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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. I have to say that Lee's playing on McCoy's 'Tender Moments' gets my vote. This is an absolutely cracking session with some exceptionally fiery Lee Morgan that seems to be routinely overlooked. 'Lee Plus Three' is one of his greatest tracks.. Not far behind in my estimation are Lonnie Smith's 'Think' and Larry Young's 'Mother Ship'. The latter could probably have done with a little more rehearsal, nevertheless it's still a fine session. For me, the track 'Love Drops' is probably the finest thing on the album (and also the most straight ahead). 'Think' is distinguished by an unlikely but very compatible front line of Morgan and 'Fathead' Newman. These two work together exceptionally well (as they did on the 'Sonic Boom' session). Just listening to 'Trip Merchant' on the LP version of the Larry Y Mosaic. Can't say that I see a massive similarity with Miles' work on 'Pharoah's Dance' but nevertheless both of these albums have strong mutual influences. Dig Larry's phenomenal organ solo on 'Mother Ship'. Unbeatable ! In descending order, I would rate the top 5 as follows: - Tender Moments - Think - Mother Ship - Prime Element - Grass Roots/Lift Every Voice. Haven't heard 'Turning Point', 'Love Bug' or the Mabern so can't comment on those. 'Easterly Winds' is a nice, more or less straight ahead date. Nothing exceptional happens but its by no means a bad one either. Worth a listen !
  2. Joe Chambers would be one of my first ports of call (Double Exposure - Muse). From the Lifetime years there's also Jack Bruce, Don Alias, Ron Carter and Warren Smith (from album 'Ego'). Hope that this event works out. Great initiative !
  3. I picked up 'Ready For Freddie' and 'Open Sesame' on this series. 'Basra' was issued too.
  4. How about the Clifford Jordan/John Gilmore 'Blowin' In From Chicago'?
  5. Have been enjoying Neil Ardley's 'Kaleidoscope of Rainbows' (Gull). An unexpected discovery, this one. Also the following: - Cecil Taylor 'Conquistador' (BN) - Curtis Fuller/Red Garland (New Jazz) - Blue Mitchell 'A Sure Thing' (Riverside) and Billy Harper 'Soul of an Angel' (Metropolitan)
  6. Looks like my 'job lot' is now in the mail from Germany, assuming my translation of the German is correct ! With 40ish CDs lined up in a row for listening, this will probably be my last posting opportunity before Xmas ! :rsmile:
  7. sidewinder

    Bennie Maupin

    I saw a second hand mint copy in the vinyl racks some years ago for $5. I can't believe that I passed on it !
  8. Sounds like the ideal companion set to the Dean Benedetti Parker box ! (although some of the takes sound a bit on the long side ) :rsmile:
  9. Ah yes, just like most of the KCFBBB stuff ..
  10. This is very sad news and a huge loss to the LA jazz scene. I didn't realise that Teddy was so close to his 80th - he looked much younger than this and his persona always came across at gigs as so full of life and energy. Just glad that I caught a rare gig of his in NYC several years ago and on that occasion he certainly delivered the goods. RIP Teddy - another tenor legend and bebop originator departs the scene ...
  11. I think the Kenny Clarke Francy Boland 'Golden Eight' qualifies also. Wasn't this recorded in Paris?
  12. Definitely recorded in London ! (the Uk's one and only contribution to classic Blue Note). My understanding is that EMI's studio in London was used and the security guard was given a bit of beer money to turn a blind eye...
  13. Also adding that fantastic tone to the 30th St Studio audio mix on quite a few of the Miles/Gil Columbia sessions too ! :rsmile:
  14. Some fine work recorded with the Oscar pettiford Orchestra too (for example 'The Oscar Pettiford Orchestra in Hi Fi', put out by MCA, and Victor in Japan). One of the finest exponents of the trombone in jazz - and (along with Frank Rosolino) must definitely the bone exponent with the best tone ..
  15. Soul jazz deep groove LP heaven over the past few days .. :rsmile: - Horace Parlan 'Speakin My Piece' - Don Wilkerson 'Preach Brother !' - Lee Morgan 'The Sidewinder' and: - Clifford Brown 'Memorial Album' - Qunitet of the Year 'At Massey Hall' - Bud Powell 'Bud' plus: Wes Montgomery 'Complete Riverside Recordings' (CD)
  16. I seem to recall reading in Mike Zwerin's book mention of him touring with Earl Hines and Bud Johnson to the countries of the former communist block back in the 1970s.
  17. Insane - but excellent ! Thanks for the heads up ! I've been looking for the excuse to pick up the Pepper, Evans and Monk sets. At that price it's a steal .. I already have the Wes Montgomery and Coltrane Prestige sets. Sound quality is just fine - although they come in a different box arrangement compared with the US sets. Microscopic liner notes too but the music and mastering are indeed the same. :rsmile:
  18. The vinyl 'Still Life' blows the CD away, as does the vinyl of 'Secret Story' and 'Letter From Home'. Much more detail and better soundstage. I just wish that 'Speaking of Now' had also been put out on audiophile vinyl...
  19. The 50s set by a gnat's whisker - but really Lee's playing throughout the Blakey set is just as phenomenal. Haven't heard the VeeJay material yet ...
  20. Oh .... and not forgetting Tolliver's work on Roy Ayers 'Virgo Vibes' either ! B)
  21. Yes, McEwan was a pleasant suprise on Big John's 'Boogaloo'. Almost an avante-garde Melvin Lastie ! Great list ! Apart from whetting my apetite to hear Toliver on the (just ordered) King pressing of 'It's Time' (another 'wow!') the only additions I can think of at this time are Woody Shaw again on Corea's 'Tones For Joans Bones'/'Inner Space' and Hubbard on 'Breaking Point' and 'Blue Spirits', which both have at least partial experimental content. Oh, and Alan Shorter's 'Orgasm' too, of course ...
  22. sidewinder

    Bennie Maupin

    Blackstone Legacy for sure, the second session on the Andrew Hill 'Lift Every Voice' has some good Maupin too. Also very honourable mention for the triumvirate of 'Mwandishi band' classics by Herbie Hancock ('Mwandishi', 'Crossings' and 'Sextant'). Excellent Maupin on these. Not to forget either the two Eddie Hendersons on Capricorn ('Realization' and 'Inside Out'). Both of these gems have recently been reissued here in the UK on Soul Brother Records.. :rsmile:
  23. 'Black Fire' - yes, great album. The way 'Land of Nod' kicks off the Mosaic set at such a high level of performance without doubt wins my award for Mosaic set which hits its groove in least time. Within 1 second, in fact .. !
  24. Enjoy ! If you like those you'll definitely want to pick up the 'Five Spot' disks too. The Eric Dolphy 'Complete Prestige' box is a good way to acquire these on CD. On vinyl, it may be possible to pick up the 3-LP Prestige green label set second hand.. Or even an original deep groove ..
  25. Yes, it's another nice film soundtrack - recommended. Quite pastoral and laid back, very reflective in mood and with some very nice solo classical guitar features. In typical Metheney fashion, also superbly recorded. More rain and lightning effects in this one also !! The ECM vinyls were a good find. They were sitting there in a cardboard box at a local vinyl specialists - just in and not sorted or priced. Pretty well all of the early ECMs plus 'Still Life' on Geffen. The sonic quality of these early ECM vinyls is a real pleasure. :rsmile:
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