SIMMONS since the ESP BATCH are the two that he has recorded for CIMP (particularly TRANSCENDENCE) and he's come-back, the magnificent ANCIENT RITUAL (on QUEST/ WEA)
  24. P.L.M

    Ken Vandermark

    I was there and, yes it sounded great.
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