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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. The Rhino/Atlantic 2CD compilation 'Does Your House Have Lions' is a very good place to start. If you are feeling flush with the $, add to that the 'Complete Mercury Recordings' box set. This latter package is just phenomenal, lovingly compiled by Kiyoshi 'Boxman' Koyama.
  2. Nero has a nifty utility for printing these as well.
  3. sidewinder

    Anthony Braxton

    I'm part of the way through viewing the Sonny Simmons DVD and Anthony Braxton features quite prominently in interview, with very impassioned affirmatives of SS and his attitude to music and life. Have both of the 'Free America' Braxtons in my 'pending' pile, looking forward to listening to them. Quite a long time since I checked out any AB.
  4. Just listening to Francy Boland & The Orchestra Vol 2 'Red Hot' (MPS). It is !
  5. My NAC82 pre-amp has the nice mono switch too.
  6. I thought that these were newly discovered BBC transcriptions? The Kruger material mentioned in the above post might have come from this Ember LP, which had material by the Couriers, Tony Crombie and good 'ol Ronnie Ross:
  7. I would definitely have to say Joe Chambers (can't believe he hasn't already been mentioned - he's on just about all of my favourite Blue Notes, excepting the Blakeys and the ones with T. Williams esq.) Just spinning El Gaucho on 'Adams Apple' right now, which clinches my opinion.
  8. Me too. I've tortured myself over the years by not picking up the Strata East LPs (other than 'Impact'). This will fill the gap !
  9. Norman Fell William Hurt Bruz Freeman ← Buz Aldrin Neil Armstrong Sun Ra
  10. Maybe zweitausendeins will get their hands on this and apply a discount?
  11. Hey, I like that one ( ). One of Johnny Dankworth's finest !
  12. Benny Bailey 'Mirrors' (Freedom). White label promo copy. Session with strings arranged by Francy Boland. Ronnie Ross 'Cleopatra's Needle' (Fontana, stereo)
  13. I think my Toshiba Clark cost a whopping £10. Obviously anything 'pearson' carries a hefty premium..
  14. sidewinder

    Ronnie Ross

    I think I might have seen this one on TV years ago Rodney but it was obviously really bad as my recollections are almost zero. Seem to recall Judy Geeson featuring in it but not a lot else ( ). It's the sort of tripe the BBC put out just after midnight during weekdays along with sleezy movies featuring Robin Asquith ( ). Can't recall anything of the soundtrack. Here's a few details: Prudence A date of 1968 sets it as recorded at around the same time as Ronnie's 'Cleopatra's Needle'. The omens are therefore good - but then who can tell..
  15. If you are talking about US pressings, they were manufactured by Columbia in the NJ and Indiana plants. ← Thanks for the information. Have just checked the Jo Jones. Yes, it's rechanelled for stereo. Not US though, it would seem to be a French Musidisc pressing. Same operation released the Prestige twofers over in Europe too.
  16. Those early 70s Vanguards can be really excellent. Whilst the rest of the industry was going to the dogs and issuing inferior pressings on thin vinyl, these guys kept their standards up. I have a couple of the 'Essential' double sets from this vintage (Jo Jones, Vic Dickinson) and they sound great. Picked up for about £5 each !
  17. I guess there must be a 'review copy' premium..
  18. Damn - this is very sad news, will keep fingers crossed for positive developments. It's over 25 years since I last saw him, at a Charlie Parker Memorial performance, when he was in burning form.
  19. I'll second your recommendation on Roni. Wonderful guitar stylist. Saw him recently as part of a fine group led by Bertha Hope (along with Walter Booker and Leroy Williams) who interpret mainly Elmo Hope material. I'll be looking out for this new CD.
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