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About porcy62

  • Birthday 11/06/1962

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    Roma, EU

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  1. Sounds correct though delisting is quite easy
  2. Me too. Mion Berlin was fine.
  3. In the last years I sold on discogs or record stores most of the stuff I didn’t listen to anymore, mainly cds and less valuable LPs, rock and other genres. Now I am thinking to sell on discogs the most valuable stuff I don’t listen to anymore. All the stuff I bought in my compulsive eras, like audiophile records that are very sought nowadays. Mosaic and jazz stuff, including a fair amount of now crazy expensive originals, will be at my disposal in my last years. I filed all on discogs for my heirs. Selling online may be an job but for valuable records is well paid.
  4. Never saw it. I’ll investigate. Thanks
  5. Three small coffee? Caffeine is far lower in espresso or moka than in filter coffee. I mean that in the common dose serving is less. Three small mokas is maybe half the dose of a mug. Anyway over here a caffeine men is far above five or six espresso per day. edit: after a small research on google I discovered that a common espresso has less caffeine then other coffees, but that a small moka has the same amount of caffeine of your mug, so I am still a caffeine man 😁
  6. I like coffee without sugar especially when coffee is good BUT with the first coffee in the morning I admit I add a small spoon of cane sugar if the coffe isn’t great. Anyway I am not a caffeine man anymore I get maybe three small coffee per day. Wines were very different at Julius Caesar’s time for sure. Now talking about water I wouldn’t drink a single malt without a fair number of drops of water.
  7. Obviously the quality of the coffee is very important. Over here we had some great coffee shops that sell high quality stuff. The best coffee I found here is a pure Jamaican Blue Mountain that costs 70 € per kilo when a nice good coffee goes for 25/30 €. Needless to say that add sugar or milk on a great coffee is like add water to great wine.
  8. Cold Water before the espresso cooled down the palate and the stomach for the heat of coffee, in Napoli where you get the best espresso of Italy goes that way.
  9. Not an expert of chrome clad machines but I am pretty good on moka after 5 decades. Here a few tips I may suggest: 1) the best coffe comes from the smaller bialettis, the big ones, more then 3 cups, do not the job well. 2) the water should be always below the valve 3) never press the coffee 4) the fire under the moka or the electric heat should be low, coffee has to get out slowly 5) let the coffee comes out with the lid on, the vapor on lid shouldn’t drop on the coffee 6) switch off the fire just few seconds before the coffee ends 7) clean the moka after every use without soap with a rugged sponge 😎 use oligominaral water 9) coffee should be ground for the moka that means not as fine as filters I know that it sounds like handling turntables compared to cd player, but as TT the results are much more satisfying.😁 Sorry if you already know it, but I thought it might worth repeating.
  10. I had cats since I was a baby. As far as they feel comfortable in the living room they don’t care about music genre. One loved to sleep in front of loudspeaker, guess she liked the vibes. The major problem with cats and music IMO is that they love TTs and the suspension of the woofers has some nice scars 😁
  11. Anyway the Tone Poet sounds better then originals and later Japanese reissues, king included, I have.
  12. Last time I was in a library I was writing my Ph.D dissertation Edit: Later I visited some historic libraries as a tourist, not as a reader
  13. First time I listened to them I thought it was a Du Nann work, but it wasn’t. Guess Contemporary had a good vibe whoever was behind the console. I don’t have a bad sounding Contemporary.
  14. Surprisingly all the instruments has a perfect balance and the illusion of being there is overwhelming. Definitely a great recording.
  15. I have the original vinyls, up to vol 4. Among the best sounding live recordings in my collection.
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