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Everything posted by sjarrell

  1. I'll have to wait until fall for the Bell's Expedition Stout. But I'm told we'll have it then.
  2. You imagine correctly, sir. It's a matter of how fast you can get to your car around here. And how close you can park at your destination...
  3. Are they really that bad compared to say, NYC? Guy Well, there are trees and stuff to help keep it cool in NC. But we get long stretches where the heat index exceeds 105 F, and we still have summer (less brutal but still summer) in October. Brace yourself.
  4. you spoiled my morning. cant get it here no more. We just got it here. Maybe it moved? hope you got their expedition stout? beautiful russian imperial stout. thick and black as used motor oil. improves your hearing, too. makes all the music sound better. My ears need all the help they can get. I'll let you know if I find it, thanks for the rec!
  5. Charlotte has lots of bank offices, more public sculpture than the rest of NC, a swell funnybook convention every summer, the Panthers, the Bobcats, at least one really good soul food eatery, and almost nothing else to recommend it. It wants to be Atlanta. But it's not... Edit: Summers are excruciatingly hot.
  6. you spoiled my morning. cant get it here no more. We just got it here. Maybe it moved?
  7. It was a swell birthday. Thanks, everybody!
  8. As a Redskins fan, I can confirm that the Chargers are doomed. Sorry...
  9. I'd forgotten all about King Marvel. Heh.
  10. Thanks, guys! Just walked out front here at the workplace- got a kid working here, used to not know the jazz if it hit him over the head. Now he's listening listening to Big John Patton, and so are the customers. Not a bad day.
  11. Fawcett comics, actually. Elvis hairstyle and short cape were inspired by Captain Marvel Jr. Don't know if the king ever scored the cool headress.
  12. Yes, but no sectarian he... have you ever heard his recording of "On the Sunni Side of the Street"? That's funni. Sorry...
  13. This is what you're looking for: You are my hero. I'd just about given up on this thread. Thanks!!!
  14. That was the first place I looked! All earlier sessions, though- the Capitols started after the MacGregor contract was up. Alas...
  15. I was reading the King Cole Mosaic liners and the author pointed to the Transcription version w/ congas as his favorite version of the tune. So I buy the Transcription set, and while there's a swell Route 66, it's from an earlier session, not the 7/26/49 or 3/9/50 ones (the latter is the date I believe the author specified as the 66 source), the only ones with conga. Yet the Capitol Transcription set claims to be complete. What gives? Anyone know? Thanks!
  16. Cuisine. Ha! My wife was once trying to recall the name of "that terrible flavorless dessert... what was it? Penis Pie?" Spotted Dick. Mmmm.
  17. Y'know, Hub Cap's not bad, Breaking Point I rarely pull out, (Night of the Cookers I NEVER pull out) but the rest of Hubbard's BN output is super-swell. But to me, Sketches of Spain is overrated jazz, so what the hell do I know? I know that Open Sesame, Ready for Freddie & Blue Spirits kick Miles' ass in my little world. Edit: Not only could Hubbard play better than most trumpeters, he could write circles around most other composers.
  18. Yesterday the "wordwide" option was reverting to US only everytime I tried to edit an item. Even if you're not listing loads of stuff, eBay's Turbolister is way more efficient than their real-time browser-based selling feature. I rarely have trouble with it
  19. I just scored discs 1 & 2 for pretty cheap and was wondering if anyone had any of the others they'd be willing to part with. Thanks! Sandy
  20. Sounded like Scott Yanow to me...
  21. I'm still waiting for mine to arrive! More eagerly the more I read. I've also got Boogaloo and Memphis to NY Spirit on the way, and I've never heard them either. With those, my BN Patton stack will be complete!
  22. Sometimes I'm both senseless and penniless. But entertained, at least.
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