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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. Now all we need is for Classic to reissue all of the 50s Mobleys on 200g (I know they've done BN1568 already), pop them into the Mosaic CD box et ....... voila !
  2. 'Water Babies' - or at least the first part of this album recorded around the time of 'Nefertiti' and 'Sorcerer'. There's almost magic in the air at each of these sessions. The whole thing seems to be centred on Tony William's drumming (remarkably well recorded) with Wayne and Miles working superbly in tandem on the thematic material (it sounds like Wayne's reading Miles' mind at times - just a little bit behind him on the themes). Wonderful stuff! (Columbia 2-eye or Mosaic recommended). As you say, very different feel to 'Super Nova', although I like this one too. Much more of an early world-music/fusion feel to this session.
  3. The last Mobley vinyl set I've seen up on ebay was 4-6 weeks ago and, yes, it did go for at least $500. Mint unplayed copy, if I remember rightly. I guess the CD set will have to do ... You could always go for King pressings of the original albums from Mr Tanno. These will sound at least as good. B)
  4. Wasn't the movie soundtrack recorded with UK musicians? I seem to recall hearing that Ronnie Scott and Keith Christie were on it..
  5. Excellent player formerly very active on the UK scene, who sadly passed away from the big C about 3 years ago. He's best known for his work with the very classy jazz-funk unit Morrissey/Mullen (co-unit with Scots guitarist Jim Mullen) and this unit was particularly popular in the late 70s/early 80s. As for 'Storm Warning', I've only heard one track from it off the radio many years ago but what I heard was very tasty indeed, in a very funky groove. Nice lineup with (I hope my memory is right on this) Harry South on piano and Phil Seaman on drums. Check out the AAJ site - I've seen some discussion of Dick Morrisey's recordings over there not too long ago. If anyone sees a good Fontana LP copy of this, let me know as I'm looking for one! :rsmile:
  6. I fell asleep on the sofa just before the end of the United Jazz and Rock Ensemble but did enjoy the neat cool jazz clip of Mangelsdorff with Jutta Hipp on piano A German-to-English interpreter would have been useful to have on hand though. I'm sure I missed some priceless information on the documentary.
  7. 'Matador' is an undersung gem IMO. Well worth seeking out, with fine work from Bobby Timmons, McLean at his aggressive, angular best and typically lyrical work from Dorham. Check out that cool and moody title track (shame the piano wasn't in tune at Sound Mixers but it adds to the atmosphere). B)
  8. Great, thanks for the info. I'll power up the satellite dish. Looks like a late night.... :rsmile:
  9. Wonderful album - the title track still sounds to me one of the most laid-back and smooth performances of all time. Horace's albums always have that air of 'thoughtfull pre-planning and immaculate execution' about them. Just looking through my video archive the other night there was a snippet shown by the BBC of 'Senor Blues' with what looks like the Blue Mitchell/Junior Cook lineup. Haven't a clue where or when this was recorded but it was sublime
  10. Some of my favourite work by this incendiary partnership is on 'Delightfullee'. Specifically the quintet tracks with Joe Henderson. These guys were on form that day .. B)
  11. How about this puppy from the mid-70s, recorded in Japan by Milt with Teddy Edwards, Cedar Walton, Ray Brown and Billy Higgins. Dream team! Not to forget this nice Japanese offering from Benny Carter either! The original vinyls on 'Pablo Live' are particularly cool on both of these...
  12. The book value I've got for this one is $1000 mint. Almost as bad as a Tubby Hayes 10"...
  13. In one of Amis's biographies he talks about visiting Birdland around 1958 with Miles and Coltrane on the stand and hating it
  14. Dury was a big fan of Coltrane and Kirk (check out that 'Rhythm Stick single). I have a copy of 'Four Lives in the Bebop Business' by AB Spellman with a jacket design by him done in his art school days B)
  15. Very lyrical - Mobley always could create silk purses out of sows ears, so to speak. That slow/medium tempo on this track was always his major forte. As for the tune - very groovy, VERY Austin Powers .... :rsmile: Fave track - overwhelmingly 'Good Pickin's'. Great chart by Hank and nice work on this one from George before the ballistic Shaw interjection.
  16. I've always thought that what lets the title track down is that Billy Higgins sounds totally bored and Benson sounds like he's reading the chords from a fake book. Higgins lets rip on track 2 though B)
  17. wolff - have you tried giving this LP a good clean-up with anti-static treatment? I had a similar experience a while back with a mint, sealed copy of 'Introducing Duke Pearson's Big Band' - a Liberty LP of similar vintage. The first playback was lousy, with poor soundstage, almost 2-dimensional and very poor definition. There was very noticeable improvement after treating the LP - could be worth a try... B) 'Reach Out' is a session that I quite enjoy - almost a period piece of its time and with at least 4 tracks that really cook. I even like the title track, if I'm in an MOR, BBC Radio 2, pass me the zimmer frame sort of mood ....
  18. Great find! Hope he enjoys it.
  19. I keep finding lots of mint vinyl copies of this so bought one a few weeks ago (£3 ). Fabulous! Beautifully recorded and James Clay is indeed a revelation. B)
  20. That 'Mode or Joe' session sounds pretty intriguing too !
  21. This one's already being tracked on the long range radar under the 'ebay madness' thread. Some concern expressed there re: serious scuffs visible on some of the LPs. Check out the 'supersize' images . I'd love an original copy of 'The Phantom' though ....
  22. Didn't Basie also record 'HRH' in her honour?
  23. Doesn't Jenny Aguter have a collection of NYC/W63rd St BN deep grooves and OOP Mosaics ? Kenneth Clarke's Radio 4 Jazz show is just being repeated at present (at some useless hour in the morning) and apparently he just 'did' programmes on Miles and Mingus. Sounds like he knows his stuff. Marty Feldman - once saw him get carried out of Ronnie Scotts half-paralytic with eyes rolling a la Mel Brooks 'Young Frankenstein' . Can't remember who was on that night. Wasn't Princess Margaret also a fan and occasional visitor to Ronnies (to see Oscar Peterson among others) ?
  24. I heard that William Hague has started to frequent Ronnie Scotts
  25. Wow!! - instant 'desert island' set ("Blacks and Blues" excepted) ...
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