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Everything posted by Alec

  1. I'll take if avail! Let me know.
  2. Pm: re: Johnson Mosaic!
  3. PM Sent re: Les McCann Ltd. in New York Sonny Stitt - Just in Case You Forgot How Bad He Really Was Gene Ammons All-Stars - Jammin' with Gene
  4. Sheldonm- I've got extra copies of Lost Grooves and Blue Break Beats V4 (promo Copy). I'd be happy to trade or work something else out. Let me know if you're interested.
  5. Okay, here is a strange problem for you audio experts. Someone burned some cds for me (all from OOP albums that have never been on CD), When I play them on my computer, car player, or cheap boom box, there is bad distortion. However, on my home system there is no distortion. Why? How can I fix this problem? Thanks in advance for the help.
  6. Another coupon good for 20% off almost everything 8/6--8/9 20% off Coupon
  7. Now somebody needs to scan the covers and post them here so those who wish can print them out.
  8. Lifelong Love Affair With Music Ends At Age 35 Hey, I already have 8+ years on this guy!
  9. I'll take the Wilson if still avail!
  10. Message sent re: Spinners
  11. Just saw two works by Kurylewicz avail at Dusty Groove and they looked interesting. Any comments you'd like to share?
  12. Since they just had the free shipping around father's day, I'm not expecting anything. But I do hope I'm wrong!
  13. More Borders Savings 20% off almost everything July 16th to the 18th Borders Coupon
  14. If you have the room, get a jump rope! Just try and do 5 min without breaking a sweat. Plus it gives you and excuse to break out your "Rocky" movies!
  15. For me it's the opening to Dolphy's "Aggression" from "Live at the 5 Spot V2. burrr! sends chills up my spine (or is the idiom down my spine?)
  16. I have a cable modem and this sucker is slooooooooooooow.
  17. From a Mosaic Email
  18. Not a coupon, but apparently Borders has a bunch of Blue Notes on sale for $8.99 each! An incomplete list can be found here: Borders Blue Notes on Sale
  19. did you get my note from the 25th?
  20. Yeah, but can you write your name in the snow with it? That's the real test!
  21. You know that this is going to open the floodgates!
  22. Okay, I'll toss one out here: www.snapjazz.com the snap for photos and for finger snapping music of course there is the variation www.jazzsnaps.com
  23. I've really been enjoying the latest Prestige two-fer re-issues: Shirly Scott's "Trio Classics Vol 1" and especially Houston Person's "Broken Windows, Empty Hallways" (I haven't gotten Johnny "Hammond" Smith's "Opus de Funk" yet.) Does anyone have a list of the two-fers? Thanks
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