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About sjarrell

  • Birthday February 19

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    Raleigh, NC
  • Interests
    Funnybooks, music.

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  1. Including me, lol
  2. Reviving this ancient thread because: I was comparing the JRVG Trio twofer with the Tone Poet and a King pressings of 81579, and the channels are reversed on the CD. I checked the Be-Bop file on Mosaic’s site, and it matches the CD, with drums on the right. They’re uncharacteristically on the left on both of the records- kinda weird, anyone know what happened there?
  3. Can’t speak for the original, but it’s there on the Classic vinyl, yep.
  4. Aw. There’s a post on his Facebook, too. Thanks for all the music, Hiroshi.
  5. I was in a hotel in New Orleans when I scored the Hank vinyl. In 2019, it wasn’t cheap- my wife’s great, but she would never have bid for me!
  6. I bought the uncropped No Room for Squares shot, got the shipping email today *but* it shipped the 13th and is already in town. Tuesday!
  7. this is from an hour ago, so yep
  8. Here it is. http://wbgo.org/post/new-thelonious-monk-album-emerges-soundtrack-classic-french-film#stream/0
  9. Record 1 of the McLean set. Being played for the first time
  10. Listening right now, for the first time- was asked by a kid that loves it if I'd heard it, and there you go. I know a pretty young, not particularly jazz-inclined person that loves it. That's alright.
  11. At 4 or 5 ounces (in a bubble mailer), first class is cheaper than media mail.
  12. Hank Mobley Quartet 10", the 2015 reissue.
  13. Hey, John! Do you still have this from last summer? Clark ,Sonny Sonny Clark Trio/Standards (Blue Note JRVG) 2CD $30 I still have your 3 Sounds around here somewhere... (I'll pm too, a little rusty here)
  14. Late to the party, but that Guardian article was great, thanks for posting.
  15. If DC revives Bill I'll try to sway them with my new pith helmet drawing skills
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