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Everything posted by Hardbopjazz

  1. Does anyone know of a site would list all the sessions recorded for this label? I know Argo recorded other music other then jazz, but what few albums I 've found from this label all swing.
  2. What caought my eye was Coleman Hawkins on Tenor Sax.
  3. So SoulStation, do you have lights?
  4. So many jazz artists have died by using heroin. I'm just wondering why this was, and is the drug of choice amongst musicians. Did Bird have someting to do with this?
  5. Damn, the list keeps growing. I be flying for 3 hours. I'll just read all these posts and see which suggestion appears the most. Some of these books I've read already. Thanks,
  6. You can never have enough beer and music at a party. Maybe it's the other way around.
  7. I use to be a jazz musician. Playing almost every night after a while sucked. I can understand how someone near 80 years of age having to go out on the road 200 plus days a year would get cranky. Shit, I’d be on the bottle too. I use to wake up the next day around 1 pm, and for the next few hours I still was not fully awake. Before you know it, it's time to play again. It is a hard life. But if you love the music, you do it. If jazz albums would sell, most artists would prefer recording I would think. Well, this is from someone that wasn't that good to keep at it.
  8. Who were these guys?
  9. Listening to a Sidney Bechet record and saw his name. I have no knowledge of him outside this recording. Anyone know more about him?
  10. I think it's Kay Kyser.
  11. She's already designing a new orange jump suit.
  12. If you won a contest where you have 5 minutes to run through a record store and grab as much CD’s as you can, where would you start? I end up with nothing because I would fightiing with myself on what to grab first, and the 5 minutes would be over. Some local store on Long Island about 10 years ago once had such a contest. The winner was able to snap up 26 CD's in 5 minutes. I guess she either had small hands or didn't want more. I think I could have held on to more then 26 CD's. Would have pantrts with many pockets.
  13. I know this, when you wan to buy a vintage guitar, if it looks like it is in mint condition the guitar probably doesn’t have a great sound. If it looks beat up, the ax sings and was played a lot, that's you want. I had a ES165 and it sucked. The guitar didn't play good at all. I was happy when I sold it. The super 400 Melvin was playing sounds real sweet.
  14. For me, it was top 40 radio. One day, 30 years ago I realized how bad commercial music is and I wanted a change. Plus I was playing guitar and piano at this point and I just started listening to jazz. Back in the 70’s there were full time jazz stations on the air in NYC, so it was not hard to find something to listen to.
  15. I wish I could find out what else might have been recorded for Columbia. I would like to think it was a full session and not just 1 track. I wonder if someone has a discography for Columbia and could check.
  16. Yeah, but he was banging it around like a pool table ball.
  17. He did play his ass off. That much I must say.
  18. I forgot this one from the show, about 3/4 of the way through he turned to Melvin Sparks and told him to play something, solo guitar number. Jimmy wanted to lay out. Melvin said, "what do you want me to play?" Jimmy said, "play anything, why the F%$# an I paying you." Got a laugh out of Melvin, more of a laugh of embarrassment that is. I could see he didn't like being yelled at on stage. Anyway Melvin went on and played "I can't get started" for about 7 to 10 minutes.
  19. Yeah, I'm giving up. He didn't record much. But he swings his ass off on "My Main Man." It is becoming my favorite Sonny Stitt session, and I have a lot of his music.
  20. When I was playing I remember it being in the range of 12,000. That wat 10 years ago.
  21. Melvin Sparks plays a Gibson Super 400. When I was at the Jimmy Smith show, he bangs it around like it was a $50 guitar. Any idea what a super 400 goes for?
  22. Suprised to see that with 30 minutes left this only 100 dollars on ebay. Maybe it's because all these sessions can be bought today. Nothing is OOP.
  23. Is this spam?
  24. Take it from someone that has the Blue set. It's worth it. You can listen to it next month when the lights are again.
  25. Yeah, this is the session I heard him on. I tried to find out some more info but there isn't much on him. I'll check the link you provided. Thanks.
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