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About jamn

  • Birthday 08/04/1952

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    Sasebo, Japan

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  1. jamn

    Elvin is dead

    I just got a job teaching music in a town near Nagasaki, Japan where Elvin met Keiko and where they had (or have) a home. I will try to visit Elvin's Nagasaki home while I am there. RIP Elvin.
  2. These are two of my favorites.
  3. Sounds like my album of the week.
  4. I am standing on the deck of a Canadian tall ship called the Caledonia. She visited my town in west Michigan last August and I bought the captain a beer at the local pub. It turned out that he was once a Jazz Trumpet major and played in the same college big band I played in (ten years after me). We had many mutual friends and acquaintances. The ship left town the next day with me aboard for the next six weeks. Our ports of call included every major city in Eastern Canada. Never underestimate the power of beer. The Voyage of the Caledonia
  5. Yeah Son-of-a-Weisen, that was an excellent thing you did for him. I love Thad......and Mel. The Thad Jones/Mel Lewis Orchestra This is one of my favorite Big Band Albums of all time.
  6. Yep. $14.95 at Amazon Amazon's Sampler of exerpts from this Album This really gives you a feel for the Album. It's beautiful. I will definitely buy this album. $8.99 at the Music Resource if you are willing to wait.
  7. Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides
  8. And right now is when we don't want to get away from Michigan. The weather is warming and green is bustin out all over . The only problem is the damn deer have been eating my newly sprouted Hostas, like forty of them. Michigan is a beautiful place right now and will be for many months. We have a new high speed catamaran cross lake ferry called the Lake Express from Muskegon to Milwaukee beginning in May or June and two great music festivals. Muskegon Summer Celebration and Milwaukee Summerfest
  9. This was an absolute spanking of the Nets by the Pistons who just sent the whole team at NJ in waves. I believe the Piston bench is the best in the NBA and Larry sure let them play tonight right from the git go. They just refused to let them run and the Nets are a pretty one dimensional team. They have to run to win. Good luck with that. There can't be a better 4 guard rotation in the NBA and the DP have so many big men, Corliss Williamson is playing small forward at times. And Tayshawn is back to his playoff monster ways. At times it almost seems unfair that such little guys have to play such big guys.
  10. New Flash!!! Nets score 25 points in first half. All time playoff low and low for Nets this season. Detroit D - Believe!!!
  11. Here are my two favorites. Great selection and prices. They are really the same company. Doubletime Jazz The Music Resource Doubletime has a list of what they consider to be the 100 most historically significant Jazz recordings. I am interested to know how board members feel about this list.
  12. Maybe he liked it so much, he decided to stay. I know every time I go there I wish I could stay longer. I NYC
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