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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. Sorry about the delay in posting my 'WAG's so far but here goes: (1) Obviously West Coast. I've heard this before - could be from the Shorty Rogers Mosaic? (need to give it a listen). Sounds like it might be Pete Jolly on piano, John Graas on french horn. If not Shorty then maybe Jack Sheldon? Don't think the altoist is Pepper - possibly Joe Maini? (2) Trumpet intro - Enrico Rava? Sounds European anyway. Hey, there's an excerpt from the theme tune of the 1970s Roald Dahl 'Mysteries' TV show in there ( ) (3) Piano intro with mild hints of Andrew Hill and Monk. Don Pullen? Some of the keyboard riffs on there remind me of him. Possible from one of his BN trio albums? (4) Free formish bass, drume and acoustic guitar. The drummer reminds me very much of Chico Hamilton. Sounds sort of like some of the stuff he recorded with Cary deNegris on 'Forestorn'. (5) Baritone sax solo plus string orchestra. Very nice arrangement in a Francy Boland mold. Sahib Shihab? Or maybe Lars Gullin? Hmmm - like it though. (6) Piano and bass plus vocal. Pleasant enough. I thought it might be Jamie Cullum but then realised it was a female voice. (7) Sounds like a french horn player in an Albert Mangelsdorf vibe. Possibly John Clark? Or if not maybe Tom Varner. Certainly virtuosic. (8) Guitarist reminds me of Kevin Eubanks but can't place the track. Could that be Dave Holland on bass and Smitty Smith on drums. Like this one ! (9) 'Satin Doll'. Pretty sure it isn't Oscar Peterson but it does have an MPS/SABA vibe to it. My guess - Horst Jankowski.. (10) Bigish band group with clarinets featured. Quite a nice arrangement in a Thad Jonesish way. Possibly Eddie Daniels featured on clarinet? (11) Another very 'European' sounding group with what sounds like a cornet as the lead instrument. Manfred Schoof? (12) Sort of Methenyish opening which then transitions into a bass lead. Steve Rodby? Hmmm - dunno. (13) This reminds me very much of E.S.T - very controlled performance with definite slavic influences. (14) Also Slavic/Scandinavian by the sound this and I've definitely heard this before. Jan Johansson on his obscure 1960s trio recording? ('Jazz pa Ungerska/Folkvisor' I think it's called). (15) Accordion player reminds me a bit of Michel Portal but - dunno. Accordions are not really my thing ! skip for the moment to: (17) The only 'no brainer'. The Clarke-Boland Big Band with Eddie 'Lockjaw' Davies featured on 'Sax No End' (SABA/MPS) Thanks Tjobbe - Most enjoyable !
  2. I can't say I'm suprised, as I think it's only 'Compulsion' that hasn't been reissued on domestic CD. The LP version of the set is still pricey though !
  3. Rendell/Carr Quintet 'Change Is' (Columbia Lansdowne) Gigi Gryce 'Saying Somethin'' (Esquire mono)
  4. Just checked my brush and it is the Vivanco ACB25 carbon-fibre brush - you just apply gently for a few revolutions before each play. Seems effective enough.
  5. Is this a reprint of his 1970s autobiography? Some interesting recollections about Miles, Claude Thornhill, Dolphy, Elvin etc. in that one.
  6. I don't think England have beaten Sweden since 1960something.. Not promising... a bit of a dillema again for Eriksson too.
  7. Sonny Rollins 'Plays For Bird' (Prestige 50th St DG mono original). Rollins in majesterial form, with an equally good Kenny Dorham. Eric Dolphy 'Out There' (Esquire UK original)
  8. Evan Parker (or his 'outlet') has also been selling spare Incus vinyls of the Kenny Wheeler 'Song For Someone', sans sleeve (and with a slightly lighter pressing than the original). I picked one up for $10 - a good 'standby' copy at that price. They sound fine and are worth looking out for on ebay.
  9. Big for the music of Kenny from here too. A truly individual stylist - can't think of any album where he doesn't come up with the good stuff. On a sad note, there is mention in the notes to the Mosaic Charles Tolliver Select of Tolliver seeing Kenny scuffling to make a living in the early 70s and thereafter Tolliver vowing to make sure he kept the full rights to his music. Without KD there may not have been a Strata East..
  10. Webster Young 'For Lady' (Prestige, not sure if this one has already come up) Richard Williams 'New Horn In Town' (Candid)
  11. The Sony unit with the 80Gbyte hard drive looks pretty good. I've got my eye on that one..
  12. Shake Keane 'That's The Noise' (mono Ace of Clubs). Recently reissued on the inferior format ( ) this is an undemanding, pretty nice set of covers of 60s pop hits. With Bob Efford, Olaf Vas and Pat Smythe. followed by: Johnny Griffin 'The Congregation' (BN 47W63rd deep groove mono) Kenny Burrell 'Midnight Blue' (BN NY USA mono)
  13. I saw Ra and the Arkestra a couple of times in the late 80s - once in Toronto and then a few months later in Boston (pre-stroke). The Toronto gig was particularly good, seemed to go on for ever. He also broke the concert up into self-containes sets - 'Greatest Hits', 'Disney', 'Tribute to Fletcher Henderson', 'More Greatest Hits'. Lots of good stuff - 'Rocket No. 9', 'Sunset on the River Nile' etc.
  14. An RVG of the 'Portrait of Sheila' is long overdue. Backtrack - make mine a mid-price Conn.
  15. In recognition of the email received from Blue Note today announcing his return to 'the fold' Andrew Hill 'Judgement' (BN NY USA mono, DG side 1) and 'Compulsion' (BN NY USA mono)
  16. Gee, do I like that album...? Actually, I'm dying to hear a MONO one... On deck later tonight..
  17. Bertrand - I'm all for it. Sometimes little things like this can make all the difference and I don't think it's tasteless.
  18. These are great ! The ones to check out are the Sal Nistico, the Nick Brignola, the Dizzy Reece and the Curtis Fuller. The Sal Salvadors are good as well. Some of the best hard bop recordings from the 1970s IMO.
  19. 'All Love - Grady Tate Sings' (Eighty-Eights). Superb Japanese pressing and good batchelor-pad album..
  20. I was checking a load of them yesterday and it looks like they have now sorted out Herbie's surname on 'Oblique' in the latest production run.
  21. The 41-50 category fits for me. Looks like there are lots of us..
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