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Everything posted by ds0823

  1. Thank you EKE BBB
  2. A fan from Taiwan loves Bean as well.............. But here's a pretty stupid question, does anyone can tell me who/when/why nicknamed him "Bean"? Or are there any links that I can look up for the answers? Thanks in advance
  3. pretty stupid question.....but wht is "ivey-divey" suppose to mean? thanks in advance...
  4. Oh yeah! Another vote to "the Carnegie Hall Concert"!!!
  5. Funny thing that I couldn't use that coup..... while I entered the coupon code and clicked "enter", it said "the Coupon can only be used once", what's wrong?
  6. Thanks Daniel A And yes I can hear that there's a bit of Bartz in Holmstrom's playing, but Maupin, maybe I should review my CDs again when I get back home. Anyway, Holmstrom indeed has stories to tell, and his music cooks!!!!!!
  7. ds0823

    Irene Schweizer

    I'd say "Irene Schweizer duet with Han Bennink" from Intakt is a good start, 'cuz you can hear some famous tunes that Monk had played b4, such as "Just a Gigolo" and "Hackensack". Also the 2 volumes of "Piano Solo" are pretty nice as well.
  8. Actually that's just how I feel after listening to several CDs that Holmstrom played in, I felt a little bit of Coltrane in him. As a matter of fact, lots of players would claim that they developed their styles by their own, that's true, but I would like to look from a diffrernet direction, such as their growth from the music-learning era, had they never listened to anyone? I doubt that. Therefore, even one claims that he did that all by himself, somehow there're some, or very little influence from his past listening experience. I'd like to put B. Mehldau as an exemple, he said that he plays his own music without any influences, maybe I'm wrong, but I still can hear a bit of Evans in him. I'm from Taiwan, hope you can understand what I think from my poor English.
  9. Oh yeah the music of Mount Everest Trio kills....... thanks to John Corbett for the UMS series. BTW, if anyone digs Kjell Jansson, try to get a copy of "True Swede", released by Dragon records, Jansson shows his composition abilities there, the sax player also from M.E. Trio, Gilbert Holmstrom, shows influences not only from Ayler or Coleman, but also from Coltrane.
  10. I see, the "Babe Thread" means the real "Babe" thread......, at the beginning I thought that's some kindda secret password you guys use here. I've found the thread, and there're 86 pages long!!!!! maybe we should open one in MP forum. BTW, the "Jazz Pie Club" isn't the "Babe Thread", that's a real club, for jazz fans in Taiwan to get around.
  11. One silly question........... What is "Babe Thread"? and sorry for my poor vocaburary.....
  12. Thanks!!!!! and how did you do it? type Chinese here!!!
  13. Hi, I'm from Taiwan, I also got the Andrew Hill Mosaic set from eBay about 18 months ago, but without the big box and booklet, costed me about $96 (overseas S/H included). I'm not a "Mosaic Collector", therefore I think it was a steal.........
  14. Hi guys, I'm one of the members from "Music Power, Taiwan", my username there is "DANNYBOY". I host a daily jazz radio show there, from midnight to 2, go check it out thru : http://www.e-classical.com.tw/voice/radio/ But when you do that, please confirm the "TIME ZONE" stuff...... Great to hear that you've found us. Mr. Ayers is absolutely right, the love for jazz from all over the world are the same. There are many of us in Taiwan love jazz as a part of life, as most of you guys here. I've read Claude's reply in the "Jazz DVD" thread in Music Power, a damn good one and made lots of us hungry for getting it, so, any suggestions or directions? Oh BTW, though not all of us, but I think most of us do know that Norah is Ravi's daughter......
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