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Peter Johnson

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About Peter Johnson

  • Birthday 06/25/1971

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  1. Hey Dan! I hope you’re well. It’s been a long time! If still available, I’ll take the following: Tina Brooks, Back to the Tracks Jackie McLean, Bluesnik Dexter Gordon, Doin' Allright Dexter Gordon, A Swingin' Affair let me know. Happy new year!
  2. Was this the actual artwork? Seems to be no longer available 😥
  3. Hey Dan! Great to hear from you. I was back and forth with Felser and can't believe the gang is up to BFT 213!!! Crazy! I miss this place and will try to hang around a bit more often!
  4. Hey everyone--been a long time! Looking for the above title in the XRCD24 edition, if anyone has one they'd like to sell. Drop me a line if so. Many thanks!
  5. Pm sent on schifrin...
  6. PM sent on the Virgin recordings, 11-27.
  7. Or--if you can, as I will--go see Dave Liebman (!) tomorrow night!
  8. I knew about that gig--at Prime Rib, not far from my house. I tried tracking Jymie down when I moved back in 2008, but he'd moved on at that point. Tried contacting his son, and Odean Pope's manager--never got a response. Good luck, please post anything you discover!
  9. I knew about that gig--at Prime Rib, not far from my house. I tried tracking Jymie down when I moved back in 2008, but he'd moved on at that point. Tried contacting his son, and Odean Pope's manager--never got a response. Good luck, please post anything you discover!
  10. Just did that last weekend--though I went about 18 hours (started it at 9:45 pm on the big green egg; took about an hour to get it to a steady 230 degrees--and let 'er rip. YUM! Good luck!
  11. Clifford--I'm so excited for you! I've done the cross country journey 3x, with many boxes of lps packed exactly as rod described--twice in summer heat, once in the dead of winter. No problems whatsoever, but one caution: if you're using any professional help along the way, LABEL YOUR BOXES IN CODE. I stupidly did not do this on one move, and have been rebuilding "adderly-Coltrane (Atlantic)" ever since. *friggin idiot* We're in the city 2-3 weekends a month, hit me up when you land.
  12. With all due respect, that's one of the most delusional comments I've heard about this entire sordid disgusting mess. We are just beginning to see what I expect will become a tidal wave of part monday morning quarterbacking (no pun intended) and part "finally feel able to talk" comments about how "Jerry had a problem with boys" and the like. Vindicated? Really? Try "confirmation of the blood on his hands."
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