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David Williams

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Everything posted by David Williams

  1. Probably. Just in case you don't know - you connect a phono amp to one of the other (line level) inputs, though, not the phono input. There's a cheapish Creek phono amp that seems well-regarded, but even the cheapest stand-alone unit (QED perhaps?) will do a better job than an integral one that's been put there at minimum cost.
  2. Garrard 401/Origin Live RB250/Ortofon MC Super II, EAR 834P, Decware SE84B, Beauhorn (Lowther) horns, Micromega Stage 4 CD. Unfortunately, I have to do most listening on Panasonic personal (with Koss Porta-Pro h'phones) or Panasonic portable.
  3. Thanks - a quick look suggests they don't have much Meters left on vinyl.
  4. Thanks. I've done a bit of browsing, and it seems they keep things analogue, but, as you say, can't make a silk ear from a sow's purse. I'll put the other two Josie albums on the Christmas list. Dusty Groove looks good, with the Dollar/Sterling rate they way it is!
  5. Do the Sundazed LPs have better sound than the standard Josie reissues? My Josie of The Meters could stand some improvement, and I want to start picking up the others. Are they all analogue, or have they been done digitally then dumped on to vinyl? Help me out, fellow vinyl funkateers! B)
  6. I thought I read that Monk was named Thelious by his parents, and changed it to Thelonious and added the Sphere himself - am I wrong?
  7. I'm as new to Air as you are, and this was my first of theirs - beautiful. I've also found Air Lore on LP, and you should hear this if you're interested in the rag/Joplin angle - two Joplin pieces, plus an amazing Buddy Bolden's Blues, King Porter Stomp, and a Threadgill composition. It's great to hear these tunes tackled by this trio in a full-on but sympathetic/empathetic way. I think it's available on CD.
  8. Would that be Jonathan or Vincent?
  9. Impropositions could well be in the same vein, though it's 7 years old now - sounds like an obsessive examination of some of the sonic possibilities of his various horns, including shrieks, howls, screams, pad sounds, and silence, and few Tourette's moments, as you say. No melody or rhythm to distract! The vinyls are very tempting, I'll have to see what I can do.
  10. My current parlous financial state probably makes this question redundant, but how much are they Joe? Is the Gustaffsson from the same mould as his solo Impropositions?
  11. Electric wah-wah cello may sound an awful lot like guitar if Mat Maneri's electric viola on Sustain is anything to go by.
  12. Hey! That's racial abuse. You're a baaad, baaad boy, and you mutton do it again.
  13. King Canute: much misunderstood.
  14. It would seem, then, that you don't deserve to own this vinyl set, and should therefore send it to a good home: mine.
  15. Nothing profound to say, but I bought this with birthday tokens a couple of weeks ago, and fucking hell! if this hasn't instantly become my favourite Coltrane. I've listened to almost nothing else for two weeks. To my ears it's a near perfect blend of Coltrane's later playing with Tyner and Garrison still providing a harmonic base - perhaps my favourite McCoy Tyner, and Garrison showing where William Parker sprang from - and Elvin's playing is beautifully varied. Well recorded too. Sorry to rave about a recording nearly 40 years late, but I was talking to a Coltrane fan today who'd actually never heard of it, so....
  16. I see what you mean. I've never been able to connect particularly with his actual 'message' though: it was the music and voice that did it for me. I don't really feel the soul in anything since Poetic Champions, and I don't much like what his voice has become. Oh! for the days when he could really let go....
  17. Have you heard his 70's stuff? He didn't used to be repetitive. I can't listen to anything since the late 80's. Do yourself a favour, listen to Astral Weeks, Moondance, St Dominic's Preview, Too Late To Stop Now, Veedon Fleece, A Period Of Transition, Into The Music, No Guru, then give everything after Poetic Champions to the charity shop.
  18. I've been struggling to free myself from emotional involvement with Welsh rugby since it all started going pear-shaped in the late 80's: haven't managed it yet. COME ON BOYS - TONGA TOMORROW!
  19. Beautiful tune, gorgeous albums, both v1 & v2. These and Dorham's Bohemia dates have had a lot of play here.
  20. Well, I pictured you as older, darker haired, but I got the lack of glasses and a beard right.
  21. Unity. In fact, it was looking for more info on the RVG series that led me to the BNBB.
  22. Have a look at the 'Conversations With Jim Anderson' thread in the Audio forum - there's stuff in there about recording Hammond, and it was Jim recorded Jimmy Smith's Angel Eyes album, among others.
  23. I expect Hiroshi Tanno can keep you supplied for a while.
  24. That's interesting. I heard her at the beautiful little Norwegian Church here in Cardiff a couple of years ago. I didn't suspect that the bass was sampled. Barbara gave a short talk about how the Hammond/Leslie works - can't remember if she mentioned the midi.
  25. Yep. I use Somerset's shaving oil. A little goes a very long way, smooth shave, nice smell. You need some shower gel or something in the water to prevent the bristles sticking to the side of the basin though. Twin blade - Gillette Sensor, I think.
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