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Kevin Bresnahan

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Everything posted by Kevin Bresnahan

  1. Jeez, with all this talk of nasty chemicals, maybe I should look into a less toxic cleaning solution. I have to say, I never thought that D4 fluid smelled all that bad. In fact, it doesn't smell at all. I wonder if the Disc Doctor cleaning stuff is any better? Kevin
  2. Over on the Vinyl Asylum (http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=...her+d4&session=), someone posted that there is a Discwasher patent on file that calls out this mixture: Sodium Azide = 0.004% Surfactant (most likely Triton X-114) = 0.025% Propylene Glycol = 0.01% to 0.075% (probably closer to the high end) IPA = Won't hurt to run the full 5% Distilled Water = quantity sufficient to add up to 100% Where IPA = Isopropyl Alcohol BTW, I should have searched this archive first... apparently, I'm not the only one looking for big containers of this stuff! Later, Kevin
  3. http://homepage.mac.com/demark/tsunami These pictures will leave you speechless. The one of the island just makes my heart sink. The utter horror these people experienced for that instant before they died... I am so glad I am sitting here typing this. Later, Kevin
  4. Nah, Bill, I already looked into a cleaner. Far too much money for the useage I'm gonna give it. I think I'll just stick to the Discwasher. I may look into a used Zerostat though. Any of you guys got one you want to sell or trade your old one for some CDs from my trade pile? As for other brushes and cleaners, I remember going through a phase where I investigated about 5 or 6 different brushes/cleaners and the Discwasher was the best to my ears. Later, Kevin
  5. Nah, he's not into it, he's really, really into it! I should cut the guy some slack. As I mentioned on another thread somewhere, I have had 5 or 6 versions of "Blue Train". I can be pretty crazy about sound myself. But 18 copies of the same LP? Wow. Later, Kevin
  6. Anybody that goes out and buys 18 different copies of the same LP definitely has a screw loose! For a second, I thought this thread was going to be about stolen goods. Later, Kevin
  7. I am just starting to get back into LPs. I don't know why, I guess I just got sick of waiting for some labels to reissue certain titles. Anyway, I'm blowing the dust off of some of my old LP paraphenalia and I find my Discwasher D4 fluid is low. I did a lot of experimenting back in the day and I know I like the sound of LPs after treatment than without. I'll be needing more. It appears that D4 fluid is still around... in dinky little 1.25 ounce containers! I used the big bottles back in the day but they don't seem to be making them. I remember years ago that someone said that D4 fluid was simply de-ionized water. Does anyone know? I can't believe that they are getting $70 for a Zerostat! I used one of those for years but it broke. I don't think it's worth $70... yeah, it eliminated a few pops, but not that many. Any help on either big bottles of D4 (stashed in some local hi fi shop's back room maybe?) or else a source for jugs of de-ionized water? Later, Kevin
  8. Are you referring to the Forest Cafe? I think it was under construction for several months last year...haven't checked it out yet as I seem to remember the food was a bit expensive for a student (at least compared to the dirt cheap taquerias around Harvard and Porter Squares--Anna's, Boca Grande, and Felipe's). Will have to check it out sometime. Also, one of my very favorite restaurants, Chez Henri, is about a block and a half down the street. The Forest Cafe is still there and it's still great food... and usually good beer too. They always have at least one German beer on tap. During the summer is Franziskaner Hefe Weiss too. Yum. I like the Burritos Tres Marias. FWIW, there are also a couple of good Thai restaurants nearby. One in Harvard Square and another up the road near Porter Square. Later, Kevin
  9. I couldn't find this title- did you possibly mean "Luminescence"? Yup, that's it. "Luminesence". Later, Kevin
  10. It's my second one for my main listening area that I need to set up. It has to be wall-mounted and I still haven't decided what to use for a shelf. I think I'm going to go with a thick slab of wood from these guys, but they're darned expensive... $60 for a chunk of wood? Like I said, that's all I need is a shelf. I have no room in the cabinet and I have a subwoofer so my hardwood floor isn't an option. It'll have to be wall-mounted. Later, Kevin
  11. Jack probably can't post today as it's the last day of his one-week, annual sale! Stereo Jack's is my favorite place to go. I try like heck to buy most of my CDs and LPs there because I would never want to see this place close. As I mentioned on Jazz Corner, the Boston are has been losing brick & mortar stores left and right. Just last week, Disc Diggers in Somerville closed its doors. Jack's place can't close. I think one of the best things about shopping at Jack's is the "shopping conversations". I've had some great ones there. Bob Blumenthal is in there and when Jack and him get going... watch out. There have been a couple of good ones with Peter Wolf (of J.Geils Band fame). A few of my CDs are a direct result of just asking Jack about it. Barry Harris's "Illumination" is one I remember Jack extolling. I do dig it. I also remember Bob Blumenthal telling me the one Johnny Griifin date that everyone "must have" is "Jazz Studio Party". Well, now I have it. It's just a great place to shop. Later, Kevin
  12. Unless I've mis-read this, it sounds like you are hooking up a turntable directly to the CD burner. This is a no-no. A Turntable must go through a preamplifier. Many older receivers have them. You can also buy one for around $30 if yours does not. With a pre-amp, you could directly connect it to your CD-burner. However, why not just hook the CD-burner and turntable up to the receiver? That way, you can still use the turntable and CD-R deck as player-back units. The easiest way to hook up a CD-R unit is to treat it like a cassette deck. It simply goes into a "tape loop". Most receivers have 2 tape loops. Later, Kevin
  13. Get stuff into your queue at sign-up! I think this is one of the ways they may be trying to "stick" you. I signed up and put 21 titles into my queue. They're already shipping my first (it says "within 48 hours") so they'll do the same with you. If you don't have anything in your queue, they zap your card $4.99 and send you nada. BTW, someone over on the Steve Hoffman who was signed up using the $5.99 option E-mailed customer service with the link I posted in this thread and asked why he couldn't get $4.99 as well. They "converted" his account over to $4.99. Later, Kevin
  14. Well, my Euclid Records order arrived today and they were only able to ship 5 out of the 7 LPs that I ordered. The weird thing is that the other 2 are still listed on their website. What's up with that? BTW, the packaging was very good. Now I have to get that turntable I got for Christmas set up. Later, Kevin
  15. Here we go off on a tangent, but, whatever... it beats the heck out of smearing someone who just died. Check out http://www.sepiajazz.citymax.com/page/page/800704.htm and go correct them if Timme's name is spelled wrong. They imply it can be Timme or Timmie. Later, Kevin
  16. Yes, EXACTLY. No, not exactly... exactly, it did win that award. Look, I've never read it, and don't plan to read it, but obviously enough people read it to deem it worthy of an honor. And, being JazzTimes, it was voted by a group of her peers. Quite frankly, using newspaper clippings is better than making shit up, like some authors do. In my experience, old newspaper clippings can be better at reporting factual happenings than some of the participant's recollections. Later, Kevin
  17. Well then, I stand corrected. I thought she was the one who had bad things to say about your friend Timme Rosencrantz in one of her bios? So, then... all of this joking around is simply because you don't like her writing? That's even more twisted. She doesn't deserve this for bad writing. BTW, why did Jazz Times vote her Monk bio as best bio one year? If it was that bad, it shouldn't have won anything. Later, kevin PS Chris: It's Bresnahan. I don't go calling you Albertshone all the time. I would almost think it's on purpose since my name is right there in front of you. There are some who twist people's name around when they get arguing... you wouldn't want to be compared to that person, would you?
  18. board history, too lazy to dig it up now. seriously doubting I could find it anyhow. sorry 'bout that. http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php...7&hl=commercial Now that is good, morbid humor! Of course, I once played them back for a cat lover and the response was not laughter but disgust. It is pretty realistic looking. Later, Kevin If you hadn't nailed the parrot to the perch, it'd be pushing up the daiseys!
  19. Yes she did. It's right there on their web page: http://www.ascap.com/deemstaylor/archive.html. Unfortunately, she also wrote some bad things about a (deceased) friend of Chris Albertson that he swears is untrue. So I guess now she has been deemed unworthy of any serious consideration as a writer and her entire life's work is reduced to this mockery. As I said, everyone writes or says some things in their life that upsets others. We all have here, that's for sure. I just think it's wrong to make fun at her death. Later, Kevin
  20. You know, if all this joking around was meant in a nice way, it would be funny. Instead, it's pretty sick. She's dead already... can't you guys just drop it? Show a little respect for the dead. Your own legacy will under scrutiny when you're gone as well. Is this how you'd want to be talked about? I'm sure there are a few people who'd have some choice things to say about a few of us. Think about that. Besides, it's not like she shot someone. She wrote some things you didn't like. Grow up. Later, Kevin
  21. You must hate Booker Ervin!! I never analyzed her vocal style so I'll have to take your word on it. I just dig it. FWIW, another vocalist who seems to have this "love it" or "hate it" reaction is the Cranberries' Delores O'Riordin. I like her Irish lilt and play their stuff a lot when I'm in the mood to rock. My sister likens her voice to fingernails-on-chalkboard. BTW, if you don't like Merchant's voice that much, do not go listen to sound samples of this new CD... you'll go postal on someone. Her vocals are very up close in the mix to the point where you can hear the breath sounds. Later, Kevin
  22. Nah, this ain't bluegrass. Bluegrass is more up tempo. A lot of the songs on this CD are very slow. Might be why some fans of Merchant's work aren't digging it. This is more like a blues album done with folk instrumentation. I don't know, I'd be the first to admit that I don't have a lot of this style of music in my collection. Maybe all folk singers sound like this? I've often wondered what it is about Natalie Merchant that seems to make everyone either like or hate her in an instant? Whenever I put on one of her CDs on with company over, within minutes I either hear, "Get this off!" or "Who is this?". I just loved the tune "Like the Weather" from "Blind Man's Zoo" and that got me hooked. I even like the unplugged CD. Later, Kevin
  23. Quoting myself because I just can't do it. I can't order this box. I just ain't a big enough Dylan fan. I picked up "The Freewheelin' Bob Bylan" from BMG and yeah, it's OK, but I don't play it that much. I'm afraid if I get this 1) I blow my CD budget for a month (or more when the wife gets the bill) and 2) It will just wind up in my trade pile in a few months. Later, Kevin
  24. It goes without saying that you have to like Merchant's voice to even consider buying this CD, but I was always a big fan of the 10,000 Manics so I just had to get this. Man, I like this. Old-timey (not all are old) folk tunes done in a mostly acoustic environment with banjo, fiddle, acoustic & steel guitar... I am somewhat remined of John Mellencamp's "The Lonesome Jubilee". The lyrics are riveting with each song telling a story. Obviously this is nothing new for Merchant, who made a name for herself with socially relevent lyrics during her days with the Maniacs. You know what's weird? I never though folk music could also be bluesy, but this seems to be very "blue" to my ears. Blues-folk? A new genre? Whatever, I'd buy more if she makes more like this. I'm writing this in the hope that others who have heard/bought this CD know of other discs like this that I can look for. This is a style of music that has it's moments. Find some on-line samples and see if it's for you. I give it a thimbs up. Later, Kevin
  25. Well, guys, I just quit BMG. I've been a member since 1997 and my deals have been good but this yourmusic.com is just too good to pass up. I found a link on the Steve Hoffman to join up with $4.99 CDs with no shipping & handling and that clinched the deal. I signed up, copied the 21 CDs I had in my BMG shopping cart into my yourmusic.com "queue" and followed the links on BMG to cancel my membership (not easy to find there). I am now contemplating the Miles Davis "Complete Seven Steps" box for $34.93... or should I get the Dylan box for $79.84? The link to join for $4.99 is: http://a.chtah.com/a/hBBnRfiAT9DbEAT9NMMAEY28iSa/ym1. FYI, currents members using the $5.99 option supposedly can cancel and re-join using this link. Save a buck per CD. Later, Kevin
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