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Everything posted by clifford_thornton

  1. I don't know about Sunday mornings (rarely do I get up early on that "sacred" day), but this morning I listened to AMM music from The Crypt, 1968...
  2. Marzette Watts (tenor) featuring vocalist Patty Waters on a truly lyrical version of the song, from the Marzette Watts Ensemble Savoy LP, produced by Bill Dixon in 1969. It's absolutely heartbreaking.
  3. Yeah, I just have that on a twofer, but it's great!
  4. I would like to get a few of the McLeans in this form, too. Now THAT's a cat who will never be overrated in my eyes!
  5. What, 'Dance With Death'? Oops, I sometimes let my feelings of Hill's overratedness slip out... sorry! I wish I had some other King LPs to balance it out, but I keep getting outbid on Poppin'.
  6. I've got the rainbow pressing, too (the Daniel A version). I remember the Conn CD had the track order mixed up; is that the case on the Conn LP also? The King looks cool, though I've never seen one offered for sale. The only one of those I've successfully scored was the Andrew Hill, which is cool-looking but ultimately mediocre.
  7. For me, the most rewarding Mainstream titles have been the post-Time classical releases, like MEV/AMM, Sonic Arts Union, New Music from London (Birtwistle, Maxwell Davies, Orton, etc.). For a moment I didn't realize those later jazz releases were at all connected to the Time/Mainstream catalog of the '60s.
  8. Happy Belated B-day MG! Glad it was a good one...
  9. I remember hearing and liking that one, too, though it's been a while. African Space Program is pretty wild, and great. Haven't heard it in years, though. There's one on Nadja with Cherry and Carlos Ward called Third World Underground that's also supposed to be good.
  10. I dig Spaulding and Hubbard but the Atlantics never moved me (incl. & esp. the Mimaroglu, though I have enjoyed a few other Mimaroglu works). I say stick with the BNs, but... You'll have to let me know how the Schoof/Kuhn split is; I have early LPs from both and really enjoy the music, so I can't imagine it's a) weak or b) anything I haven't heard before. Jaki is hip on the Schoof sides, though not as "singular" in his approach as he was with (The) Can. Living in NYC is hip, as one may actually be able to find a halfway-decent copy of a later Pharaoh Impulse for less than $15, which is the most I'd pay for any of those LPs. I don't have Love In Us All, but I could imagine digging it...
  11. I remember that... considering the lyrics/context of the song, I can't imagine any offence, but who knows... "If I picked a man's pocket / and bought you flowers / would that make me a thief?"
  12. Paul Bley - Ramblin' - (BYG Actuel original) Great set; I think this was supposed to be a GTA but was not issued until the early '70s... now: Paul Bley - Mr. Joy - (Limelight original) with a fine and very free version of "Ramblin'."
  13. Creeley and Lacy are like peanut butter and jelly...
  14. I prefer Shades of Redd to the other BNs. Don't have the Riverside, or the Futura (which I'd also like to get).
  15. Howard Riley - The Day Will Come - (CBS UK original)
  16. Vinny Golia - The Gift of Fury - (Nine Winds) bitchin' 1981 session with Roberto Miranda, Alex Cline, Wayne Peet and trombonist John Rapson.
  17. I love the Bowie cover. Got 'em on LP, and they look nice!
  18. There's an interesting band referenced on the back of Hans Dulfer's Jazz in Paradiso LP that includes McLaughlin, Freddy Van Hove, Han and Peter Bennink. This would've been 1968 or '69. I know McLaughlin was also working with Gunter Hampel during this period. Would've been interesting to see/hear what might've happened had he gone that route...
  19. And many more to a wonderful composer and trumpeter!
  20. Well, considering 'Trane was just barely past "anti-jazz" in '63...
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