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Everything posted by Hardbopjazz

  1. Here are the 10 I listen to the most. I would have put more. If there are others just put them in a response.
  2. Can you describe the cover? Is it worse then this one?
  3. Hello, this may have been asked, but I haven't read through all 75 posts on this thread. Can you ask how many sessions Prestige did that remain in the vaults. If there are, what was the reason they didn't get released. Most likely Bob's answer will they were not up to par with the issued stuff.
  4. 4378: Gene Harris - The Three Sounds 1971. Is this the Live at Club it date? I have the Club It CD's, but not sure if this session is the same.
  5. 1) Blue Mitchell Bantu Village. It's for sale on Dusty Groove for $50. Too much for an LP. 2) Blue Mitchell - Collision in Black 3) Duke Pearson - Profile 4) Bobby Hutcherson - Now 5) Kenny Cox - Multidirection 6) The Three Sounds - Soul Symphony 7) Chick Corea - The Song of Singing 8) Wayne Shorter - Odyssey of Iska 9) Reuben Wilson - A Groovy Situation 10) Reuben Wilson - Set Us Free 11) Introducing Kenny Cox 12) Frank Foster - Manhattan Fever I'm trying to complete my Blue Note collection. These seesion I find to veryt har to come across. Any ideas where I can locate them. Been searching ebay.
  6. Thanks.
  7. Here's the worst one I've seen so far. Somethin' Else
  8. Is this the original cover for the three sounds record? I have a copy of this and it is different.
  9. This could not be the original cover for Jimmy Smith at Club " Baby Grand", vol.1. Must have been one of the 70's or 80's reissues. Any other bad re-issue covers that come to mine?
  10. Lee Morgan's Vol 2, has it ever been issued under a different title? Vol 1 has also beenn issued as Indeed! Thanks in advance.
  11. Can anyone tell me if these two sessions have ever found there way to CD's?
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