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Everything posted by SEK

  1. I'm skipping the "All-Star" festivities this time. The Pistons were snubbed (except for the undeniable ).
  2. This is very splendid news. Relief is great!
  3. They are similar only in the most general way. Their melodicisms both might be perceived as "dry" and "abstract" when compared to Hank Mobley's, for example. Tony Williams's "Spring" demonstrates some of their differences back in the '60s.
  4. I recall seeing Ray Kaczynski, back in the '80s, playing with the Northwoods Improvisers. He was a very flexible and technically adroit drummer, even in those early student days. He's one of the very few good "jazz" musicians who has passed through Central Michigan University's Music Department (imho B-) ).
  5. I saw it. I dug it.
  6. Quick Guac: Mash together an appropriate amount of avocados with a good salsa to taste.
  7. SEK

    Strata East

    Clifford Jordan's "Glass Bead Games" (both LPs on one CD) is my very favorite Strata East recording. They've gotten a whole lot of play over the years. That Brackeen is an Ornette-quartet-inspired recording that I listen to almost as often as I listen to Ornette's Atlantics. Another Strata East recording that I enjoy is Clifford Jordan's unique and apparently rather rare "In The World". I have a CD-R of a cassette copy of a friend's LP.
  8. Those are three Dyani albums I would put at the top of the list as well, along with anything by Dyani-Temiz-Feza.
  9. I hope that this neurosurgeon that you've connected with can bring needed insight leading to effective treatment. So have you tried U of M? My experience with them has been state-of-the-art and as conclusive as current knowledge allows. Also, communication skills are usually a high priority there. I was quite disapponted at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, but that was many years ago. Star Trek nearly spoiled me early on . They pass a probe over you, and you immediately are diagnosed and usually cured! Over the years Star Trek has been wistfully brought up, from time top time, with or by neurology and neurosurgery residents and students. Incidentally, my last checkup's MRIs showed that my cancer has taken a disturbing turn; it will no longer operable, but it appears to be spreading relatively slowly so far. So I can look forward to between four months and two years before I try a less certain and less potentially effective route than brain surgery, chemotherapy, with possibly another round of radiation, after all these years, if the chemo doesn't work. It's a major drag, but, whatever happens, I've had one helluva run, thanks to the great folks at U of M. Organissimo may be therapeutic too.
  10. Tonight I made, for my wife and me, homemade pizza with 3 cheeses (whole-milk mozzarella, parmigiano reggiano, and pecorino romano) and a garlicy plum tomato and red pepper sauce on a thin crust, with broccoli in a lemon-garlic "vinaigrette" on the side. It took half of the day to prepare, and it was most definitely worth it.
  11. I've been quite fond of Billy Bang's version of "Invitation" on his 1982 Soul Note album of the same name with Charles Tyler, Curtis Clark, Wilber Morris, and Dennis Charles.
  12. I really enjoyed hearing Atzmon and his Oriental House Ensemble on the BBC site. I made a rough and ready recording of it which I've listened to a few times since. It's playing in the background now. How does this show compare to his CDs? "Exile" is available here in the USA.
  13. SEK

    Overlooked Guitarists

    I enjoy Sam Brown's contributions on albums by Charlie Haden, Keith Jarrett, Paul Motian, and Gary Burton.
  14. Also check out: "Review" "Steppin'..." "Metamorphosis"
  15. Happy Birthday, AfricaBrass!
  16. Yum!
  17. Is it that Michigan State - University of Michigan rivalry? It reminds me of a much more intense version of the U.C.L.A. - U.S.C. rivalry that raged, at least when I was a kid.
  18. Indeed! I do wish that it was Michigan that squeaked past, not the Longhorns.
  19. Errr...yeah (it's Audiogon for esoteric and not-so-esoteric gear deals). I'll be gentle and back off from "voodoo" and stay with "subjectivity" to characterize the Audiogon and Audio Asylum discussions and advice.
  20. Lotsa voodoo at the Asylum, but also many good deals in audio gear.
  21. From The Jazz Loft: Miles Davis - "Live at Montreux" (1969) Great, but really recoded at Antibes. Horace Tapscott - Vol. 8 The Jazz Loft also mistakenly sent Cecil's "One Too Many Salty Swift". I already have that one and had ordered Horace Tapscott's "The Dark Tree, Volumes 1 & 2" (same label but different pianist). I'll have to straighten that out next year.
  22. My Vandersteen 1Cs don't benefit from bi-wiring, but other speakers in the Vandersteen line reportedly do (though I'm unable to detect the difference). My friend with biwired Vandersteen 2CEs swears by his biwires. Being an audiophile is apparently a very subjective enterprise.
  23. SEK

    trevor watts/amalgam

    akanalog, did you get "Innovation" on LP or CD? I got it when it was available only on vinyl and transferred it to CDR when I got too lazy and klutzy (more the latter than the former, actually).
  24. SEK

    Overlooked Altos

    Talib Kibwe is indeed overlooked. I also offer, once again, Trevor Watts who is usually overlooked (in the USA anyway).
  25. SEK

    trevor watts/amalgam

    Amalgam's "Innovation" grooves in a real cool way, often with a strong pulse, congas, and in-and-out piano and sax wailing. One of my long-time favorites. Is it on CD now? "Prayer for Peace" is deeply beautiful and moving.
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