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Everything posted by jazzmantom2004

  1. We found this disc after we had sold the rest of the collection, and the CD is in MINT condition. If you are interested, please send us a PM. $6.50 includes domestic US shipping. $8.50 for anywhere else. Payment via PayPal. Thanks, Hal
  2. Ladies and Gentlemen of Organissimo: On February 1, 2003, my father passed away. He was 78 years old, and a jazz fan since he was a child. He recounted stories of cutting school to go to New York to see all the big names. He often told the story of seeing Billie Holiday (his favorite) repeatedly and having drinks with her (and his girlfriend) many times. She especially liked my dad's girlfriend because of her bright "Lucille Ball" red hair which opened the door to the personal relationship. Dad took me with him to see many of the Jazz, Swing, and Big Band greats over the years, but the music was just OK for me. I enjoyed most, but not enough to consider myself a fan. So, when he passed away last year, mom and I left the collection in the boxes he had packed them just before I moved my folks to Florida. He lived in his Condo for 4 months before passing, and never had the strength to unpack them even though I offered to do it for him many times. As Cancer spread, we had long talks. He wanted me to liquidate his collection with the proceeds going to Mom. He gave me instructions on how to reassemble box sets as carefully has he had disassembled them for storage. He told me what he thought the collection was worth, and it was his wish that as much as possible be sold directly to jazz fans instead of a used CD dealer. He had no idea of the power of the internet, and neither did I truly understand the awesome power of it until I began this undertaking. I have a degree in Business and Marketing so I began the task. As it turned out, it became a full-time job for 10 weeks, and as I was recuperating from back surgery, the timing was perfect for an internet "business". We listed the collection on half.com, eBay, and tried to massage sales through repeat business, and we were somewhat successful. It was not until we met a couple of members of this board that our "fortunes" turned. Therefore, Mom & I want to take a moment to personally thank "DEUS62" in Germany , "BRAD" & "JAZZMOOSE" here in the US. DEUS62 took the initiative to post our list on your board and alert the members to our situation and sell-off. He is a man of integrity, and we want to make special note of this. When sales started coming in from Board members, we wrote DEUS62 with a "Thank You" and an offer for a much larger discount on a personal level. Later, we offered a flat credit toward anything he wanted from the collection and offered free shipping. He politely said that he just wanted to help us and wasn't looking for anything. How's that for not only integrity but compassion? "BRAD" & "JAZZMOOSE" provided very useful information on pricing which was something we were having a problem with- especially the Mosaics. Many of you made purchases from us, sent us encouraging e-mails, and passed your condolences. It was very emotional for us to sell the collection because of our loss. Mom & I are extremely happy with outcome and that we were able to meet dad's primary goal of getting his stuff to collectors. The reason I am talking in the past tense is because, and quite unbelievably to us, one of our repeat customers and I negotiated a deal on Friday that will see the remaining 300 CDs go to him thus allowing us to sell 100% of the collection (aside from a few duplicates in the collection). My request was for half down which he sent, and we will hold the CDs pending final payments. The long post is essentially to say "T H A N K S !!!!!" to everyone for their support and purchases. Sincerely, Hal & Elaine jazzmantom2004
  3. We have been selling the collection of CDs for about 10 weeks now. YES, we do test play each CD at the time they are packed. We test the CD to make sure it is recognized by the CD player and then we test about 10 seconds of every track to make sure they play. We have actually canceled half.com paid orders at our loss because we had a few CDs not pass our test. Several of you in this string have bought from us. Speak up if you were happy or not with our packaging, dailly runs to the Post Office and FedEx, communciation through e-mails, etc. I'm proud of the reputation we have built as a seller because mom & I work hard at it. My ethic is simple-"Treat a buyer the way I want to be treated." Period. By the way--He paid $64 for the set. He wanted Global Express Shipping which was $28. Oddly enough, he could have bought it on eBay from a seller in London for the same price with a much lower shipping charge. BUT the London seller put "ALL SALES FINAL" in his listing. Perhaps that's why he bought it from me. I still think I was scammed. Like I said, lesson learned. I'll tell everybody one thing for sure---I didn't expect this to be such a hot topic.
  4. Quite frankly, other than truly fraudulent buyers/sellers, have you really ever seen an eBayer with less than a 95-100% rating? The whole feedback system is corrupt. I think that's why people don't participate in it fully. If I come across something that I really want, unless the seller has multiple negative feedbacks from different customers, I wind up taking a chance. Haven't been burned yet as a buyer. Here's an example---a seller had 16 feedbacks with a 75% rating. Four of the negative feedbacks were from 1 buyer. The post office damaged the box. The seller clearly offered Postal Insurance in her auctions and specifically said "Not responsible for Postal loss or damage if insurance not purchased." So why the negatives? The buyer was pissed off at her own frugalness in not spending the extra $6.20 and that the seller said "Too bad you did not buy insurance". AND, what about those sellers who get a poor record and then just sign up for a new user id? It's a corrupt system. What it really is- a buyer beware environment. Most of the time it's win/win. Buffer all of your good deals with the fact that there is a slight chance you may get burned.
  5. That's an interesting point about dual feedback. I have stickers that I attach to each package that says "POSITIVE FEEDBACK IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED AND RETURNED! PROBLEMS? CONTACT ME AT JAZZMANTOM2004@YAHOO.COM" Why? In the beginning, I had shipped about 30 CDs with no complaints AND with NO feedback left for me. Now, if you post, I post. Since the stickers, about 65% of the people actually post feedback. When I buy, I ALWAYS leave feedback. Knock wood, as a buyer, I haven't had to post any negatives.
  6. The guy won. He got a chance to burn the discs at my expense and got his money back at that. He is a buyer with 100% feedback so he doesn't want a negative. Neither do I so it's just a financial write-off at this point. The lesson learned is worth the loss. I check the CDs visually. My mom test plays them. My level of trust has been shot-to-shit so Ijust won't offer refunds anymore. I hold the last card in this tansaction. If he posts feedback so will I.
  7. Follow-Up I contacted him via e-mail. I gave him his refund with 2 conditions. 1) He drop any case he might have started with eBay and advise them the matter was settled and closed. 2) He agree not to post ANY feedback, pos, neg, neutral and I wouldn't either. He agreed to both. Case closed. Thanks everybody! Hal
  8. OK, he gets his full refund. Just some clarifications- He was offered a full refund because he misrepresented the facts in order to get such an answer. Later, I realized he was full-of-crap. Looks like I'm the loser because I trusted what he said resulting in my offer of the refund. Regarding the 10 days---yes, I'm sure. I could tell by the postmark vs. the date he acknowleged the e-mail for the refund.. Regarding eBay feedback, I'll bet you money that even with his full refund, he'll negative me anyway. He's already made threats about reporting me to eBay. About what? I don't know. I do not offer any "warranty" in my auctions. Quite frankly, I haven't had to until this guy. Some of you who posted here have bought from me with no complaints. For me, lesson learned, and as the Moose said, I'll go with the high road. Thanks everybody. Hal
  9. I'll try to be short and stick to the facts. We have been liquidating dad's collection on eBay, half.com, and through private sales for about 7 weeks now. We have shipped 33 box sets and 654 CDs out of 42/1203 with unbelievalble positive feedback. Recently, at auction, I sold the Miles Davis/Gil Evans Columbia box set for $92 including S&H to the UK from the US. The buyer balked at our S&H rate AFTER THE AUCTION (the info was posted) causing an exchange of e-mails and our offer to relieve him of his obligation as a buyer and we would resell it. When he realized we would not bargain after the auction, he paid. Mom & I visually inspect and test play each disc before shipping. Based upon postal records, the buyer notified us 2 days after receiving the set that he did not feel that the set was MINT++ as advertised as disc 6 had a "black spew" on it rendering it unplayable. We advised him that we did not see it when shipped and that we did not have a return policy at that time. After mom & I talked about it, we agreed to process a refund if he shipped it back to us. We knew it didn't ship that way as we had played the disc. He waited another 10 days to ship it back. When we received it, we took it to a local Used CD shop for an opinion. He did verify that it was indeed MINT++. The "black spew" as the buyer called it was a piece of glue from the CD sleeve that had come loose and stuck to the CD while putting the CD back in. He cleaned it in a second with a CD cleaning cloth. I realized at that point, that this was probably a case of buyer's regret. He had the CDs for 12 days- long enough to burn them before returning them to us. We then withdrew our offer of a full refund (less actual costs for commissions and postage) because of these circumstances- he had them for 12 days, the set was verified MINT++ condition, and we believe that this is a case of buyer's regret as supported by his attempts to renegotiate after the auction ended. We could be wrong. We're not perfect. What do you think? 1-Full Refund (less our costs which is what he's expecting) 2-Partial Refund (It resold for $24 less than he paid so we want to refund the net amount) Let us know your thoughts.
  10. While sorting through dad's collection, we came across a Glenn Miller Box Set which best we can make out is from 1954. The are 2 volumes released by RCA and imprinted with the words "Limited Edition" and Volume 2 has a booklet marked "Numbered Edition EE 24". Volume 1 comes in a light green box, and Volume 2 comes as a booklet form that is spiral bound with a light green cover. Both are imprinted with gold lettering. These are volumes of extended play 45s Anybody have any thoughts about this set, their valuation, and how best to dispose of them?
  11. After comparing prices, we are going to drop our price to $85 +3.95 S&H for Media Mail. or $7.95 for Priority Mail. Insurance is optional and $2.20 addiitonal. Hal
  12. I accepted a trade for an unopened retail version of Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition-Full Install. The box has a Certificate of Authenticity and has never been registered or opened. The Microsoft Part number is N09-00360 (If you type the part number in Google you can read all about this version). I had intended to upgrade my WIN98 on my desktop, but I got a great deal on a new computer tonight. This box retails for approximately $159-$199 depending on which site you check. Asking for $100 + shipping. Write me at jazzmantom2004@yahoo.com if you have any questions. Thanks, Hal
  13. It did sell for $406 with heavy bidding on another auction about a week ago. The successful buyer of that auction had approached me about buying it from me and I offered it for $350 including shipping and he declined, but then went and bought it for more PLUS shipping. I can't figure that one out. The guy who bought this one actually bought 3 others from me privately last month. He's from France and quite a nice guy. I'm glad he got it if he wanted it. I just wish he would have contacted me first and saved me the commissions!
  14. Based upon the information e-mailed to me, I wanted to let the board know that I have posted several Mosaic sets, foreign, and rare CDs (and Zippo lighters, of all things) on eBay tonight. The link to look at the offerings is below. Thanks for your support, Hal http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...5&since=-1&rd=1
  15. Anybody heard of this lable. I had a helluva time finding them on the web. If you know of them, what can you tell me? Thanks, Hal
  16. Thanks a bunch MooseMan!!!! Buck Clayton sold in 7 hours with buy-it-now. Did I underprice it or is it just that hard to find?
  17. Based upon the information e-mailed to me, I wanted to let the board know that I have posted several Mosaic sets, foreign, and rare CDs (and Zippo lighters, of all things) on eBay tonight. The link to look at the offerings is below. Thanks for your support, Hal http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?View...5&since=-1&rd=1
  18. Brad, I modified my post too. Thank you for your order. Hal
  19. Discography sold on eBay for $11.95. Thanks anyway, Hal
  20. I am not a direct customer of Mosaic, but a recent call cemented my belief in their customer service. My father had 19 Mosaics set in his collection when he passed away which we are selling. The problem? Where to find boxes designed for LP size boxes when they don't make LPs anymore. So on a hunch, i called Mosaic and spoke to Jerry to find out who makes boxes for them so I could call them and order some for myself. I explained we were liquidating my dad's collection to other collectors, and they offered to sell me boxes at cost + shipping. Now that was phenomenal customer service! Hal
  21. mr jazz, I do appreciate your response above and your positive thoughts. Please let me know how you want to receive the credit I promised you, PayPal, check, or merchandise credit. Thanks, Hal
  22. We found the receipt in the book. He paid $19.95 + 2.80 S&H. Hal
  23. Attention fellow members and mr jazz With all due respect, given that mr jazz has chosen a public forum to call me dishonest through a misrepresentation, I must defend myself in some way. mr jazz purchased this item from me on half.com. When I searched for the CD under Ellington Fargo this was the CD that came up. I looked at it and saw that the cover art was different. I saw that the music was the same except the version on half.com had LESS music on the CDs and was issued on the 60th anniversary. My version was issued for the 50th Anniversary. When I listed it, I CLEARLY listed under the descripton that the cover art was different and that this was the earlier 50th Anniversary release of the same music- in fact more music. I understand mr jazz's disappointment upon opening the package and that is why I offered him some kind of rebate on the discs. This was not a case of deceitful misrepresentation, but a case of the buyer's oversight in reading the information that was posted. I would have hoped as this disc was priced at HALF of the price of the other listings, mr jazz might have had some "red flag' to find out why- and why was in my product description. Hal
  24. Hysterical. Love the image change. I wish I knew how to do it. Hal
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