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Kevin Bresnahan

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    Maine Seacoast

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  1. I find it weird to see a rare old photo like this with all of those imperfections. Those things are fairly easy to fix these days, often through the use of tools that will do it almost automatic. I get that the original should stay original, but there's no need to keep it that way in the digital domain.
  2. Fremer's panties are still in a bunch over all of the rave reviews of MoFi vinyl cuts that he gave, usually with some sort of "analog is king" vibe, only to find out that nearly all of them were cut using high resolution digital files. His credibility is shot so it shouldn't be unexpected that he's going to lash out when questioned after that fiasco.
  3. Sometimes I think that whoever owns the LRC label these days keeps changing the covers to try to fake out buyers into re-buying titles they already have.
  4. Unfortunately, my wife is having surgery on the 12th and needs me to help her get around for about 6 weeks, so I won't be able to make it down there for this show. I'm sure we'll be there for your next visit.
  5. I'm not a business, so I don't know if Venmo charges businesses 3% if they receive a payment, but in every Venmo transaction I've made, either sending or receiving, the money sent was the money received. I have never been dinged 3% for any Venmo money sent to me. My landscaper accepts Venmo and I've paid him that way several times. I doubt he'd accept it if he didn't get paid what I was supposed to pay. If I owe him $100, why would he accept a Venmo payment from me for $97? Maybe it's because I've ever had to use my credit card for payments? As for PayPal, I have always had payments get reduced by their fees. It's why I increase my asking price a bit for stuff I sell on-line. I know I'm going to get dinged, so I build that into my asking price. I don't use "Friends and family" for CD/LP sales on-line because you lose payment protection when you go that route & I'm pretty sure that in cases where you use your credit card for a "Friends and Family" payment, they charge you the 3% too.
  6. I've never had Venmo take any extra money on any of my transactions. PayPal, yes - Venmo, no. Also, for PayPal, when you send someone money to pay for something, they get dinged for the 3%. You don't pay 3% more.
  7. I started reading this before Christmas but for some reason, it's not doing it for me. I read in bed prior to going to sleep and this book doesn't keep me awake for long. I'm sure I'll finish it eventually but the early parts describing his family roots in deep detail, is probably really interesting for Sonny but not for me.
  8. This is terrible news. So many lost so much. I keep reading all the horror stories of families who lost everything except the clothes on their back. BTW, regarding fund raising efforts, I saw a news report this morning that said that all of these Go Fund Me events have resulted in a statement from FEMA that basically says that any monies raised by a Go Fund Me page will offset any aid from FEMA. I have no idea how that affects John Clayton's Go Fund Me.
  9. You can also ask for an edit or deletion of a post after 60 minutes by using the "report a post" link. If it's a valid request, we can fix it for you. We can also delete an old "for sale" thread in the Classifieds if that's what you wish. However, it would be best to wait until after all of the sales from that thread are fully completed. Personally, I only delete an old sale thread if some of the items haven't sold and I want to move them to a new thread. I don't want items listed in two separate "For Sale" threads. Deleting topics not related to sales is not something that will be done without an OK from the board owner (Jim A).
  10. I am not big on resurrecting dead threads, but this date has some great music. Has it ever been released on LP or CD legitimately yet?
  11. Are you able to play the multichannel sector of the SACD layer? Bob told me that he put a lot of work into that multichannel mix and that he meant for it to be listened to that way.
  12. I haven't had any luck finding this CD. Jackson's label, Solid Jackson, doesn't seem to have any distribution set up and he hasn't brought any to his gigs in several years. I'm planning to see him March. Maybe I should e-mail him and ask if he can bring a few?
  13. Wasn't some of it tied up with legal issues for a while? I thought I read that Joe Fields & Don Schlitten couldn't agree on a separation agreement. Something about Fields' Cobblestone stuff that was released on Muse maybe?
  14. He said he's got a new one coming out soon so maybe he'll have that with him the next time you see him... although he did say that it's gotten really bad for CD sales at his shows recently.
  15. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 = un deux trois quatre cinq Of course, only non-French speakers would ever pronounce quatre as "cat" .
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