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Everything posted by ejp626

  1. The latest film from Studio Ghibli, The Boy and the Heron, comes out later this week. I'll probably try to catch it on Sunday, but if not, then the following week.
  2. I heard this groaner the other day: Why are fire engines red? Because they are always rushin'.
  3. My son wasn't too bad a sleeper when a baby, but he had the night terrors for probably close to six months, maybe even closer to a year when he was 3 or 4. I usually had to lie on the floor near his bed -- for hours -- in order to get him calm enough to get back to sleep. I don't miss those days...
  4. I saw the Cowboy Junkies last night at the Danforth Music Hall. Last night of the tour, but they'll be back in the road in Feb. This was a rescheduled show, as 3 of the band members came down with COVID in Oct. Glad that they seemed back in good form. Not a huge, huge fan, but they are more or less a local group, and I thought I should check them out. I actually saw them in 1989 or 1990 when they were just coming up the charts and they just tore it up back then. They generally are a bit more raucous live than on their albums... I think I saw Scofield is coming back to Toronto soon, but I was pretty underwhelmed the last time I saw him, so I will likely pass. Pat LaBarbera has been coming through The Rex fairly regularly lately. Neil Swainson is supposed to be in the group in mid-Dec., and I'll make an effort to get out to see them at least once.
  5. Not at all the same, but Andrey Kurkov has a number of books talking about his complicated country, including the corruption, and has becomes a cultural ambassador for Ukraine. Brad was reading Grey Bees a while back, which takes place after the invasion of Crimea, but before the recent invasion. I'm just starting this now. https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/andrey-kurkov/grey-bees/
  6. I made the trip out to Montreal to catch the Marisol retrospective. It's in Montreal through Jan. https://www.mbam.qc.ca/en/exhibitions/marisol/ Then I think it goes to Toledo. It ends up in Buffalo (the Albright-Knox actually organized this exhibit) in mid 2024, and then Dallas in early 2025. I'll likely head over to Buffalo as there are minor variations in what is on view, depending on each venue. However, I think if you go to either Montreal/Toledo and either Dallas/Buffalo you see all the pieces, certainly the all the major sculptures.
  7. Was on a long train ride to Montreal and actually had to take the bus back! (Long story...) Anyway, I got nearly through Perec's Life, A User's Manual. It's an interesting but just exhausting read: endless lists and catalogues of everything in every room in a Parisienne apartment block, including detailed descriptions of every picture on every wall (and sometimes even the jigsaw puzzles on the coffee tables!). I'm glad I finally got to this, but I can't see rereading it a second time.
  8. Winnipeg 35
  9. Very cool.
  10. I was saying to myself this looks interesting, even though the price now is generally higher, particularly factoring in shipping. Then Amazon told me I bought this ten years ago and had it shipped to Vancouver (when shipping was still generally reasonable). I honestly don't know if this is still in the house or not.* Definitely a sign of something. Losing my marbles? Owning too much music? Not enough open shelving? But nothing good surely... * I did track it down without too much fuss...
  11. There is a Christian Petzold retrospective on at TIFF. I managed to snag the last ticket to Afire, his most recent and apparently quite uncharacteristic film. It's quite comic, mixed with darker themes. I liked it a lot, but not sure how deep I will get into his work if this one really is so different from his other films.
  12. Yes, I enjoyed this, and it is short enough that I can reread it when the mood strikes. Turtle Diary by Russell Hoban is in some ways even quirkier (and also short). I enjoyed this a lot and also will reread it at some point. Rereading The Sun Also Rises for the first time since my undergrad days...
  13. I've that second Vogue compilation that Mike listed for a while, though it's been a while since I listened to it. I should probably correct that. I never had the first one (Lover Man), and I may try to order one (depending on shipping rates to Canada 😢).
  14. I've been reading some of Naguib Mahfouz's shorter novels from the 1960s. I wasn't crazy about Autumn Quail, but I thought The Search was interesting. (Some links to Crime and Punishment, a novel which I assume Mahfouz was at least aware of...) Just starting back into Alice Munro's short stories (Open Secrets) and rereading Saramago's Blindness.
  15. It was a retro throwback weekend at the local theatres. I saw Real Genius and Back to the Future over the weekend. Both were a lot of fun. Before Real Genius, they asked who was seeing the film for the first time, and it was probably 80% of the audience. I felt old...
  16. Sorry I can't make it. I managed to catch Aoki a few times around town when I was living in Chicago. One time he had a concert with taiko drummers involved. And I think I saw him once with Fred Anderson, but I wouldn't bet my life on it...
  17. I use a Freeware app called BurnAware Free. It's fine for my purposes.
  18. I hope so. I've owned it for over 15 years, and I'm finally going to tackle it...
  19. Some absolutely ridiculous plot holes (pretty typical for all time travel movies), but actually quite entertaining. Toronto got to "play itself" in this film. I thought the Beck taxis that turned up were also a nice touch. I assume this was a fairly low budget indy film, but it looked pretty good.
  20. Halfway through Madame Bovary, and I get the sense things aren't going to work out well for her. 🤔 But no more spoilers. 🤐 After this, Angela Carter's Wise Children, her last novel. Then this weekend, I have a very long bus ride to Detroit and back. Then plan is to take Fante's Bandini Quartet. I'll likely finish it on the trip or just after.
  21. I'd been holding off for what seems like forever, trying to see Varda's Cleo from 5 to 7 for the first time on a proper screen. There was a mini Varda fest at the Paradise Theatre here in Toronto, and I saw The Beaches of Agnes (which was very interesting), but they didn't screen Cleo. So I went ahead and rented it and watched it this evening. Definitely an interesting film. I think my favorite part was up in her room with the kittens and then later the song-writing crew (with the pianist played by Michel Legrand!). On a completely different note, I plan on watching the SF comedy Relax, I'm from the Future either tomorrow or Monday.
  22. I mentioned this on a different thread, but only 2 CDs remaining of Barbara Thompson's First Light though the download will remain available. https://jazzinbritain.co.uk/album/first-light-2 I really ought to do the (digital) subscription to Jazz in Britain on Bandcamp. Maybe a little bit later this fall...
  23. While I usually (or at least currently) just purchase downloads through Bandcamp, I decided to buy one of the last remaining CDs (plus download) of Barbara Thompson's First Light. Apparently they are down to 10 physical copies. https://jazzinbritain.co.uk/album/first-light-2
  24. Been dropping in at The Rex again. I plan on seeing the Eric St. Laurent Quintet (guitar, bass and 3 percussionists!) tonight, though I can only stick for the first set. This Thurs. Pat LaBarbera is back as part of The Rex's tribute to John Coltrane. Neil Swainson is supposed to be at the gig as well. I may stop by on Friday to check out the Andrew Scott Quartet, but not entirely sure yet. I saw them last week, and they were fine.
  25. The first one is on iTunes (and other sites?) as Cream of Jazz Funk The other compilation doesn't seem to be up, though some of the Mainstream albums (with these tracks are available) unless these were alternative versions.
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