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Kevin Bresnahan

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Everything posted by Kevin Bresnahan

  1. . ..good deal on the Watkins!!! There's one in a used bin in a store down the street from from me but I looked around on eBay and didn't see a demand. Is there one? This place also has the Frank Foster Conn. Kevin
  2. Wow, "But Not Farewell"... not often seen. Very good Greg Osby and Robin Eubanks on that. I'd grab that in a second if I didn't have it. Kevin
  3. If it's that live date from Copenhagen, I have a tough time even hearing Mobley during some of those solos! I still think the guy who recorded that date was a big NHOP fan. He seems to have NHOP way up front in the mix and from the sounds of it, he was taking it off a soundboard so he could have done it differently. Those grunts and moans in between notes also appeared in Jackie Macs solos around that time. I wonder if these effects weren't simply "in vogue" around then?
  4. Jim, I think I hear the Mobley that you're talking about on the Wynton Kelly two-fer from the Left Bank Jazz Society date. I've been spinning this date a lot lately. This is where I hear Mobley stretching beyond his normal style, like he does a bit on "Third Season". However, unlike on the "Breakthrough" date, he doesn't seem to chop off each riff with a gasp that sounds like he's out of steam. The chopped off riffs are there, but they are agressively bitten off and spit out. As I said, Cedar is still with us, maybe someone can ask him if Hank was a little loaded. He most certainly wasn't high, if we are to believe his quotes in John Litweiler's 1973 DownBeat interview. I still think comparing the solos on "Breakthrough" with the solos on something like "Live at the Left Bank" give the impression that Hank couldn't sustain the notes. Out of breath, drunk, whatever... maybe even on purpose. I still don't consider this a high spot for my favorite tenorman. Bertrand, that's a very interesting observation about Lee's death. That had to reverberate with these guys. They played on so many dates together during the previous 15 years. It had to be tough.
  5. I'd say this is the guy lost his knife after he pissed his way out of an avalanche... or was it after he accidentally cut off his penis instead of a chicken's head? I always forget which guy this is.
  6. I've recently started getting back into my old rock and roll collection and decided to become more active at Steve Hoffman's forums. That forum has a hyper-strict "no politics or religion" policy. It's awesome! I now interact with a bunch of people about music without having my mind play tricks on me. ... Kevin, don't listen to this guy... you know he's politcal fruitcake, right? I would love to see the political forum gone. Later, Kevin PS. Hoffman's FAQ under "Unacceptable Post Content" Please do not post any content of the following nature: 1. Politics 2. Race 3. Religion 4. Abortion 5. The Morality of Homosexuality / Gay Marriage 6. Gun Control 7. Unauthorized advertisements and/or solicitations outside of the Classifieds Forum without the express consent of SH Forums are strictly prohibited. Marketing initiatives whether direct, indirect or veiled are also strictly prohibited. Example: posting in a forum as a sales rep for ACME LP Cleaner, saying "You guys should check this out, I've tested them all and ACME is the best!" without revealing that you are, in fact, an ACME reseller. 8. Links (or requests for links) to sites that sell (or trade or contain) bootlegs. 9. Trades/requests for CD-R’s of copyrighted material. 10. Debates about who's right: the objectivist or the subjectivist. This includes debate over whether "your ears are better than an ABX/DBT test, and vice versa. 11. Nudity / pornography / blatantly obscene material 12. Links to "Warez" (pirated software) or "Warez" sites 13. Spelling / grammar corrections. If you feel you must correct another member, contact the person via email or though a Private Message. Note: an exception to this rule would be pointing out to someone that they have misspelled an artist's name (for example, Stevie Ray Vaughn instead of the correct Stevie Ray Vaughan); a name correction can be posted on the forum. Still - keep it polite! 14. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, PLEASE DO NOT POST MESSAGES USING ALL UPPER CASE LETTERS! THANK YOU! :-)
  7. Mike, I'm away from the disc right now, but don't the liner notes of "Breakthrough" say that this band, minus Davis, was a "working unit" prior to making the album? I could swear I read that someplace. Cedar's still around. Maybe someone could ask him how the whole date went down. When I saw Cedar one time, I mentioned how sad Mobley's playing made me on this date and he said something like, "Yeah, Hank was in tough shape around then". He seemed to know what I meant. I once talked to someone who saw Mobley playing live around this time and they said that as weak as he sounded on "Breakthrough", he was weaker live. Almost inaudible. The guys' lungs were shot in the end. Does anyone know what caused this? Emphysema maybe? Kevin
  8. I have my doubts that Mobley's playing on this date was all his own idea. After all, Cedar Walton is the leader of the date so ultimately he decided to bring Mobley into the studio. I do find it odd that he brought Davis in as a second reed player. Davis rarely recorded with Walton again. He almost seems like insurance, which, to my ears, paid off nicely. I don't hear Mobley doing anything on this date other than trying to play a tenor saxophone with bad lungs. He sounds out of breath, not out of ideas. Hadn't he already had at least one lung operation by this time? Or was that to follow soon afterward? I guess if hearing a favorite of yours stretch to try to make his voice be heard as he gasps for that last breath is something you like, this is for you. It really bums me out. I'd much rather hear Mobley when he could hit those notes. It's not like I hate this date, but I just feel like Mobley's discography didn't need this mediocre date. He had so many great performances. BTW, there are many recorded instances of an artist trying his damndest to stretch beyond his physical means. Stan Getz's "People Time" is a favorite of mine. Like "Breakthrough", I hear one of my hero's trying to match his earlier playing and not making it. Unlike "Breakthrough", the failure isn't as noticeable because Getz still sounds like Getz. There are times during Mobley's solos on "Breakthrough" that I can't tell it's him. Later, kevin
  9. "Jazzcritic" posted over on All About Jazz that they talked to someone in Blue Note's marketing department and was told that the decision to hold back "Basra" was Pete La Roca's. I was told almost as much but the people I talked to were less specific. They mostly blamed the war for causing some people to worry that this title might upset some. As for the covers, from the beginning of the RVG series, Blue Note has been using new scans of original LP covers for the CD artwork. Many have come from Bob Belden's private collection. Later, Kevin
  10. Chuck, if you had heard me when I first made this search... I was laughing like hell. I figured it was cosmic payback that my posts would get attributed to Weizen for the little bit of deleting I did. Not that Weizen and I are very musically apart and we both both drink good beer but we certainly have differing political views, to say the least. And here I just found this used copy of "Hootin' and Tootin'" that I thought you were looking for... Later, KJB
  11. Awesome!! There they are... right in IE. That's weird. This is the first time I've had problems with Firefox and Organissimo's board software. Problem solved. Later, niveK
  12. The talk about politics and these forums got me to go back in time to check and see when I finally stopped posting in there and I found a lot of the threads from the early days are all messed up. I find posts by Weizen that end "Later, Kevin" (and are clearly mine) as well as a lot of quotes that just don't refer back to any posts. In fact, in my posting "history", there are a lot of posts that don't even exist any more... and no, they aren't ones that I deleted either. Anyway, I just thought it was worth commenting on. I just hope no one resurrects one of these old posts and thinks Weizen closes with "Later, Kevin". The last thing he needs is for people to think he's me. Later, Rolf
  13. Entire That's not what it says on the coupon. It says, "One coupon per purchase, per customer." I used it to get one of those Oscar Peterson MPS SACD hybrids. Regular $18.99, got it for $15.20. Kevin
  14. I love him in Weird Al Yankovich's "UHF". He says he still gets royalty checks for that appearance. The last one was for 10 cents.
  15. Marla, Stereo Jack has/can get this 2 CD set. That's where I got mine. Just ask Jack to special order it. It was under $20 for the set. Kevin
  16. Brad, I may have just posted a question on another board and you may have answered it - the Wynton Kelly you speak of released on Fresh Sounds, with Hank Mobley - is this it: Famous Ballroom", Baltimore, MD, November 12, 1967 On a Clear Day / Interlude Vee-Jay [J] 25YD 1092/93 Hackensack - On Green Dolphin Street - Milestones - If You Could See Me Now - Speak Low / Theme - * Interpretation's by the Wynton Kelly Quartet (Vee-Jay [J] 25YD 1092/93) Any comments? I'm ready to buy today, if this is actually available. Tks, Marla This is available on Fresh Sounds FSCD 1031, a two CD set issued in 2000. This 2 disc set is the most complete version of this material I've found. Sound is very good. Surprisingly good. Hank seems to go off mike every now & then... not too often though. I just spun it this afternoon and Hank only seems to miss the mike on a couple of ocassions and it might even be the recording "engineer". BTW, I also had the Fresh Sounds 2 CD set of George Coleman with the Kelly trio and I dumped it. If my memory isn't failing me, the sound is a lot worse on that one. Later, Kevin EDIT: Updated my review of the sound.
  17. I can buy Mosaics sets to make a profit if I want! What the hell is wrong with this? Technically, it's a risk on my part. There is no "guarantee" that my purchase will continually appreciate. It's not a great investment if you're looking to make a quick buck. They rarely get big bucks for quite a while after they're oop. Mosaic doesn't care if I buy it or someone else buys it, they just want to sell it. How many sets have timed out already, probably making it a losing venture for Mosaic? I repeat, Mosaic does not care who buys these sets, so long as they sell! Kevin PS: What the hell does Mosaics on eBay have to do with Matha Stewart??? Twisted stuff.
  18. Ahh, that's right. It is acoustic on "Love Story"... but still, it is "Love Story"... I gack every time I play this. I usually hit the skip button pretty quick. It might have something to do with the fact that I've actually seen "Love Story". Later, Kevin
  19. People tell stories of Keiko Jones holding Elvin up so he could play on his last tour. When I hear Hank's playing on this date, I wish I could reach through my speakers and hold him up. He sounds so much like he's just holding on that I get heartbroken hearing him like this. He does go to town on "Summertime" and maybe sounds like the old Hank in bits. I would say "not essential", but you do get the added bonus of some killer Charles Davis. Davis makes the date worthwhile for me. You know as weak as Hank sounds on this, the trio cover of "Theme From Love Story" with Walton on electric piano is weaker. Later, Kevin
  20. Ted, I would freak out leaving my stuff out in my car overnight! No lie. I wouldn't sleep a wink. In fact, I would probably suggest to my wife that she drive during the day and I drive during the night. A couple of sleepless nights would be well worth my piece of mind. Later, Kevin
  21. These guys are playing in Boston and I was intrigued. However, I'm not a big fan of really out stuff. How free "off the beat" is this band? I mean, I like a bit of free playing but I can't stand it if it sounds like everyone's playing off a different metronome, if you get my drift. I always describe the style of free jazz I hate as "everyone's playing a different song". In a way, it really comes down to the drummer. Does Michal Miskiewicz play like a madman all the time or does he keep time? If he is at least keeping some forward momentum going, I can take the rest of the band going off. Later, Kevin
  22. I have moved a lot, almost always with the biggies like Allied and United. Other than a couple of snafus like late arrivals and a few pieces of busted furniture, I've had good experiences with them. I prefer United. However, these big companies all have locals that individually owned and operated and I've heard there are some sleazy operators with "United" on their trucks so caveat emptor. Your best bet is to ask around at a couple of realtors in your area. They hear all the horror stories first-hand so they will be able to give you a heads-up. One thing I will say is this: NEVER trust them with your irreplaceable stuff! NEVER! I have always packed a large case of CDs that are impossible to replace. I have a padded CD case that holds around 75 discs. I also pack all my Mosaics (in their shipping boxes) myself and move them myself. They do not go onto the truck. I never let them move my more expensive audio gear either. No jewelery. No gold. All that stuff goes into the car that's making the move with me. I always have a full car. I hope my moving days are done. I never want to move again. BTW, if saving money's important, get the options for "pack, move & unpack" versus "pack & move" and simply "move". Move is cheapest but they can (and will) milk you for loading time if you don't use standardized moving boxes. The cheapest way in the end is "pack & move". Frankly, I think "unpack" is a waste of dough. All they do is rip open the boxes and dump the stuff out. You wind up with piles of stuff all over the place. At least if you unpack it yourself, you can put it away immediately. Much less chaos that way. Later, Kevin
  23. I wonder why he's selling it? Has he stopped playing? Later, Kevin
  24. I just wish it wsn't mid-week. It's just too far for me to go and I can't miss work because I have a week vacation coming up in April. I really hope Johnny makes another swing through Boston again. BTW, anyone in NYC should go. Michael's playing is worth the price itself. Later, Kevin
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