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Everything posted by sjarrell

  1. My cd copy, which I bought from Moose, has green marker around the edges and is consequently the best sounding cd I own.
  2. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most 1980s Blue Note CDs are just transfers from analog to digital, nothing else/more. This is what it says on many 1980s Blue Note CDs that Ron McMaster transferred: The classic Blue Note albums which span the mid 1950s to late 1960s were recorded directly on to two track analog tape. No multitrack recording was used and consequently no mixing was required. Therefore, this CD was made by transferring the one step analog master to digital and Digital transfer by Ron McMaster. I A/B'd an 80s CD and a clean original vinyl pressing of the first BN Johnny Griffin a couple years ago. They sounded identical.
  3. I have a Byrd 1201 that is the ONLY jazz CD I own that I can't listen to. I have very tolerant ears, but that disc (I forget the title 'cause I never pull it out) is crap. How 'bout them new Conns?
  4. Hiroshi@earlyrecords.com. New, under $20 shipped. I'm pretty sure this is a recent reissue in the 1500 yen series.
  5. Get it from Hiroshi! It'll be less than $20 with postage, 'cause it's one of the 1500 yen ones. email hiroshi@earlyrecords.com
  6. I never saw Jackie play. Never will.
  7. Does this mean two batches of Conns this year, or is June the new October?
  8. Sorry, Paul! Missed the evening as I just now saw the post. I was busy being bored to death by UCLA and Memphis. And nodding off on the couch. Beerless.
  9. Sorry Sandy....but if you're ever in the area, I'd be glad to have you over for a fine malt beverage and a listening session! edit - As long as you leave your member # back in North Carolina!! I'll bring the beer!
  10. Delete from ipod if he sells the music he bought? He paid for it! So buying used CDs is bad too, right? The artist sees no money. Ditto used LPs. And the content might all be on someone's ipod somewhere. Remember when, in the late 80s-early 90s when Columbia Records was going to stop selling new material through stores that sold used CDs?
  11. Leonardo DiCaprio was, at one point over the last few years, the Chet-to-be.
  12. I'm hankering Les McCann and Teddy Edwards PJ Selects, myself...
  13. Because it's been outta print too long!
  14. Not half as good as it looks on paper, sorry to say. I'd rather like to see Stanley's first one, "Look Out!", which I've never heard. Also the Minton's dates are great, but I guess I won't downgrade from regular CD to cactus... ZT is good but not as good as one would expect, you're right. Still, it shouldn't be out of print. But Look Out is absolutely swell indeed. Good call! And while I'm here: The Rajah and Far Away Lands need to be back on the racks...
  15. Top of the list should be Freddie Hubbard's Here to Stay. And Mobe's Another Workout. And ZT's Blues! And yeah, more LD, as there's not enough out there, and I'm sure the royalty money would be most useful while he's alive to spend it!
  16. that looks yummy! It is! With the exception of their Hennepin, which is merely good, everything they brew is amazing. And reasonably priced, too!
  17. Rollin' with Leo. I knew there was something else worthy rattling around in my head. Just needed a beer to coax it out. Ommegang Trappist did the trick...
  18. Wish list, off the top of my head: A Date with Jimmy Smith (both volumes on a single disc), Jimmy Smith at the Organ (ditto), and Jimmy Smith & L.D. And add my voice to the High Frequency and Natural Essence chorus. I know I'll be back with more once I've spent a little time with my thinking hat on.
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