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  1. Dan, I second that this is a excellent question... I find that the audience does mainly remember how you start and finish a song/solo. Being the first out of the gate adds a little pressure to the soloist (which in turn can be translated into creative energy), because he/she sets the tone for that section of music. The first thing you have to do is grab them (make a musical connection, take yo' time baby), keep them (by developing that first statement you played to make the connection), then you grab them again/own them when concluding your solo (I feel this is the most challenging part of the solo, because it usually determines how much applause the audience gives you) As far as that bad mofo is concerned, celebrate what he is playin at that time. Keep your heart and mind open to the energy that soloist is creating. I also think that it shouldn't be over looked that starting your solo with the last 2 bars of his solo keeps your ears open for some great improv. One great thing a 2nd or 3rd soloist can do is to cue every 1 to drop out except for the drummer and take a chorus or two with the drummer keeping time and accenting your ideas.
  2. Man... I had a great time playin' with organissimo last nite. What a great room (good atmosphere & acoustics)! Btw its me : Johnny Gist lol. If anyone would like to get in touch with me, you can reach me @ : trizno@tmail.com or aim : thesaxologist. if you were at the show last nite, please let me know what you thought... ok all, later. --jg
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