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Kevin Bresnahan

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Everything posted by Kevin Bresnahan

  1. Hmmm...so deleting threads is pretty much your solution to everything, eh? Seriously off topic but anyway... When you're about to do something that you expect will get you booted off the board, like say for instance, telling the moderator to go f&#% himself, as I was planning to do after the whole Dan Gould/Greg Malz flap exploded, you plan ahead. I figured if I was going to get booted, I was taking my stuff with me. I also felt it was the only tool available to me to say "F*** off", so I used it. Petty? Sure, but I had little else available to me. As it turned out, I slept on it, decided it wasn't worth jumping ship and took a short hiatus from this place. However, by then, the damage was done and the threads were deleted. The thing I still don't get about the indignation from some people is that it took over two weeks after I had deleted the threads before anyone even noticed I had done it. Clearly, they weren't that big of a deal. I figured it was no big deal. But regarding board moderation on "topics Wynton", I stand by my statement. I'd wipe this negative thread out if it was my board. It's really nothing but another "let's all just crap on Wynton" hatefest. And Chris, you're such a comedian telling me to avoid threads. If only you would follow this advice and stay out of threads talking about Wynton, the Jazz boards would be much better off for it. My entry into threads like this is a far cry from what you do when you enter a Wynton thread. Later, Kevin
  2. I'd say "yes" as long as you don't get all mad about it. Really, these Wynton threads just suck the life out of us. Bickering... snippy retorts... name calling. For what? For the umpteenth post about Wynton. I think we should all start replying to Wynton Marsalis posts and act like we're talking about Wynton Kelly. At least that way, we can have fun with the thread. Later, Kevin
  3. How many "WM" guesses will there be from this date forward??? And what'll happen if the actual player happens to be Freddie or Lee? :D
  4. Chris, if you'd stop trolling for anti-Wynton comments, I'd stop calling you on it. It's pretty simple. All the stuff going on in this thread only solidifies my point: Wynton threads are always negative. Why do you start these things? Do you like all this negativity? And why don't you just reply on that Jazz Corner thread? You aren't banned. Crouch left. Put Damen on your "Ignore List" and post away. BTW, Chris, "hissy fit" would imply that I'm getting angry. I stopped getting angry about these trollish threads long ago. I'm more disappointed than anything else. Sad, really. And FYI people, the word troll, as applied to the Internet, was originally a verb. It was shortened from "trolling for newbies". It was originally "trolling for newbies" because when a thread was started just to stir shit up, most experienced posters recognized it and stayed away. Newbies would reply, fulfilingl the trolling poster's goal: starting a big bitch session. It's too bad so many regular Organissimo posters jump onto this thread. If we all realized it for what it was, it would sink away. And I think we'd be better off for it. Of course, if we were really lucky, our moderator would realize it's simply someone "trolling for newbies" and delete the thing. Later, Kevin
  5. I have had great luck going with recommendations from Jim Sangrey. That Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis set on Jasmine that he recommended was absolutely wild. Based on what I'm reading here, I've got to get myself a copy of this CD. Allen, I sent an E-mail. Let me know how you want the money. Later, Kevin
  6. If you're going to attribute stuff to me, get it right. What I said in that EAI thread is basically what I've said in this thread. I'll quote it for you: "Sonic1, isn't there plenty of discussion about this over on Jazz Corner? It has become a contentious topic over there. It seems to start up the same ol' "What is Jazz" stuff. Why bring that over here? I'd just as soon see it stay over there." Ditto that Wynton Marsalis thread from Jazz Corner. I don't come to these Jazz discussion boards for endless pissing contests. If you do, we have very different reasons for participating here. Wynton Marsalis has become a "troll" topic at every Internet hang I've ever been at. rec.music.bluenote, Jazz Central Station, Jazz Corner, All About Jazz, Organissimo... ALL of them. As for our other encounter, you must forget. It was on a thread at Jazz Corner where you dumped on the rock band U2. You almost made my ignore list over some of the arrogant put downs you made... of music you never heard. BTW, I just did a search on the boards we go to. The reason you & I haven't met much here in cyberspace is because you rarely post on striaght-ahead Jazz topics. In fact, a majority of your posts over on Jazz Corner are political in nature. I stay away from political topics. They do nothing except separate us. I come here to talk about Jazz. I try not to let politics enter into it. There are plenty of political discussion boards around for that if I so choose. If I had my way, we wouldn't have a political board here either. It has caused tremendous problems on ocassion. Later, Kevin
  7. Michael told me that this new label that may start up is a good place for these PJ titles. I imagine that many of them aren't big sellers. You know how EMI is about those titles... sucky policy but hey, I'm not "in the business". Myself, I want Pepper Adams' "Critics Choice". Later, Kevin
  8. I haven't found any reason to replace any of my early-90's TOCJ CDs with domestic reissues unless there were extras or unless someone said the domestic was much better. I think there were only a couple... Freddie Redd's "Shades of Redd" and Tina Brooks' "Minor Move" maybe? BTW, I have the JRVG of "Along Came John". It sounds like I should try to find a domestic copy. Later, Kevin
  9. Damn, I voted 11-24 and I just re-counted and got 26! I guess I got more Jimmy than I thought. I can't get enough of "Cool Blues". Jimmy Smith and Tina Brooks... can't get much better than that. Well, especially when you add Blakey! Later, Kevin
  10. Having a senior moment, eh? You're a troll and you hate it when someone calls you on it.
  11. Troll n. - An internet troll is a person who sends duplicitous messages hoping to get angry responses, or a message sent by such a person. Who's the troll on Organissimo? Chris, if you're so hot and bothered by Damen's activities over on Jazz Corner, go duke it out with him over there. Why bring this crap over here? I was very happy that shit stayed over there. By the way, what are you afraid of over there now anyway? Stanley Crouch never came back. Oh, that's right, the moderator, Lois Gilbert, seems to think that Wynton Marsalis does good things at Jazz at Linclon Center. Are you that petty that you can't overlook that?
  12. Yeah, but by 1967 they were in a very large minority when it came to sales. I remember finding a mono LP in a bin when I used to shop for records and passing it over because stereo was considered "better". They even used to discount the mono versions to move them out. Many stores stopped buying them. This is why companies like Blue Note "electronically re-channeled" most of their mono back catalog... just so they could put the word "stereo" on the cover. It was the only way some stores would order it and some people would buy it. Later, Kevin
  13. Yes, at 1,500 Yen too. What a great date. Nice and mellow but still gets your foot tappin'. I picked up a recent Japanese remaster of this date and the improvement over the old Portrait/Epic CD from the early 80's was very noticeable. Later, Kevin
  14. This is a crazy thread... I keep writing a post to respond but every time I go to hit "Add Reply", I look at it and figure, "Why bother"? There is nothing wrong with someone buying Mosaics for any reason! In my opinion, it's much better when Mosaic sells out a set than it is for them to "wait around" until every single buyer who may ever want this set orders one from them and keeps it forever. This is simple economics at work here... that and people crying over spilt milk. Later, Kevin PS. PLEASE, PLEASE go speculate on Mosaic's The Complete CBS Recordings of Eddie Condon (#152) on LP! Please! They will never sell out of that set if someone doesn't do it.
  15. Another Francis Wolff photo of Jimmy at work... actually the cover shot from the Mosaic set.
  16. Bye Jimmy. You created a style that's been imitated but never duplicated. Kevin
  17. Supposedly, GoDaddy.com paid to have their commercial run twice but the NFL saw it the first time and prevented Fox from running it the second time. Here's a sport who's goal is to have huge men maim each other and they're concerned about a woman with nice cleavage and a failing spaghetti strap on her shirt... hmmm.... I've read that steroids cause erectile disfunction... that's it... the NFL is full of a bunch of guys who can't get it up for sexy commercials. Kevin
  18. Wow, I never would have thought Ossie was that old! He was great as the chauffeur in one of my favorite movies, "Joe Versus The Volcano". RIP Ossie. Kevin
  19. I believe Green's "Sunday Morning" has a clearly audible sound of a beer bottle being knocked over on one of the tunes. I foget which tune but it's one of the ballads. I think it was Cuscuna who told me it was a beer bottle. Of course, it could be my failing memory... but I'm positive it was a Grant Green date and almost positive it was "Sunday Morning". Later, Kevin
  20. I wonder if the RVG will make that beer bottle falling over louder or softer on his remater of this date. Later, Kevin
  21. You be correct. I think (hope) KB added 1 and 2 to come up with 3. Nice double. I cut & pasted those titles straight from Michael's E-mail. I thought it was weird myself but I just guessed it was some special extra from Japan. Michael did say these "were all done for Japan" so was there a Vol. 3 put out in the JRVG series? I'll try to give Michael a call tomorrow to verify. Later, Kevin
  22. I almost hate to mention this but... he did say the Gigolo was going to be RVG'd. I sold my copy and have been getting by with a CDR ever since! Where's my GIGOLO? Oh no, I ain't taking the blame for that! It was Tom Evered at the Blue Note and believe me, I gave him a ration of shit for that statement with no follow up. Since then, I rarely, if ever talk to Tom but still, with every new list of RVGs, I ask Michael why they don't get to "The Gigolo" since Tom said it was on the list. Michael swears that Tom never mentioned it. Blame Tom. Later, Kevin
  23. I just got off the horn with Michael Cuscuna to ask about this. These titles will all use the exact same mastering as they did for their Japanese counterpart. Michael said they've worked out the financials with Rudy to stop him from having to remaster every session twice. These should sound as good as their Japanese counterpart. IMHO, I think these will make excellent "test vehicles" for us to see if the Japanese really make their CDs better than the US plants. A/B a couple and let's see if there's a difference. Privately, I'm hoping there is. Later, Kevin
  24. ... do you mean to Water? That would be great. Thanks for being our liaison Kevin. Nope, not Water. The label is not yet official... maybe it's one of us guys? Is Chuck starting up a new label? Truth be told, I didn't recognize the name of the person who's trying to start up a label but if it happens, I'll certainly be buying some of their reissues if they can get these PJ sessions. Pepper Adams' "Critics Choice" is a good one. Later, Kevin
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