Reviving this ancient thread because: I was comparing the JRVG Trio twofer with the Tone Poet and a King pressings of 81579, and the channels are reversed on the CD. I checked the Be-Bop file on Mosaic’s site, and it matches the CD, with drums on the right.
They’re uncharacteristically on the left on both of the records- kinda weird, anyone know what happened there?
Listening right now, for the first time- was asked by a kid that loves it if I'd heard it, and there you go. I know a pretty young, not particularly jazz-inclined person that loves it. That's alright.
Hey, John! Do you still have this from last summer?
Clark ,Sonny Sonny Clark Trio/Standards (Blue Note JRVG) 2CD $30
I still have your 3 Sounds around here somewhere...
(I'll pm too, a little rusty here)