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Pete B

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About Pete B

  • Birthday 05/30/1958

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    Eastern PA
  • Interests
    Bass player - mostly jazz. Vinyl collector - all jazz. Biking, kayaking. Avid gardener.

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  1. I have 4 cds comprising the complete 2nd show from Grona Lund for 6/9/63, apparently taken from a radio broadcast, so I suppose the 2 cds in the above box could be the balance of the show. My source had a recording of the first show as well but he told me they were virtually identical. Each disc is about 45 minutes (corresponding to a side of a cassette, I assume).
  2. Up for air. Evidently these were priced too high - reduced to $3 each.
  3. I would like the Red Norvo "X" Sessions LP. Please email me (Dan) at


  4. Hello gang I have the following for sale, $3 each + postage. Postage on 1 lp will be approximately $4 (I only charge what the post office charges me). Double lps are $5. Buy 5 or more titles and deduct 10%. All lps are VG condition at minimum, most are VG+ or better. Feel free to ask about specific titles. Please send me a pm if you want anything. I will take paypal or your check in payment. Thanks, Pete Artist Title Label comments Allen, Red Allen, Ory, Teagarden a Newport Verve (Japan) Allen, Red Henry Red and the Kid Metro (Verve) 2-lp Ammons, Gene & Stitt, Sonny Prime Cuts Verve 2-lp Anderson, Cat Cat on a Hot Tin Horn Mercury Auld, Georgie Vol 1 Musicraft Basie, Count 8 & 16 Tax Bechet, Sidney In Concert Brussels Fair 1958 Columbia Bryant, Willie & Lunceford Jimmie and Their Orchestras RCA 2-lp Dorsey, Tommy Complete Vol 1 RCA 2-lp Eldridge, Roy Arcadia Ballroom 1939 Jazz Archives Eldridge, Roy At Jerry Newmans Xanadu Appears to be autographed Eldridge, Roy I Remember Harlem Inner City Eldridge, Roy Rare Broadcasts Duke Eldridge, Roy The Krupa Years + Sideman Phontastic 1940-42 Garner, Errol The Elf Savoy Sessions Savoy large clip on corner, 2-lp Gillespie, Dizzy Dee Gee Days Savoy 2-lp Gonsalves, Paul & Eldridge, Roy Mexican Bandit meets Pittsburgh Pirate Fantasy Guy, Joe and Page, Hot Lips Trumpet Battle at Minton's Xanadu Hackett, Bobby Thanks, Bobby Dobre Hackett, Bobby, Dickenson, Vic Quartet – This is My Bag Project One Hall, Herbie Clarinet Legends GHB Hall, Herbie Clarinet Wobble Fat Cat Hawkins, Coleman All Stars featuring Joe Thomas, Vic Dickenson Prestige (OJC) Hawkins, Coleman Hawk Variation Rarest Recordings Vol 1 Contact Hawkins, Coleman Jazz Tones Xanadu Herman, Woody *1963 Philips Herman, Woody *1964 Philips Herman, Woody Encore 1963 Philips Herman, Woody Quartet – Swing Low Sweet Clarinet Philips Herman, Woody Swinging Herd Recorded Live Philips Herman, Woody Woody's Big Band Goodies Philips Hines, Earl Once Upon a Time Impulse Hines, Earl The Fatha Jumps RCA 2-lp Hines, Earl, Hawkins, Coleman Grand Reunion 1965 Trip Hodges, Johnny & Davis, Wild Bill Blue Rabbit Verve Hodges, Johnny & Davis, Wild Bill Volume 1-2 1965-66 RCA Black & WhitE 2-lp Hodges, Johnny & Hines, Earl Stride Right Verve Hodges, Johnny & Hines, Earl Swing's Our Thing Verve Johnson, J.J. Early Bones (also Winding, Benny Green) Prestige 2-lp Johnson, J.J. Mad Be Bop Savoy 2-lp Johnson, Pete Boogie Woogie Mood MCA Jones, Dill Plays Bix and Others Chiaroscuro Kaminsky, Max Chicago Style Jazztone Kirby, John Boss of the Bass Columbia 2-lp Kirby, John Flow Gently Sweet Rhythm Tax Kirby, John The Biggest Little Band Smithsonian 2-lp Lowe, Mundell Porgy & Bess RCA Camden Norvo, Red Trios with Raney or Farlow and Red Mitchell Prestige 2-lp Pepper, Art Meets the Rhythm Section Contemporary (OJC) Richards, Johnny Something Else Again Bethlehem (reissue) Shearing, George So Rare Savoy Sims, Zoot Hawthorn Nights Pablo Sims, Zoot Warm Tenor Pablo Sims, Zoot Zootcase Prestige 2-lp Smith, Stuff Black Violin MPS Smith, Stuff Violin Summit Verve/MPS Smith, Willie (alto) The Best of Willie Smith Alto Saxophonist Supreme GNP Crescendo Spanier, Muggsy Muggsy Spanier Jazzology Spanier, Muggsy Muggsy Spanier Storyville Stewart, Rex & Wells, Dickie Chatter Jazz RCA Various Panassie Sessions RCA Various Saxes, Inc Warner Bros Ver Planck, Billy Jazz For Playgirls Savoy Waller, Fats Fats Waller Trip Waller, Fats Piano Solos 1929-1941 RCA 2-lp Webster, Ben He Played It That Way IAJRC Woods, Phil Live at the Showboat RCA 2-lp
  5. Lon, you need "Cornell - Second Set" on Musicmasters to complete the concert, if it matters. Easily enough found.
  6. My lovely wife ordered a copy of the new Mosaic James P Johnson for me. I anxiously await its arrival....
  7. FS: nice copy of Brian Rust's Jazz Records 1897-1942 4th Editon, 2 volumes VG condition. $45 $38 including postage in the US. I'll ship to other countries but they are pretty heavy. Paypal or your check accepted. Send a pm if you want them. Thanks, Pete
  8. For sale a very good copy of the Mosaic box Bud Shank The Pacific Jazz Studio Sessions. 5 discs, box, and booklet all in very good condition. $95 including shipping in the US. I will ship to other countries at cost. Paypal or your check accepted. Send a pm if you are interested. Thanks Pete
  9. Same thing happened to my copy. My wife had a librarian friend rebind it with a spiral binding. Beautiful job, and it still fits in the box! What they should have done with the book to begin with. For the record I bought my set on Ebay for $200 perhaps 5 years ago. It took me a couple of years to find one at that price. Pete
  10. You might try Euclid Records in St Louis http://www.euclidrecords.com/ . Used o be they would travel to buy. I've never sold anything to them but as I buyer I always found them to be fair to deal with.
  11. On offer, Benny Carter on the old Masters of Jazz label, cds Volume 1-9. Covers 1928- Feb 9, 1939. A lot of great music in these, and they've been out of print for years. All are in very good condition. $80 including shipping in the US. I will send to other countries at cost. Your check or paypal accepted. Send me a pm if you're interested. Thanks, Pete
  12. These are the same as the Xanadu lps, right?
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