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Everything posted by sjarrell

  1. There you go. You know, I have the McLean set for High Frequency and the swell booklet...
  2. So, tell US, was it? We really want to know. MG As soon as it's here, I'll tell you!
  3. Really, guys- all I wanted to know was if That Certain Feeling was worth the price of the Select. I bought it already!
  4. You left out the bit about none of the tunes becoming standards...
  5. not true. i use firefox and i've made several purchases. Good to know- I tried repeatedly and fruitlessly w/ Firefox, and their support guy told me that the feature was IE compatible only. Go figure.
  6. The Cherokee stuff is on the pre-RVG House Party (or the Sermon, one or the other). The LD stuff has never been available on CD in the US. This is a different version of Cherokee than was issued on the old CD. That is from the Mosaic 57 sessions stuff. The "Cherokee" TOCJ is different material. Arguabley better imho, athough it's really splitting hairs when it comes to this sort of greatness. Jimmy's burning. Actually, the Mosaic 57 set is made up of Date w/ Jimmy Smith 1 & 2, Jimmy Smith at the Organ 1 & 2, and The Sound of Jimmy Smith. So the Houseparty/Sermon stuff isn't on there. Who's the band and what's the date on the Japanese Cherokee disc? Now I'm curious.
  7. Through the end of this month, there's a buy.com Google Checkout sale afoot, and everytime you make a purchase over $30 (there's no limit on how many purchases you can make) using Google Checkout, you save $10. Don't sign in to your account- grab a Select, go to checkout, scroll down and hit the Google Checkout button. And don't do it with Firefox, it seems to be Internet Explorer friendly only. You can sign up for the Google account once there. Happy shopping! Edit: Of course the promotion applies to everything on the site. But that's a swell Select price...
  8. The Cherokee stuff is on the pre-RVG House Party (or the Sermon, one or the other). The LD stuff has never been available on CD in the US.
  9. And less than 72 hours after ordering, it's in my hands. Holy cow!
  10. Dilemma: I have every session on the Patton Select except "That Certain Feeling". Is it worth picking up for that date alone?
  11. I figured HMV just had a secret, shockingly cheap stash of old ones! I would've ordered from Hiroshi if I'd known. That said, I just checked tracking info and my disc landed at JFK 14 minutes ago and shipped out 9 minutes later. That's efficiency! And hey, MG- you'll be glad you pulled the trigger! Glad I could give you a push
  12. And HMV has one less copy. Ordered yesterday and it's already shipped! Soon I can retire my battered, thoroughly enjoyed CD-R.
  13. It's been one month for as long as I can remember (5-6 years?), but there's a subscription service that'll allow 2 or 3-month searches. Edit: popsike.com is a great tool for extensive history searches, but only for vinyl. 981 results for "mosaic" search.
  14. Well, I agree 100% with Mike Weill. This is a good album, but not a patch on the two I've heard with Roy Ayers. If you can get it for a dollar, though, OK. But don't build your hopes up too high. MG Postage is $10. It will not be had for a buck...
  15. Speaking of RVGs: is it just my local Borders locations that have stopped stocking the new ones, or is it everywhere? The clerk I spoke to said the ordering is done centrally somewhere, and the last two batches never appeared at any of my 3 area Borders. That's got to bite into sales for BN.
  16. McLean's High Frequency. And is Natural Essence on the schedule yet?
  17. After losing a few shipments over the course of four or five years, I've started telling overseas winners that they need to insure their stuff because I can't be liable for lost items. Usually nobody wants to insure, but that's not my problem so long as I state upfront that it's on them if it goes awol. The losses to date I've either refunded in full or refunded purchase price + half of postage, just to spread the pain around a bit. The only missing packages that come to mind were one to Greece and very recently one to Italy. Bothe were LPs. Parcel post automatically insures up to $40, I think. USPS may have recently upped coverage. But parcel post ain't cheap.
  18. Thanks, Tony! For comparison, my CD: Stomping At The Savoy 4:03 Things Ain`t What They Used To Be 5:47 Thanks For The Memory 5:13 Tangerine 3:55 Stella By Starlight 9: 20 Special 5:42 Deep In A Dream 4:32 Look For The Silver Lining 3:15 Seven Come Eleven 3:53 Too Close for Comfort 4:25 Actual LP (taken from crackly LP burn from my sub-VG copy): Stomping At The Savoy 4:40 Things Ain`t What They Used To Be 5:49 This Is Always 2:53 Thanks For The Memory 5:18 Tangerine 4:33 Stella By Starlight 4:03 9: 20 Special 5:44 Deep In A Dream 4:34 Look For The Silver Lining 5:08 Seven Come Eleven 4:32 I bet the new one's a needle drop. I wonder where Hiroshi got the Larry Bunker idea?
  19. And this is the spankin' new one (TOCJ-6819)? Could you add times to the list below? I don't want to buy this if it's a duplication of my mini-lp (TOCJ-9318) copy. Thanks! Stomping At The Savoy Things Ain`t What They Used To Be This Is Always Thanks For The Memory Tangerine Stella By Starlight 9: 20 Special Deep In A Dream Look For The Silver Lining Seven Come Eleven And last but not least: Does it end with Seven Come Eleven or Too Close for Comfort?
  20. Hiroshi reports that the latest reissue of this has the overdubbed drums of Larry Bunker. I hate Dick Bock more every day. Anyone heard it? It appears to have the lost tracks. But with drums.
  21. Super Furry Animals are the Best Rock Band on Earth- mwng, Rings Around the World (Mojo's 2001 album of the year), Phantom Power and the latest, Love Kraft are all just the awesomest. And mwng is sung entirely in Welsh. Also: Supergrass. Gorky's Zygotic Mynci. All bands I discovered within the last 10 years, all of which I still keep up with. But I don't keep an ear out for new rock anymore. Don't care what the kids are doing. I am old. But even at my advanced age I would proudly wear a Super Furries t-shirt. Go download Rings Around the World, Phantom Power and Love Kraft at emusic, or buy the hits comp. And rock. Gorky's How I Long to Feel that Summer in My Heart and Spanish Dance Troupe albums are at emusic too. And Yourmusic has most of the 'grass, including their latest, Road to Rouen. Best title ever.
  22. Glad I waited for the RVGs to show. But holy cow that took forever. 23 weeks for the Feb 7 batch!
  23. No time to read through every post so somebody might've already said this: Isn't it a safe bet that these are almost all gonna be RVG'd? A bunch of 'em have been already, and 3 different versions (OJC/K2/RVG) of some of these things on the market is insane. And some of the limited editions need to go out of print to be limited. Right?
  24. What's next? Well, it's not a February 2006 RVG, that's for sure.
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