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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. I hope they pull through this. I've ordered stuff for export to the UK and Rick was always very helpful. Would hate to see them go. With this and Mole Jazz in the same month, it's a real downer..
  2. Great to hear ! No sign of my sets yet but I guess they are waiting for all of them to be in stock before shipping.
  3. Wow - somehow I missed the news about the illness. Thoughts and best wishes to Andrew.
  4. Check this out - Deep Groove DMM Crap 'Deep groove' my *ss !
  5. This is great news indeed ! Coals to Newcastle
  6. Jackie McLean 'It's Time' (Japanese King Blue Note)
  7. It sounds tempting. It's fun to meet Mr Claxton too, he's a nice guy. Sorry not to be able to get into London to check out the 'book tour' at Rays.
  8. Good luck with the move ! Timed just nicely before the permafrost..
  9. Art Blakey 'A Night In Tunisia' (BN 47W63rd DG mono)
  10. I thought that this current edition was quite pricey at £100 but the 'collectors edition' is through the roof ! Seem to recall that my 'Jazz Seen' (signed by Mr Claxton) was about $30
  11. True ! I think they have listed in the past the Dean Benedetti Parker ( ) and given it 4 stars ( ) and there's also a short para on who Mosaic are in the intro section. Doesn't Brian Morton also review CDs for the 'Jazz Review' though?
  12. Big John Patton should be medically proscribed as a stress reliever too.
  13. I got an email sales order back from them - so far things seem to be proceeding OK.
  14. Sounds like a pretty likely candidate. Doesn't he live in Edinburgh? Review copies, I guess..
  15. Yes, 'From the Hot Afternoon' is a very good stress reliever. Anything on Blue Note by Stanley Turrentine, Lou Donaldson or Horace Silver also does the trick.
  16. Royal Command Performance? Look forward to listening in to the link. Thanks !
  17. Kenny Clarke/Francy Boland Big Band 'Off Limits' (Rearward reissue)
  18. Verve UK put out an excellent series of Mulligan collaborations many years ago on vinyl called 'Gerry Mulligan Meets the Sax Giants'. 3 volumes - includes much of the material with Hodges, Webster, Getz and Desmond. Vol 2 is a particular sentimental favourite.
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