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Everything posted by Alec

  1. After seeing these album covers in another thread , I became curious. How are they? Allmusic doesn't think much of them, but come on, it's Chet Baker!! how about a select? Anyone heard these? Are they just Herb Alpert ripoffs? 1964 A Taste of Tequila World Pacific 1965 Hats Off!!! World Pacific 1966 Double Shot World Pacific 1966 In the Mood World Pacific
  2. marcello and TroyK thanks for the info. I'm glad to see that her latest is on artist shareI think it's a great approach to selling music. I checked amazon, and I'm going to pick up some of her stuff.
  3. Saturday night I'm off to Dartmouth (Hanover, NH) to see their student jazz group the Barbary Coast Jazz Ensemble with special guests Conrad Herwig, Robby Ameen and Walter White. Should be a great evening of Latin Jazz!
  4. TroyK I saw Maria a few weeks ago when she played at Dartmouth. I enjoyed the second set more than the first. (mostly the same set list as posted). I think in the first set I overdosed on the accordion. I really enjoyed Ingrid Jensen's playing. I thought she has a great tone (okay, I'm not a musician so I'm not sure how to describe the quality of her playing that I like). Does Ingrid have anything as a leader or in a small group setting? Any suggestions?
  5. WOW! Ebay Jones/Lewis Mosaic $898.00 $179.00 per CD Still days to go!
  6. I usually don't give a whit about cars and the like---but this fascinated me. I now want to trade in my Honda for a Toyota pickup!
  7. RUDY VAN GELDER SERIES ONLY $6 PER CD! 163 TITLES AVAILABLE! BLUE NOTE CONNOISSEUR SERIES ONLY $9 PER CD! 47 TITLES AVAILABLE! Here's How It Works - Buy a Mosaic Records boxed set. Then on the same order choose up to 3 Blue Note RVGs for only $6 each and/or Connoisseur reissues for $9 each (Double-CD sets for each series are $15 each). Buy two Mosaic Records boxed sets and save on 6 selected Blue Note CDs. There is no limit; purchase as many as Mosaic Records sets as you want and be entitled to a special promotion rate for 3 CDs for each Mosaic Records set purchased. True Blue Music retails RVGs for $12.98 (promotion price of $6.00) and 2 CD sets for $26.98 (promotion price of $15.00). True Blue Music retails Connoisseurs for $17.98 (promotion price of $9.00) and 2 CD sets for $26.98 (promotion price of $15.00). If you order via the website, on the True Blue Music catalog page there are two Genre categories which list all the RVGs and Connoisseurs available. The items from both websites (www.mosaicrecords.com and www.truebluemusic.com) are included in the same shopping cart. The shopping cart will reflect the retail price of the Blue Note CDs. Please be assured that we will adjust the order to reflect the discount before the order is processed. Some Rules: The purchase of any our 3 CD Mosaic Select series IS NOT included in this offer. The promotional price on Blue Note CDs is ONLY available with the purchase of a large-size Mosaic Records boxed set. All Mosaic Records boxed set purchases are eligible EXCEPT for our newest release, Oliver Nelson. Blue Note 2 CD sets are counted as 2 CDs. This offer expires February 28th.
  8. Alec, just out of curiosity what do you do for the 3 months you have off? And no, I am not trying to stir shit up. Hell, I rarely rise to the bait anymore. In reality it is not 3 months, but rather 2 and change. We got out of school on June 22nd and returned on August 29th for a total of 67 days. This summer I went to China for 6 weeks. 4 weeks teaching Chinese English teachers, and then 2 weeks of vacation. I also had to prepare for a new course I am teaching, Modern World Literature. That meant reading 6 books and working on lessons. Often during the summer I either teach summer school, or take courses to keep my certification. I need at least 75 hours of continuing education credits every three years in order to maintain my license. Some summers I just goof off and laugh at all of you who don't have a cushy job like mine.
  9. As a current high school teacher, I am always amused by threads like these. First of all, a big remedial math course for Dave James and his claim that 180 days of work is half a year. Let's work that out. There are 52 weeks a year. Most people work 5 days a week. That adds up to 260 days. Let's also assume that the average worker gets a total of 3 weeks off (vacation and holidays) that reduces the number by 15 days to 245 vs a teacher's 180. Hmmm things are looking much closer aren't they? (I won't even count all the weekends and nights of preparing lesson plans or grading papers.) Teaching for me is a second career. I took a pay cut to become a teacher and I work harder than I ever did. (and I'm glad I did. I'm not complaining about the $$) In reality, our school's primary mission is not education but, rather, socialization and pacification. First of all, no one can agree on a definition of an educated person. If they could then you could easily devise an assessment that would measure it and simply give that test to see how the students measure up. The problem is what do you do with the students who don't measure up? Assign them menial jobs or manual labor? Society would self destruct. That is why Jefferson's plans for a true meritocracy failed. While everyone likes to moan about the current state of education, the truth is that people have been making dire warnings about what kids know since well, forever. As a teacher I do the best I can with who I have. Is it enough? Sometimes.
  10. I hate missing out on a deal like this! Dolphy's Aggression off Vol. 2 really got me into jazz. I was trying to find something on the radio and caught it on WBGO. I was transfixed by what I heard.
  11. I haven't looked it up, but I think that quote's from "Snowman" off English Settlement. I just saw that Andy Partridge's "Fuzzy Warbles" (all 6 volumes) are now avail via itunes! (along with a new XTC song.) "Think I'm going south for the winter Me train running low on soul coal."
  12. For the CD or LP? (I guess Amazon really doesn't list LPs). Yeah, I managed to pick up a clean LP for $10 or so about 18 months ago. I think that is definitely the way to go, since some of the best material is left off the CD. They are selling the CD. Crazy prices for something that is not even complete. They really should reissue everything in a nice two disc set. Hmm - how about a Wilner Boxed set?!
  13. Gee, some Amazon sellers have That's the Way I feel Now for only around $115.00! (114.95 and 114.89) There is also one listed for $2,000 Sure you don't want to buy one of those? Actually I have a copy I might be persuaded to sell or trade. PM me with an offer if interested.
  14. Nice site! As a New Hampshireite I will certainly use it.
  15. The world hasn't gone that mad - nobody's bid on it... yet.
  16. I've finally gotten friends and family trained. I bought a few with gift certificates for my birthday and the following with gift certificates (and some cash) 198-MD-CD GERALD WILSON 232-MD-CD BUDDY RICH 230-MD-CD JAZZ CRUSADERS MS-009 MOSAIC SELECT-BOB BROOKMEYER MS-006 MOSAIC SELECT-JOHN PATTON JTSUB JAZZ TIMES SUBSCRIPTION
  17. Jim, Thanks for the reply. I have plenty of Jobim, Mendes, and Wanderly, plus a bit by some of the others. I'll probably spring for a few based on samples and your recommendations. Thanks for this thread
  18. The bastards at Dusty Groove are selling an interesting series called "Pure Bossa Nova" They are calling it analagous to the "Jazz in Paris" series. Many of the artist are new to me. They are priced at $14.99. Any thoughts? Here is a listing of the titles: Lucio Alves -- Pure Bossa Nova -- A View On The Music Of Lucio Alves Antonio Carlos Jobim & Others -- Pure Bossa Nova -- A View On The Music Of Antonio Carlos Jobim Nara Leao -- Pure Bossa Nova -- A View On The Music Of Nara Leao . Carlos Lyra & Others -- Pure Bossa Nova -- A View On The Music Of Carlos Lyra Sergio Mendes -- Pure Bossa Nova Roberto Menescal & Others -- Pure Bossa Nova -- A View On The Music Of Roberto Menescal Vinicius De Moraes & Others -- Pure Bossa Nova -- A View On The Music Of Vinicius De Moraes Os Cariocas -- Pure Bossa Nova Tamba Trio -- Pure Bossa Nova -- A View On The Music Of Tamba Trio Sylvia Telles -- Pure Bossa Nova -- A View On The Music Of Sylvia Telles Walter Wanderley -- Pure Bossa Nova -- A View On The Music Of Walter Wanderly Various -- Pure Bossa Nova -- The Best Of Bossa -- A View On The Standards
  19. For me only real maple syrup. One of my co-workers makes it, and I always buy a batch from him. My wife likes the fake stuff. If the neighbors found out we could get thrown out of the state. And Jeb Bartlett is right; New Hampshire's syrup is better than Vermont's.
  20. Follow the link Grammy list Jazz starts at Field 10
  21. 25% off. 12/1-12/4 Coupon
  22. 7/4 - small world! For a summer I also worked at a Mattel plastic injection factory in New Jersey. I mostly worked at a machine that made the refrigerator doors for Barbie.
  23. Ummm...... perhaps sticking his head into the path of the train?
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