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Kevin Bresnahan

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Everything posted by Kevin Bresnahan

  1. Jeez, if that's what Jim's talking about, I'll have to go and delete my comments now. I thought this thread was about burns of commercially available stuff, not unissued material. Jim, do you want me to remove that stuff I posted about the 1958 Blakey session tapes? Kevin
  2. I thought the same thing when I got that reply. I was pretty bummed. I'm sorry everybody if it turns out that my E-mail did this. As others have said, $99 is a great price but not unheard of if they were dumping product. I just figured I'd get them to up the quantity of the listing so I could get one. I never anticipated this. I mean, heck, they sold almost a dozen of them and never noticed. EDIT: In my inquiry, I never mentioned the price. I simply asked why they didn't list multiples since they seem to list one every night. I have no idea why the reply mentioned the price. Kevin
  3. Well, the deal is dead. Brad got the last one if the E-mail I got is any indication. It says: "This listing has been temporarily removed from the store, as the $99 price was an error caused by a default setting within eBay. The listing price for the Bill Evans 17-CD box set is $250.00, NOT $99. All future listings have been adjusted to reflect the proper price. We apologize for any confusion these incorrect listings may have caused." My reply went something like, "$250? Are you nuts? This set typically sells for around $150 used and around $200 new in other eBay auctions." Later, Kevin
  4. BTW, the Blue Note logo on the cover of "The Kicker" cracks me up every time I look at. I guess Blue Note = 42U2 UU42. Must be translated from Klingon. Later, Kevin
  5. I play "The Kicker" a lot. That's probably my favorite. "Stick Up" is a close second and "medina" would round out what makes it to the player most often. I love the autograph I got on "The Kicker". Later, Kevin
  6. I have found the Clifford Brown set in used bins for less than $99. In fact, I once found a sealed box in a "used" bin for $80. I have never seen the Evans set for anything less than $150. Later, Kevin
  7. They all work on the same principal, they block unwanted traffic. The one in Windows is integrated into the operating system so it should know all the "hooks" as well as any outside software company like Symantec. Knowing Microsoft, they probably just licensed someone else's code or bought a company. Later, Kevin
  8. Marla, after I post this, it may not last long, but Dusty Groove has a Japanese CD copy of Face To Face for only $18.99. This is a steal at this price. FWIW, they also have the two Argo dates on LP, but I really didn't think they were anywhere near as good as his Blue Notes. In fact, I dumped both of 'em. Later, Kevin
  9. Soulstation1, these pop-up ads sound suspiciously like spyware to me. You may have supressed them for now but they may pop up () again of you aren't protecting yourself. Try that Microsoft Anti-spyware download. It can help actively protect you. FWIW, I think all of these "Internet Security" packages from both Symantec (Norton) and McAfee suck resources for no good. I've never worked on a machine with this stuff where it did anything helpful. What they really do is make it harder to surf to the point where you (usually accidentally) shut off protection and you're right where you would have been without the package. Just use a good anti-virus and a firewall program. I like Norton for anti-virus and Windows XP for a firewall. BTW, anyone not using Windows XP Pro on their PC should think about doing so, especially if you have problems with your PC crashing. I now have Windows XP Pro on 5 machines that work on directly and not one of them has ever crashed in well over a year. That's a lot of hours on these machines without one "blue screen of death". XP Pro just doesn't crash on me. Later, Kevin
  10. Damn you, Jim! I have come very, very close to buying a Mac lately. The Mac mini really intrigues me... and now this! Later, Kevin
  11. Well, I might just give up on this. I see now where there's a thread started over on the Steve Hoffman forum too. It's probably gonna get crazy to get one of these now with all the people looking at it. Oh well, saved myself $99. Later, Kevin
  12. According to Tom Evered at Blue Note Records, these "Best of" compilations sell very well. Quite a few of their recent "Ballads" CDs sold well enough that they were able to keep other reissue programs going. I know I bought several of these "Ballads" CDs. They are perfect for mellow dinner music when I can't give the music a good listen. People seem to like these mellow comps too. It was only a few years ago that 32Jazz made a mint on those "Jazz For A XXXXX" series of comps. Not enough to stay in business though... Later, Kevin
  13. Hey, it's my own fault... the timing on these things just aren't good for me. I'll get a set one of these days. Last night was volleyball night. Tonight, I'm going to the Sahara Club in Methuen, MA to see a sextet with Bill Pierce and Mick Goodrick. The Evans box will have to wait again. It's fate, I tell ya'. Has anyone E-mailed this place to see if they have a stack of them for sale? I should try that. Later, Kevin
  14. Macs do crash occasionally. I have used Macs and I have used PCs. I will say that until Windows XP Pro, I liked the Mac OS better. Now, with Win XP Pro, not so much difference. Price is another story. Until the Mac mini, PCs kicked ass in this regard. PC apps are much more affordable (and avialable) as well. Money-wise, a PC is still a better choice. As for viruses, I'm also of the camp that the Mac users have been spared the wrath of the scumbags who write the things. If they decide to target Macs, watch out. Kevin
  15. Well, it'd be nice if someone who's been trying for a week got one first...
  16. Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox Firefox
  17. Mid-week... 5 hours away. Sorry Johnny, but you gotta at least stay 'til the weekend for me to get my ass in there. I E-mailed Michael Weiss, Johnny's pianist, to see if they might make their way through Boston and Michael said two nights in NYC and that's it. I was hoping to get a chance to see Johnny one more time. The last time I saw him was unpleasant and that's not the way I'd like to remember him. BTW, if you go, I'd be curious to as to the set list. Later, Kevin
  18. There has been an increase in nasty trojan horse spyware infections around the globe. They are not your typical "virus" in that they install spyware until your machine crawls to a halt. They usually reinstall everything each time you re-boot too. I've found Microsoft's free anti-spyware program to be very good at removing these infections. It's worth a try here. Later, Kevin
  19. God, this bulletin board software needs to be updated so there's an ignore function.
  20. I was told in no uncertain terms that Blue Note's refusal to reissue it right now is because of b. Tom said they are not going to redo the artwork. His comment was something like, "We don't mess with these classics". That said, it'll probably come out as "Lazy Afternoon" on Monday. Later, Kevin
  21. Percy is in the house! I've spun the first few tracks and loved what I've heard so far. I'll give it a proper listen this weekend. Thanks Jim, for getting me to get this and thanks Allen for getting it to me. Later, Kevin
  22. Blue Note in the EU is different from Blue Note in the US which is different from Blue Note in Japan, etc. They are different divisions of EMI. Blue Note's EU arm apparently never heard of any reason to stop this reissue or, if they did hear, chose to release it anyway. I'd have done the same thing if I were in their shoes. Later, Kevin
  23. Roger Waters, of Pink Floyd fame, put out a solo album in 1984 called "Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking". The cover has since been censored. Later, Kevin
  24. Given all the discussion that has come about from Blue Note's "Basra" reissue, I got to thinking about CDs and LPs that have been re-titled, had new artwork or both. There are probably hundreds out there. I imagine the most famous is The Beatles "Yesterday and Today" when they originally tried to issue it with a picture of the Fab Four in butcher smocks and chunks of meat. Pretty wild. Edit: I'll paste the Beatles cover in. Since my link seems to be broken, I have Jimi Hendrix's "Electric Ladyland" on CD from Germany. When I bought it many years ago, I got it in and it had a bunch of nude women on the cover. This was not the cover I had when this was on vinyl! The one that caught me off guard was Chet Baker's "The Playboys" which mutated into "Picture of Heath". I almost bought "Picture of Heath" because I thought it was a new reissue. I wonder how many we could come up with? Later, Kevin
  25. I was able to talk to Tom Evered at Blue Note yesterday and I found out that the reason this CD didn't come out is because they are refusing to modify the artwork or re-title it. Therefore, they're at a bit of a stalemate. Tom says he hopes they can work out the differences but they may not. This re-issue may have to wait until the word "Basra" doesn't have this supposed negative association with it. I am very understanding of both sides of this situation, even though I thoroughly disagree with how it's going down. If I were in a position to make the call, this would be out as "Basra". Period. However, I wouldn't blame any artist associated with this CD for being worried that some people might find offense. As I said earlier in this thread, there will be people that will take offense. Of course, the chances of that person being a Jazz fan are pretty slim. Later, Kevin
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