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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. A Larry Young 'partial' CD set was my first. Closely followed by Woody Shaw and Andrew Hill. Been a big, big fan ever since. If anyone tried to cart away my Mosaics I'd do a Mingus elephant-gun tenement-eviction routine on them.
  2. Jackie McLean 'One Step Beyond' (BN NY USA stereo). What a classic !
  3. I don't know how I missed it so far but I just noticed that the international shipping for Mosaics from $100 and up is a $30 hit. Well, if anything dissuades me from grabbing that Kid Ory this is it..
  4. Oh, that reminds me. I haven't heard the Urbie Green or the 'Best in the West' stuff either. Nor have I heard the Dodo Greene...
  5. Recently picked up a copy of the 'Last Years Waltz' LP recorded with Kuhn. Must give it a spin later today. Big kudos to Sheila for being such a great touring ambassador for jazz. I caught her group with Harvie Swartz a couple of times in Canada in the 90s and she's been making regular appearances in the UK over recent years too. Always worth checking out.
  6. It's very good ! The Three Sounds 'Vibrations' is also somewhat better than I was expecting (one side of the LP is a bit lightweight though).
  7. I'll keep my eyes open for the Colbeck. Bit of Poppa Lou to start the Bank Holiday. Lou Donaldson 'Alligator Bogaloo' (BN Liberty) Booker Ervin 'Structurally Sound' (Pacific Jazz)
  8. There's just a couple from the classic period I haven't heard, I think. Lonnie Smith's 'Turning Point' and Reuben Wilson 'On Broadway'. The former should be rectified soon when it comes out on CD.
  9. I must be heading towards the 200 range, with about 100 original and reissue vinyls, some Mosaics and most of the Columbia CD boxes. I think I have most of his LPs from the 1950s through to the early 90s in original or first-reissue form. Yikes ! It's always a real pleasure though to delve into the Miles 'Mother'-lode.
  10. Right, that does it. I'm ordering this one.
  11. I think my folks have got a mono original vinyl Hi-Los 'Under Glass' somewhere in their place. I'll see if I they will loan it to me. (Last time I played it was on a '50s 'Bush' mono valve gramophone job with auto-changer ). Very tempted with that Freshmen Mosaic. Somewhat to my suprise I really like the samples I must be getting ancient !
  12. sidewinder

    Ronnie Ross

    I saw that one in the shops the other day for £7.99. Tempting - but I'm holding out for a cheapish vinyl copy.
  13. This Oliver Nelson Mosaic set promises to be a very honourable addition to their big band sets (Basie, Thad/Mel, Gerald Wilson) and well up there in terms of quality. I'm also getting particularly psyched up over this one. I can feel another pre-order coming on..
  14. They have done the Blackhawk set as Q-LPs. It's MQ6-220 (6LPs). I haven't heard this set yet (one more for the wish list) but I've heard great reports on the mastering quality.
  15. Presumably you are aware that Tower have recently been listing the 'Complete Capitol' Mosaic by the Freshmen for around $80?
  16. Just picked up a copy of this in a local sale. As previously mentioned, best not to approach this thinking it will be a typical Horace hard-bop date. It's definitely of its time but full of great tunes and Andy Bey's vocals are just great. On the whole it's a definite ' '. Reminds me, in spirit, of some of the stuff Duke Pearson was recording for Blue Note around this time. I can see why Horace likes these sessions so much.
  17. Thanks, I'll look out for it. Comes from right at the runt-end of Fontana's life, by the look of it (the only other 1970 Fontana LP that comes to mind is Tubby Hayes' 'The Orchestra'. Other releases from that vintage such as Graham Collier's 'Mosaics' switched to Philips).
  18. What's a 'Peaches' record crate? Anything to do with The Stranglers?
  19. Is he/she related to TAL Farlow? ← renegade half-brother...
  20. sidewinder

    Ronnie Ross

    That place gets sillier by the day ! At least the picture was free though.
  21. I'm still procrastinating over Kid Ory but the Jazz Crusaders, Oliver Nelson and Charles Tolliver for sure.
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