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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. This morning: Freddie Roach 'Good Move' (BN NY USA stereo) Duke Pearson 'Now Hear This !' (BN Liberty stereo)
  2. I went there once, years ago, when I 'landed' as part of Canadian Immigration. Stayed overnight in Windsor and then went over to the Renaissance Center (I think that's what it was called) the next day. High-tailed it back to Toronto that night after failing to find the Motown Museum ( ). Whilst standing on the hotel balcony in Windsor and looking over the river to the US side I'm sure I could hear gunshots going off.
  3. Reading this thread, looks like there's yet another good reason to hang onto those Columbia Dexters in the LP format..
  4. "BLUE NOTE HOLY GRAIL IN SOLID CONDITION" Bring on brave Sir Robin...
  5. Is the King Japanese reissue of this one really that rare? I think I paid £10 for it.
  6. Yes, I've heard that BGO are about to reissue it on CD (not a limited release) but not sure about the timing. The original Columbia Lansdowne LP is now an extremely rare item. it was released under both Harriott and D'Silva's joint names and was actually Joe Harriott's last full leader date.
  7. Kenny Wheeler 'Music For Large and Small Ensembles' (ECM 2LP) 'New Designs In Jazz With The Reese Markewich Quintet' (Modernage/Fresh Sounds) Elmo Hope 'Meditations' (OJC)
  8. This is very sad news, one of my all-time favourite arrangers. I was just putting away a copy of his German Vogue double LP set recorded with strings. For sure I will give it airplay this weekend along with some of the mighty Clarke-Boland Big Band recordings. An extremely unassuming guy by all acounts, who has still to get his full recognition as a great arranger. RIP Mr Boland.
  9. If my memory is right the Phillips/Ventura set went OOP with somewhat under 2000 copies sold, which may have influenced the price a bit. Over $600 is still totally crazy.
  10. Can't wait to get hold of 'Turning Point'. Never heard this one.
  11. $688! ← That's it. I'm putting my copy on ebay along with the Nat Cole and Maynard and retiring !
  12. Yep, it was great to hear Alfred Lion's speech on the night. The infectious enthusiasm for the music and drive for the label really shines through, even though he had retired so many years before. I wonder what Poppa Lou thought of Hank's comment?
  13. I'll second and third that. Any sax section with Ray Warleigh in it is sure to sound great. Case in point Kenny Wheeler's big band. Wish that Philips (Universal) would reissue Warleigh's debut album recorded in 1970 and produced by Scott Walker, of all people. It's well worth hearing. Of note in the documentary was the mention that Stevens was very politically motivated in a positive sense and that this drove the high degree of interplay, low level of 'leader ego' in his recordings.
  14. $300 seems to be about the going rate for a near mint copy.
  15. The recent TV 'Jazz Britannia' documentaries had a very warm tribute to John Stevens, identifying him as the driving force behind the 'Little Theatre Club' workshops along with Evan Parker and Trevor Watts. Sadly John Stevens passed away some years ago I think - this one must have been one of his last albums. Danny Thompson is one of those guys who crosses between the folk and jazz scenes - well known in folk circuits for his work with 'Pentangle'. Tony Carr seems to crop up all over the place in 60s and 70s - Alexis Korner's CCS, the Johnny Scott Quintet, John Cameron... anyway, I digress....
  16. One more belated very happy birthday. Hope it was a good one !
  17. %$$$$$$$ !! Once again I am livid for them removing this fine channel from my old analog satellite service.
  18. Sidewinder, it was 'Whole Lotta Love' by Led Zep performed by Alexis Korner's jazz rock brainchild CCS. The John Cameron album 'Off Centre' is now available, certainly in the UK, and you should be able to obtain it from the usual. Very good album. ← Thanks Roger. Exactly - it's the Led Zep cover that they used for TOTP and which ingrained itself on the brain of many during the 70s. Incidentally, I remember seeing Cameron drummer Tony Carr furiously playing the bongos on this program as part of a performance of Hot Chocolate's 'You Sexy Thing.' Easily the best thing on that single.. I've got the Cameron 'Off Centre' on vinyl and am a huge fan of it. Nevertheless I'll most likely pick up the CD too in addition to the remaining Vocalions.
  19. Sure is. The kick-off track ('Till Then') is also exquisite. For my money it is (along with 'Happenings') Bobby's best album but then I'm biased.
  20. Wow - wonder how Pat actually came to own the Lucky Thompson horns? So may great LT sessions from the 40 and 50s in particular - the Milt Jackson Savoys, 'Walkin', the Oscar Pettiford sessions, the list is endless. An incredible musician. I think he had left jazz for good even before I got into the music all those years ago but for many years I still hoped that one day he would return to active playing and touring. Hope he's now in peace.
  21. Splendid. I'll stick my order in right now !
  22. I have the Mingus 'Complete 1959' Mosaic and both of the recent 'legacy' CD issues and prefer the LP set but there again, that's my personal preference. The LP set is a Q-LP, unlike the Candid which is in the lighter format. Once again, the superb acoustics of Columbia's 30th St studio is captured most faithfully. My only complaint about the Mingus 'Complete 1959' Mosaic is that I don't get to play it enough..
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