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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. Miles Davis 'Blue Haze' (Esquire flat edge). Great sound on this one !
  2. Isn't that the neighbourhood place where Sam does his regular gigs when based at home? Something like $10 cover charge, I believe. Incredible !
  3. Good selection - I'll dig out the original vinyl. This was the first Gil Evans LP I ever bought and at the time it came out I racell that it was pretty well overlooked by the record buying fraternity. The arrangement of 'Up From The Skies' is a beauty - one he featured extensively on his tours thereafter. I seem to recall talk of this session being very rushed at the studio due to commercial pressures at RCA.
  4. I'm barred from looking at that page until well into 2006 !
  5. Congratulations, hope the day goes just great !
  6. Butthead Eddie 'Cleanhead' Vinson David 'Fathead' Newman
  7. Or three ! Very Happy Birthday Mr Conn. !!
  8. sidewinder

    Mingus News

    The original release 2LP isn't the greatest sound-wise but the music is great. In terms of atmosphere (with Mingus dismissing half of the band on stage) it's hard to beat.
  9. Phil Spector Robert Blake O.J. Simpson ← Michael Jackson Bubbles Ernie 'Bubbles' Whitman
  10. What's the early session from the 70s with Harold McNair like? Worth chasing up for McNair's playing?
  11. Based of what I've seen of him in action - he's a veritable whirling dervish !
  12. Definitely 2CD (just checked). Disk 1 'Cassandranite'. Disk 2 'Love Dance'. It was around $20 when it came out (or thereabouts). GREAT collection. As is the other Woody double ('Two More Pieces of the Puzzle').
  13. sidewinder

    Mingus News

    I chatted briefly with Fred Cohen on this issue last Summer and my understanding from him was that the master tapes had been lost/destroyed by Capitol's LA operation. Fred still has copies of the 2LP reissue set for sale at the JRC (at least he did as of last Summer) Fred's/Sue Mingus's reissue was taken from a 'mint' vinyl of the original Charles Mingus Enterprises, I believe.
  14. I hope he does 'Viva Tirado' at his forthcoming London gig on the 17th.
  15. Dick Morrissey and Terry Smith are on it, I believe. Interesting...
  16. Have double-searched right across my racks and still can't find it. No doubt it will turn up sometime next year. I seriously need to hire that vinyl librarian.
  17. Have a GREAT vinyl-packed, deep groovin' birthday ! :rsmile:
  18. Grant Green 'Green Street' (BN NY USA mono) Brownie - that 'Sister Salvation' is a good LP. I have a UK London of that one (will have to dig it out).
  19. UK Columbia issues of the 50s/60s were produced by EMI, Hayes, Middlesex.
  20. J.J. Walker Dr. J Tony Jerant ← Sir Geraint King Arthur Arturo Sandoval
  21. FWIW....I asked a BN guru about Lex/Liberty label sightings and his reply was: Only once, on a Fats Navarro (1531 or 1532) which was a display item at my local record store and later destroyed in a building flood!! ← Up again for this one, just spotted it.
  22. Sinead O'Connor Pope John Paul II Mother Theresa
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